My crappy setup


Well-Known Member
well yea it is pretty complicated
i mean 3 weeks without me ...
if u decide to do it.
hit me up and ill help u out with whatever u need.


New Member
NO CAMERA! *cry* But I Never Really Wanted To Journal It Anyway. But I Think Ill Journal This Little Hobby Im About To Start.


Well-Known Member
fuck it just keeps dripping even when the pump turns off
this shit sucks
i think is back pressure from the hoses


Well-Known Member
well i think is all fixed
its set to water the big plant 1 cup and the lil plant half a cup at 6 in the morning


Well-Known Member
ok im still on vacation but ill be home to see my babies in a few days. i forgot to post up on here that i rigged up a diy carbon filter b4 i left. its a carbon in a thin dish towel sewn shut then i put that into a net pot and duck taped a piece of tubing to it. then i cut a hole in the tent to fit the tube then taped it all up.

there isnt a fan hooked up to the tube but im going to make a better system when i get back. but its enough for now cuz i sealed the entire room up and turned on the fan. so the only plane for odor and air to go is through that filter.

pics will come later


Well-Known Member
lol sublimed!haha im baked righ tnow,girl just dumped me because these other 4 girls who i was hanging with were diggin me so they texted my girl saying they was in my pants and then my girl showed up and beat up one bitch and dumped me so i started making out in fron tof hte other bitch in fron to fher and cops got calle dhaha


Well-Known Member
Dont you have plants growing? Why would you want to invite shit like the cops near your plants? WTF is that shit about? It sounds like you got some weak teenage drama type shit in your life right now. Dont let it affect your grow and blaze on homie blaze on.


Well-Known Member
lol i didnt have nething to do with it haha,and the cops didnt come here but they got called on my x and she has court now,im fucking laughing but the whole thinig