My bud's potency just isn't there


Well-Known Member
I have been growing with tga subcools super soil in 5 gallon buckets. I had a g13 labs pineapple express and a white widow. I also had a Kandy Kush from Reserva Privada to. The kandy kush i grew 3 times with different seeds every time. It turns out good every time for the most part. The bud is just not near what i see for exotic strains. what do i do to get the quality good. I have 400 w light with mylar to.


Active Member
what do the trichs look like when you harvest? are they clear, cloudy, or amber? if you don't look then you are probably harvesting too soon when the trichs are still clear.


Well-Known Member
what are your temps in the grow area ?
is there good air circulation and what nutes are u using
and whats the ph of your soil


Well-Known Member
I have 3 plants, my flower area is 4x6 feet i'd say. I've been adding lime to my soil every couple waterings. The ph of my soil should be ok, but i might have salt build-up. Could that be a problem with super soil? I'm experimenting with making a 2 stage super soil next grow. I have a fan constantly blowing air around my grow room. The temps in my grow room are always between 70 and 80 degrees. It very well could be i picked it early because i gave every plant 9 weeks then cut them. Thanks for the help.


Active Member
It very well could be i picked it early because i gave every plant 9 weeks then cut them. Thanks for the help.
go get a 30x loupe and use it to look at the resin glands on the buds, if they are clear its not ready yet, when they turn cloudy you will have a heady high, if you wait until they go to amber you will have a heavy couchlock stone, or you can pick at any combination of cloudy/amber mixed for both types. Loupe will run you 5-10$ and is worth every penny.
potency has everything to do with genetics. If you have quality genetics and have grown them full term and the quality isn't there, it's more than likely a nutrient issue from the way you explained everything. Sometimes the environmental conditions will play a role in quality, but I don't think that's the case here. Cannabis isn't like a tomato plant, as in you can water with plain h2o the entire cycle and get great results. Cannabis, wait let me say that again, good quality cannabis prefers to be fed a ton of nutrients in order to produce the good amounts of trichomes. Get yourself a good organic or synthetic nutrient mix and learn about NPK values and all that nutrient noise. Start out with a good base mix for veg and bloom and then build up a collection of additives you can benefit from. Are your harvests pretty minimal? Adding another 400w into that space would sure help things out in the yield department. I am kinda shocked that nobody else has jumped on the lack of nutrients wagon yet. Also adding lime to your medium is just helping with your PH and adding a slight calcium charge, not exactly what you are looking for. Toss this information around for a bit, and if you need some advice on a nutrient line up or some good additives let me know and I can help you out. Good luck to you!

West Coast Cultivation


Well-Known Member
I have 3 plants, my flower area is 4x6 feet i'd say. I've been adding lime to my soil every couple waterings. The ph of my soil should be ok, but i might have salt build-up. Could that be a problem with super soil? I'm experimenting with making a 2 stage super soil next grow. I have a fan constantly blowing air around my grow room. The temps in my grow room are always between 70 and 80 degrees. It very well could be i picked it early because i gave every plant 9 weeks then cut them. Thanks for the help.
Buy a 40X (NO BIGGER) scope. $15 shipped from Amazon. Very easy to use. You NEED one. You cut far too early is what happened.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Potency does not have EVERYTHING to do with genetics. Grow a 4ft plant under cfls and see how good anything is. He said he's using supersoil, so I don't see how the nutes are lacking. As long as your plant is green, healthy, under good light, and of course pest free and in a good environment, you're golden. If those requirements are filled THEN question the genetics.
wow... i just re-read this post and realized the super soil addition... the above craziness had me typing before I know what I was even posting about. If it was me, I would dump the Super soil and go with a rather plain mix and go with the nutrient line. i just really like being able to fine tune everything down to a T and with Super soil you get what you get when you get it. Sub's a good guy and gets great results with his super soil, I've just always gotten better results (for me) going with a liquid nutrient regime. Just my .02


Sorry for the wasted post above


Well-Known Member
Potency does not have EVERYTHING to do with genetics. Grow a 4ft plant under cfls and see how good anything is. He said he's using supersoil, so I don't see how the nutes are lacking. As long as your plant is green, healthy, under good light, and of course pest free and in a good environment, you're golden. If those requirements are filled THEN question the genetics.
Agreed. Watch the same strain of cotton be planted by numerous farmers in a given region. Yields will be different due to actual soil characteristics, water delivery, fertilizers and finally the guy making the decisions. All plants are alike in the vein.


