My CFL Closet Journal, AK47, Ice, and Fem. Trainwreck


Well-Known Member
This post is for anyone interested in the cloning in a cup of water I was trying out. I am glad to say that I had great success with this approach. I took 10 cuts without rooting gel and 2 with gel. All 12 have rooted and are now in soil. They all look very healthy. It took a total of 16 days for all 12 to be ready. The fastest clone was ready in 12 days. This method was sooooo simple. Cut a healthy looking multinode branch. Scrape the tip a little to expose some inner plant matter. Then drop the cutting into some water and change the water daily. This is by far the lowest cost cloning method that I know of. Worked excellent for me. If you want to know more about it feel free to ask.


Well-Known Member
So the rooting gel doesnt even really matter then? I might actually start doing this. seems so much simpler. i wonder if putting an airstone would have any affect. Do you set the PH at all either? Type of water? was it warm/ed or room temp? I guess what im saying is, please, explain :D


Well-Known Member
So the rooting gel doesnt even really matter then? I might actually start doing this. seems so much simpler. i wonder if putting an airstone would have any affect. Do you set the PH at all either? Type of water? was it warm/ed or room temp? I guess what im saying is, please, explain :D
I'll do better than just explain. Here is the link to the thread I used as a guide:

As for your questions. I don't think the rooting gel really matters. It would seem to me that when you dip the cutting into the water the rooting gel will get washed away. This is fine at first because the gel is in the same water as the cutting. When you change the water for the first time you will pour out the rooting gel. I had just as much success in the same amount of time with root gel as I did without it. The water I was using was from 4L bottles of Equality brand Natural Spring Water. The pH from this water tested around 7.3 and the ppm was about 390. I never bothered to warm the water. It was always kept at room temperature. One of the things the guy in the thread stressed heavily was to keep the cuttings under indirect light. By only providing them with minimal light you challenge the cutting to grow some roots in order to gather the energy that the leaves would normally take in through excess light. As soon as you can see little white root bumps forming on the stem get that cutting into some soil. At this point the cutting now needs some food and will extract it from the leaves unless you get it into a medium. I would recommend using a VERY diluted nutrient feed when you transfer it into a medium. My room temperature was roughly 20'C(lights off) and 24'C(lights on.) You do not need a humidity dome with this method. You also only need to mist the cuttings one time. This is just to provide it with some water while the plant gets used to sucking water up its stem.

Overall this method was very simple and I would recommend that anyone who is having trouble with conventional methods give it a shot. If anyone has any other questions feel free to ask.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I decided it is time to try again with the AK 47. I only put one seed into the paper towel. It has been about 36 hours since I did so. The see is cracked. The taproot is about 1/4" long. The cup of dirt is ready. So HEEEERRRRREEEE WE GOOOOOOOO. Attempt #2 at getting some female AK47 genetics to work with. I've got some low quality seed germ pictures for you guys/gals. Enjoy.



Well-Known Member
hey thanks for that clone info! im gonna give her a try then next time i cut some. i hope that AK47 works out for you! good luck


Well-Known Member
Growth: Day 95
Flower: Day 36(Train Wreck), Day 31(Ice)
Temp: 23.4'C
RH: 51%

I was spending some time with my girls today doing some thinking about lighting. I had been looking into providing some secondary lighting for the bottoms of the plants. My only problem was that I couldn't figure out how to do it, but I did know that I had 2 extra 42W bulbs that I could be making use of. A little bit of cutting and splicing later I had my finished product. A custom lamp just tall enough to be even with the 5 gallon grow bags. I placed the new lamp in the centre of the girls and spaced them out evenly around it. Then I slightly bent the tops of the plants towards the hole in the centre so that ever top would be right under the arc tube. The plants are getting some great light from the HPS above and now some solid secondary lighting from the CFL below.

I will take some pictures of the clones tomorrow when the lights come back on. One of them has really started to take off. I had a little problem with heat in there but I think taking the 42W bulbs will take care of that. They weren't in there for the first set and they did just fine. I think the 42Ws will serve me much better in their new home.



Well-Known Member
I came into the room to check on the clones and take some pictures. Now it seems as if I may be stuck in here for the next couple hours. My cousin and her friends are hanging out in the basement right now. I don't want them to see me coming out of the locked room. Then they will want to know what is on the other side. Frankly I'm just not willing to share that information.

On the plus side it means you gang get to see some pictures of my clones earlier than I had expected. They are taking their sweet ass time reverting back into a vegetative state. It is interesting to watch it happen, but I am kinda tired of waiting on them and just want them to start growing. It has now been 22 days since the cuttings were taken from the plants. They are all still alive but some of them look very unhealthy and only 6 of 12 have really started growing. Here are some pictures. Anyone with a little cloning experience have any input as to what might be happening with some of the yellowed fan leaves. The yellowing appears to be starting at the centre and could possibly be some form of root rot. The ones showing issues have yet to fully absorb the first drink that I gave them days ago.



Well-Known Member
I don't really know how to explain this to you guys. Everything was cool with the room going on downstairs. Suddenly my mom has decided that it HAS to go. She has given me an ultimatum: Get those fucking plants out of my house or don't come back home next time you go out. I don't know what changed, but my plants have to go. They are at day 49 and 45 of flowering and probably have at least 2 more weeks to go. I would just find a place outside for them but they are so big and would be difficult to transport. Also they would not get proper 12/12 lighting. I dont know what to do. Would it be wise just to take an early harvest?(They are definitely not ready to be cut down. They have been flowering very slowly and have only recently started to fatten up.) Anyone have any suggestions as to how I can safely transport a 3ft tall fully budding plant? The clones I will find a place somewhere outdoors for them and let them mature naturally but the ones in flower are too far along for my current outdoor climate. Will they continue to budd if I take them outside where they will receive lighting that is roughly 16/8? Someone PLEASE help. Any suggestions would be very appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, im sorry to hear that. I moved my plants when I moved into my apt. I just bought a couple moving boxes and put em in there for the ride and they were fine. Do you have anywhere you can take them, to a friends house? If not you might just have to go with a early harvest. sorry man :joint:
damn dude thats about the worst thing i heard.You might have to just take a loss and take a early harvest.Hopefully the clones will be able to make up for it.Also try more stealth next time.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't trying to hide it from anyone. She fully knew what was going on. Not sure why she changed her mind. At first she was enjoying watching it. I decided to go for an early harvest. I managed to get a couple more days out of her. I'll take some pics of them drying soon and let you guy/gals who may still be left know what my weight came in at. All the clones are happy out in the wilderness now. I really hope I am the one who gets to harvest them and not some ignorant ass crop hunting bitch. Hopefully they will be safe. They are well hidden.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh man that sucks balls dude. I still wouldnt have told her man. Stealth is always the way to go especially when its not your own home.


Well-Known Member
Here is the pic of my early harvest. Still drying/curing. My guess is 120g. The buds needed at least 2 more weeks but unfortunately I couldn't go any longer :(
Hopefully I get another chance soon. For now there is nothing on the go. Just keeping the mothers alive so I can hold onto the genes.

