My CFL Closet Journal, AK47, Ice, and Fem. Trainwreck


Well-Known Member
Chuck the males, yes you can clone a plant after a week of flowering, not sure about the yellowing clones and about 2 weeks roughly for clones to root :)
Thank you for the prompt response. Any idea if I could maybe apply a light foliar feeding to the cuttings? The yellowing definitely looks like a nitrogen deficiency.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you could but i don't think clones need much nitrogen. I flush for a week or so before i take clones off my mothers. Mind you i'm new to cloning myself and my first attempt didn't go too well (they all died!) but the second lot are doing much better


Active Member
god... I hope my grow goes even remotely as well as yours has... can't wait to see how much you yield. I hope all the rest of yours turn out to be females :D g/l


Well-Known Member
For the past couple days I have been watching the clones wither and die. I decided to pull one out to see if any roots had initiated. As I had guessed the answer was no. Strange for 10 days in the cube. I thought about it for awhile and believe I know what went wrong. Fortunately I believe the problem was 100% human error. All the conditions were optimal and the cuttings were all done well. The problem was that when I was inserting them into the rock wool cubes they kept flopping over. I noticed that if I poked them into the rock wool a tiny bit they would stand up. Now that I look back on that I believe I may have killed them all right then and there. Lesson learned.

Round 2 went down today. I took 12 cuttings in total and made sure simply to drop them in the holes this time and not force them into the rock wool. They have all flopped right over but I believe this is normal. I have placed them under 1 42W 6500K which will be on 24h for the first couple days. If I see the cuttings begin to stand up I will assume they have a little bit of root mass and cut the lights to 18/6. I am confident that round 2 will go very well.


Well-Known Member
damn i sure hope it goes well! the clones shouldnt be flopped over tho, they should be able to stand up by themselves. also, mine hardly ever root within ten days. it usually takes a straight 2 weeks to see first roots


Well-Known Member
damn i sure hope it goes well! the clones shouldnt be flopped over tho, they should be able to stand up by themselves. also, mine hardly ever root within ten days. it usually takes a straight 2 weeks to see first roots
A few of the clones are now able to stand up straight and all but 2 are showing signs of new growth. The 2 that are not showing growth look very unhealthy and have some bad colouring going on. I really hope some of them take. I do not want to start from seed again.


Well-Known Member
Growth: Day 70
Flowering: Day 11 (Train Wreck), Day 6 (AK & Ice)
Temp: 24.5'C
RH: 49%

All of the transplants are looking extremely healthy. One plant was displaying some slowed growth while getting used to the new pot, but I believe it is on it's way now. It had been about a week since the plants had gotten any water whatsoever. The 5 gallon bags still felt a little heavy so I doubt they were completely dried out but I decided to go ahead and give everyone some water anyways. I applied plain pH'd water to the soil and then mixed a 1/4 strength nutrient solution in the spray bottle. After which I proceeded to drench the leaves in the nutrient solution using a very fine mist. This all took place yesterday. When I went in today to check on them they had all EXPLODED. Some seriously noticeable growth as well as a change to a very healthy looking green.

Some of the plants are very hesitant to show me any sort of preflower. So far, if I am not mistaken, the sex count is as follows:

AK47: 1 female, 1 undecided
Train wreck: 4 females, 2 undetermined
Ice: 2 females, 1 undetermined



Well-Known Member
don't worry about the slow growth m8. that plant gona love the space it's root gona get. you seem to have fan leaves as big as my hand :) nice!!


Well-Known Member
Man hemp! those are looking amazing!

congrats on sexing! i hope i get a girl!

Oh and i haven't let anyone in on this yet but i added a few 12/12 from seed with my already flowering beauty


Well-Known Member
don't worry about the slow growth m8. that plant gona love the space it's root gona get. you seem to have fan leaves as big as my hand :) nice!!
They all definitely love the new pots. Growing much bigger and faster than they were in the little 8" pots. Now I just have to play the waiting game.

Man hemp! those are looking amazing!

congrats on sexing! i hope i get a girl!

Oh and i haven't let anyone in on this yet but i added a few 12/12 from seed with my already flowering beauty
Thanks AcidBurn. I am very pleased with how my first attempt is going so far. Things are looking very green and healthy. Flowering seems like it is taking a very long time to kick in. Here hoping for your girl*fingers crossed*


Well-Known Member
Now that everyone seems to be well adjusted to their new homes it is officially time to consider spring break over. With the end of spring break comes summer training. They got to live the easy life for a little while. Anyone who was standing up too tall is feeling the bend once again. I am putting some moderate LST into place once again on a select few. Hopefully it will be as effective as it was earlier on.

