My experience with food stamps


Well-Known Member
I have been working in this field for about 6 months now and it is horrendous. These programs need to be simplified. The system is so clogged up both because of the endless regulations and because of all the people that apply and don't need assistance. When you over regulate, it increases costs of these programs because you need more oversight. There comes a point where the marginal benefit of preventing fraud exceeds the marginal cost of the fraud itself. The conservatives are kind of backwards on this issue, if they want to save the taxpayers money then they are doing it wrong by creating a monstrous and complex system which increases the costs of helping the few that actually need it. Some examples of over-regulation:

*If you have two drug felonies you cannot get food stamps, but if you are a rapist or a murderer we will make sure you eat good.

*There is no longer a work requirement, except for college students. So, if you are a loser that doesn't go to school or have a job you can get food assistance. If you go to school and work at an unpaid internship you are ineligible.

*Most elderly people own their own home, therefore the considered expenses when determining a food stamp allotment are generally much lower for the elderly.

I'm not arguing that all regulations are bad, but there is too many and they are too specific and discriminatory. If I was in charge here is what I would do:

*Every able bodied person from age 16-65 is ineligible.
*Institute a work requirement for parents applying for their children. No income floor for eligibility but income limits in place. Parent must work or volunteer at least 20 hours a week.
*Income limits for the elderly and disabled.
*Do away with food stamp budgeting, everyone gets the same amount.
*A person can only apply once a year, if they are denied they must follow through with the appeal process. They cannot just keep reapplying.

This is a step in the right direction of shrinking the program. The food banks and churches are great programs which should not be crowded out by the goddamn food stamps. The food banks get food from markets that would otherwise be thrown away and sell it cheaply to churches and food pantries. The churches, through donations, pay the food bank around $600 for a truckload. One truckload usually feeds about 200 families. This program is soo much better than food stamps. Freedom winning again.

The food bank receives matching funds from the state. The food stamp program is 100% federally funded.

Food banks are not to be found in some areas. If you think that not trying to prevent fraud won't increase fraud, you're mistaken.
Let em starve. The reality is harsh, but that is what will happen in the end anyway. The system cannot be saved, it can only grow larger and larger until it eats itself. The pie was all gone long ago, virtual pie is not as filling.
Let em starve. The reality is harsh, but that is what will happen in the end anyway. The system cannot be saved, it can only grow larger and larger until it eats itself. The pie was all gone long ago, virtual pie is not as filling.

You need a little work on your teambuilding skills bro!
Let em starve. The reality is harsh, but that is what will happen in the end anyway. The system cannot be saved, it can only grow larger and larger until it eats itself. The pie was all gone long ago, virtual pie is not as filling.

In real life, pies that are about to expire are being thrown away. Lets support the free market programs that buy this food at discount and give it to the homeless and discourage overuse of food stamps and all of the side effects it brings.
NM has a work requirement. It can be waived but only for age, health etc. I would like to see the commodities the US buys to prop prices up were distributed equally to food banks instead of just a separate commodities program. Food and health are necessities, not luxuries.
I say we will provide good paying jobs with health care for everyone and solve this food stamp problem once and for all!
I say we will provide good paying jobs with health care for everyone and solve this food stamp problem once and for all!

employment as a constitutional right, and a $200 an hour minimum wage! lets make EVERYBODY a government employee and ensure EVERYBODY is "middle class"! :dunce:

who could object to that? except people with functional brains.
Our health care system is abysmal and I have tons of statistics from infant mortality, life expectancy, maternal mortality and more to back everything I say there. That said, with our huge US technology sector and a workforce needing jobs if the US could wed the two plus increase faculty salaries to attract nursing professors and more the US could be a destination for healthcare. I know - some rich despots come here for healthcare. Because they can afford the very best and they do. We can do it, we just fucking don't.

Almost 4 decades in professional medicine. I have a few clues in the field. No insurance card? You just failed the wallet biopsy, amigo.
The reality is we live in a society where we have poor middle and high class. There is no way poverty will ever end. Everyone can't be rich. I think we have to think about how welfare is distributed. Maybe we have the city come up with medial task that someone with a poor education can do and that is how they earn there money. like cleaning the city, data entry. Either people on welfare will get tired of doing crap work and maybe improve their lives or they continue to be on welfare but at least they are earning their wage and not sitting on their ass. I am all for drug testing. I think if welfare stopped, the churches and private sector would be overwhelmed with the needy. I think most people that are out of a job right now do want to work. I don't think most of them want to be in the situation they are in. I think education is huge, the less we train our people for the jobs of tomorrow, the more likely to see poverty imo. But you could argue in these current times even good education can't necessarily land you a job.

This is a step in the right direction of shrinking the program. The food banks and churches are great programs which should not be crowded out by the goddamn food stamps. The food banks get food from markets that would otherwise be thrown away and sell it cheaply to churches and food pantries. The churches, through donations, pay the food bank around $600 for a truckload. One truckload usually feeds about 200 families. This program is soo much better than food stamps. Freedom winning again.

The food bank receives matching funds from the state. The food stamp program is 100% federally funded.


So what are the restrictions on churchs that hand out food against mandatory prayer for the recipients?
This is a step in the right direction of shrinking the program. The food banks and churches are great programs which should not be crowded out by the goddamn food stamps. This program is soo much better than food stamps. Freedom winning again.


If it's gov provided funds or food, they shouldn't have to pray for it!

Is that in context for you?
Salvation army in madison wisconsin made church services a mandatory thing for aid recipients
Many of the people that need food stamps are disabled or the elderly. Do you want to see some 80year old grandmaw in a walker picking-up trash in the city park for food stamps?! Or they'er college students trying to complete an education. Or they can't find a job that pays enough to house & feed them.
Let's feed them at least!...........It's f*cking FOOD!..........Hunger in America is SHAMEFULL!!!!
YES, Raise My Taxes, & Feed the POOR!.............and yes I know there will be abuses,............It's FOOD! We can errior on the side of caution in this instance.