My crappy setup


Well-Known Member
does anyone know if it is possible to make a drip system with soil plants that drains back into the reservoir?


Active Member
Unless your working with about 10% soil and 90% perlite it would be pretty don't want to be running enough water through your plants for it to drain out the bottom anyways...thats definitley an overwater. You can however use your drip system still...just set it to water for a VERY short period of time, not nearly enough to drain out the bottom and be pumped back around. Plus...soil holds hot spots of nutrients...different Ph levels...all that good stuff, so your return water could be very unpredictable

Are you trying to leave your plants for a while? If so, how long



Well-Known Member
im going to be gone for 3 weeks.
i might just have all the excess drain into a rubbermaid or something


Active Member
Whoa three weeks!! Wooow.

I would think your option then would be to use the drip setup, but only let it run long enough to put out about 300ml of water, and have it set to go off every 3 days or so...of course you would need a serious digital day by day timer for that. Leaving your plants for three weeks is pretty damn tricky.



Well-Known Member
ok new update.
i have gotten my temp to 80 degrees with 40 - 50 percent humidity. is that a good range? cuz i had it at 30 and i heard that wasnt enough


Well-Known Member
i just took 2 clones off of the big plant in the tent. they havent died yet so i guess i did it right. i used one clone with just water and another with Schultz TakeRoot and Jiffy Pellets.but i am still not sure on the sex of the plant in the tent . as for the 2 plants in veg. the bigger of the 2 has gotten bigger. and the seedling is well on its way.


Active Member
well here it is...
- 2 rubbermaids clammed together.
- 4 12 volt computer fans
- 4 frozen water bottles
- 1 hygrometer
- some mylar alternative :confused:
- 8 23 wat cool white cfls

not too sure how long ive been flowering

as for the lil one.
- 1 42 wat cfl

messy closet, very cluttered i know, but that is all my DWC stuff for next crop
and yes it is very half assed. put about 3 hours into making it. i was on a short budget and i still am.
good enough for now. my wiring is a mess too. =/

this plant has gone through hell and back. almost died of heat trauma. i actually had 2 ... the other didnt make it.
u give me more hope showing me how well ur plant is doing im using two bulbs like urs and 2 3-4 ft floures and instead of computer fans im using a huge white fan one that move left to right my plant looks good so far its my first grow also only difference is mines rly short with only 4 leaves lolz less maybe a half inch tall =p just started


Well-Known Member
well man thanks allot for dropping by and taking a look at my setup. anything can be done if u put your mind to it. the thing is ... if things go wrong u cant get pissed off and stop growing. u gotta learn from what happened. good luck. and if u have a journal. ill be a regular on it. and i have a little guy growing too. i think it has 6 leaves and 2 more lil ones coming in. its about an inch tall. very broad leaves tho for its size.
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Well-Known Member
hey rictor thanks for all the info about the box Im trying to think something up kinda like it (the rubbermaid) do you have directions Im a complete jackass whenit comes to building shit so i need as much help as i can get


Well-Known Member
hey bro thanks for seeking me for advice. ill help u out as much as i can. do u have aim. and i added u to my contacts


Well-Known Member
no i dont have aim i hane yahoo messenger or some shit its my girls comput its [email protected] or some thing along those lines. what does add to my contacts mean? yeah thanks again man for being so willing to help out


Well-Known Member
private message.
my yahoo is xxxpatsabxxx and my aim is the same.
go to your roll it up. top right hand corner and accept my friend invite