My ballast is running REALLY Loud. Anyone know what might be wrong?



Well-Known Member
Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same old thing and expecting different results. After the complete fail of cloning round 1 and the so far unpleasant results of rock wool round 2 I have decided that it would be leaning towards Einstein's insanity definition to try the same approach again. In light of this I started scouring the forum looking for a different cloning technique. Fortunately I've found one that has worked well for a great number of people in that thread. It is so simple that it almost seems to good to be true. Simply take a cutting like you normally would but instead of placing it into a medium put it into some water. Replace the water once a day and apparently within 7-21 days I should have roots. Once I get a root mass simply transplant into the soil and away we go.

I took a bunch of clones today using this method. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

Sexing Update:
AKs - 1 female(100% sure), 2 male(98% sure)
Ice - 2 females(100% sure)
Train Wreck - 4 Females(100% sure), 2 undetermined but looking like they are also female.



Well-Known Member
is the rooting powder/complex in the water while the clones are in it or what? more info please. i would like this method better if it works. Do you keep adding the rooting powder until you get roots?


Well-Known Member
i did the rooting in a cup of water way for a lil. i only got one successful clone from it. the conventional way works better for me


Well-Known Member
i did the rooting in a cup of water way for a lil. i only got one successful clone from it. the conventional way works better for me
I haven't had much success with the conventional way so I figure I may as well try something that is dirt simple. All of them are looking healthy so far. Just as green as when they came off the plant. They have been cut for about 2 1/2 days now. Not very far in yet and one of them looks like it has a small little root hair sticking out the bottom of the stem :)

I'm moving all of my males outside tonight. I have scouted locations all around my neighborhood where I will be placing them. I would like to keep them alive and keep the AK genetics around for possible breeding but obviously I cant risk compromising my females by keeping the males any longer. Hopefully my locations will be hidden enough. They were very hard for me to get into to. I went DEEEEEEEEEP into the bush. If anyone does steal them it will prove how ignorant they really are though. Not even competent enough to recognize they are stealing a male plant. I will only visit the spots a total of 3 times and hopefully leave no trails behind me. Once to scope out the spot. Once to plant the males. Also once to collect some pollen to bring home. If the plants die out there then that will suck, but since they are male it obviously won't be the end of the world.


Well-Known Member
Growth: Day 83
Flower: Day 24(Train Wreck), Day 19(Ice)
Temp: 22.8'C
RH: 58%

It has been a little while without photos. The plants seem to be slowing out of the massive growth phase and will now hopefully start to pack on the pounds. I am hoping for some big dense nugs. Several of the plants are developing multiple tops as a result of the LST training. The tallest one comes in at just under 23". They look bigger to me though. There are fan leaves bigger than my hand:)



Well-Known Member
Growth: Day 83
Flower: Day 24(Train Wreck), Day 19(Ice)
Temp: 22.8'C
RH: 58%

It has been a little while without photos. The plants seem to be slowing out of the massive growth phase and will now hopefully start to pack on the pounds. I am hoping for some big dense nugs. Several of the plants are developing multiple tops as a result of the LST training. The tallest one comes in at just under 23". They look bigger to me though. There are fan leaves bigger than my hand:)

those plants are looking great! nice big fan leaves too. those should get the energy for some fat buds. im interested in seeing if that cloning method will work. i use rockwool plugs and some of that root powder from w mart and works pretty good for me. if you interested in hearing it let me know :joint:


Well-Known Member

those plants are looking great! nice big fan leaves too. those should get the energy for some fat buds. im interested in seeing if that cloning method will work. i use rockwool plugs and some of that root powder from w mart and works pretty good for me. if you interested in hearing it let me know :joint:
Some of the fan leaves are absolutely gorgeous. Like I said in the post they are as big as or bigger than my hands. I'm not exactly a small fella so that is impressive to me. The clones are doing awesome still. So far 4 of the 12 cuttings have developed enough of a root presence to be transplanted into soil. I did this last night so it is still alittle too early to how they are doing in the soil. I really like this method of cloning so far. It has been really simple to use. I will now wait for these cuttings to up in size and then from there take some more cuttings and flip them to flower. I am hoping I will be able to get them in at about the 1 month point of the current flowering period. This will give a month or so gap between harvests. I will eventually hope to shorten this to a 2 week gap. Small reoccurring harvest I think will be better to serve my needs. If I wait too long inbetween harvests I will have smoked myself down to nothing with no more girls ready to go. I could probably just start smoking less weed, but what would be the fun in that.