My experience with food stamps

The biggest problem I have with the food stamp program is what deprave mentioned, it doesn't go off employment history like other government programs. So you have elderly that have been paying taxes for 60 years and they have a house and car they get denied or get so little it does no good. It isn't a hand up its a hand out, to qualify for anything worth while you need to become a complete bum. It is more profitable for women to become baby factories and make money under the table. Go to any low income housing and this is almost all you see, I am not trying to be a bigot just not ignoring reality it is what it is.

And the republicans want to ban abortion. Get ready for more kids running around. You hang out at low income housing?

YES, Raise My Taxes, & Feed the POOR!.............and yes I know there will be abuses,............It's FOOD! We can errior on the side of caution in this instance.
Got some news for you, Your Taxes don't feed the poor, and raising your taxes surely won't do that either. It is all one big scam.
Got some news for you, Your Taxes don't feed the poor, and raising your taxes surely won't do that either. It is all one big scam.
Sounds like somebody's been listening to faux news again!.......tisk, know better.......Come on, feeding the poor won't hurt you that much. You'll feel better when you look in the mirror.
Got some news for you, Your Taxes don't feed the poor, and raising your taxes surely won't do that either. It is all one big scam.

I've always wondered, considered the magnitude of our military, how the hell they paid for it all, even on a half trillion dollar budget.
Sounds like somebody's been listening to faux news again!.......tisk, know better.......Come on, feeding the poor won't hurt you that much. You'll feel better when you look in the mirror.
....I don't listen to faux news...I just have a brain, you think that they raise your taxes and then its used to feed the poor? Really?
Sounds like somebody's been listening to faux news again!.......tisk, know better.......Come on, feeding the poor won't hurt you that much. You'll feel better when you look in the mirror.

I'll just say that automatic car washes are better than swiss bank accounts.
Well, let me see? People are hungry. The gov wants to feed them. But Food costs money. Gov uses taxes for operating expences. We use something called food stamps to facilitate this task. That's how the gov can feed the people..............So, yes, raising taxes will give the gov the money to buy the food to give the people........
Many of the people that need food stamps are disabled or the elderly. Do you want to see some 80year old grandmaw in a walker picking-up trash in the city park for food stamps?! Or they'er college students trying to complete an education. Or they can't find a job that pays enough to house & feed them.
Let's feed them at least!...........It's f*cking FOOD!..........Hunger in America is SHAMEFULL!!!!
YES, Raise My Taxes, & Feed the POOR!.............and yes I know there will be abuses,............It's FOOD! We can errior on the side of caution in this instance.

It is NOT just food. Do you know anyone on food stamps? Do you know anyone who receives food stamps that doesn't sell atleast a portion of those food stamps?
It is NOT just food. Do you know anyone on food stamps? Do you know anyone who receives food stamps that doesn't sell atleast a portion of those food stamps?
No fortunatly I don't know anyone on food stamps............and I know there are's still just FOOD. They only get so much & they have to eat.
There are abuses of everything bro. Do you ever drive on the hwy?....People just ignor the speed limit! They aren't supposed to drive that fast, but they do.
Well, let me see? People are hungry. The gov wants to feed them.
But Food costs money. Gov uses taxes for operating expences.
Wrong again
We use something called food stamps to facilitate this task. That's how the gov can feed the people..............
3 Strikes, will he swing again?
So, yes, raising taxes will give the gov the money to buy the food to give the people........
and he takes another swing into the air....whiff!.....over his head.
wrong Wrong again 3 Strikes, will he swing again? and he takes another swing into the air....whiff!.....over his head.

Hilarious that people don't understand that the majority of tax money is used by government FOR government isn't it?

They somehow think that government runs on tax money it brings in.

Sorry people, government runs on money they borrow. At interest, payable by YOU and your Children.
Hilarious that people don't understand that the majority of tax money is used by government FOR government isn't it? They somehow think that government runs on tax money it brings in. Sorry people, government runs on money they borrow. At interest, payable by YOU and your Children.
well the number of comical things in such statements are so numerous they remain difficult to count, I think the most hilarious thing is "Yes Please Raise my taxes" which translates for me as "Yes please violently mug me and rape me in the back alley", bondage as pleasure is just something that sort of cracks me up as it seems very stupid.
Just feed the people.
Print the money. Borrow it. Re-direct it. I don't really care where they 'appropriate' the funds from. We seem to come up with plenty of money for other things. Feed all that need it.
Hunger in America is Shamefull!
Feed our hungry
Just feed the people. Print the money. Borrow it. Re-direct it. I don't really care where they 'appropriate' the funds from. We seem to come up with plenty of money for other things. Feed all that need it. Hunger in America is Shamefull! Feed our hungry
Government doesn't have the peoples interest in mind and they never will, its impossible as they aren't people. Especially not good, moral, generous or caring, this is counter to a violent coercive monopoly with no accountability. We have to do it, no question about it.
Government doesn't have the peoples interest in mind and they never will, its impossible as they aren't people. Especially not good, moral, generous or caring, this is counter to a violent coercive monopoly with no accountability. We have to do it, no question about it.

What is the libertarian Ron Paul solution to feeding the hungry?