Well-Known Member
wow... i just re-read this post and realized the super soil addition... the above craziness had me typing before I know what I was even posting about. If it was me, I would dump the Super soil and go with a rather plain mix and go with the nutrient line. i just really like being able to fine tune everything down to a T and with Super soil you get what you get when you get it. Sub's a good guy and gets great results with his super soil, I've just always gotten better results (for me) going with a liquid nutrient regime. Just my .02


Sorry for the wasted post above
Good advice for 98% of those reading and trying to grow. KISS!
Potency does not have EVERYTHING to do with genetics. Grow a 4ft plant under cfls and see how good anything is. He said he's using supersoil, so I don't see how the nutes are lacking. As long as your plant is green, healthy, under good light, and of course pest free and in a good environment, you're golden. If those requirements are filled THEN question the genetics.
In my oppinion you are wrong. But that's fine, as you think I am wrong too. I've grown great genetics in crappy growing environments and gotten good results, I've also grown shitty genetics in great environments and gotten shitty results. I agree with what some of what you are saying, as environmental conditions do play a huge role in how a crop turns out, but if the quality genetics aren't there it doesn't matter how good of a environment you have provided it's not going to improve the quality. Growers with your mindset think that if they have everything in check that their production will be top notch because it was in a perfect environment regardless of genetics or anything like that, and that's just not the case. I was also reffering to the OP's situation, and not as a whole. He has decent lights (not cfl's like you refer to), he has his nutrient makeup (super soil), and the rest of the environment seems in check. And you still don't think it has everything to do with genetics or the phenotype? You're nuts!



Well-Known Member
In my oppinion you are wrong. But that's fine, as you think I am wrong too. I've grown great genetics in crappy growing environments and gotten good results, I've also grown shitty genetics in great environments and gotten shitty results. I agree with what some of what you are saying, as environmental conditions do play a huge role in how a crop turns out, but if the quality genetics aren't there it doesn't matter how good of a environment you have provided it's not going to improve the quality. Growers with your mindset think that if they have everything in check that their production will be top notch because it was in a perfect environment regardless of genetics or anything like that, and that's just not the case. I was also reffering to the OP's situation, and not as a whole. He has decent lights (not cfl's like you refer to), he has his nutrient makeup (super soil), and the rest of the environment seems in check. And you still don't think it has everything to do with genetics or the phenotype? You're nuts!

I would agree in part. But the OP has experienced this with 2 different strains, both with proven genetics. There is a common theme or two - the grower and the soil. One isn't cutting it somehow.
I guess I also combined the terms quality and potency. To me they are one and the same. If you don't have potency you don't have quality, I guess you can have quality but not potency, but really now.

I would agree in part. But the OP has experienced this with 2 different strains, both with proven genetics. There is a common theme or two - the grower and the soil. One isn't cutting it somehow.
I like that theme, never heard it before! although common strains, and some of them highly recognized I still feel that those strains lack a lot of the potency available in other genetics. Maybe he's getting good yield, and good quality, it's just not rich in THC, CBD, CBN, THCV, etc... I would grow out some of TGA's genetics as they are actually developed around the super soil method and add some carbs to really liven things up. You should get the potency you're looking for. LOL of course this is reffering to the OP

Don't tell me what my mindset is. I know genetics play a big role. I grow shit from breeders like Alphakronik, SOcal seeds, emerald triangle. But it doesn't matter what you have, if shit's lacking in the growroom, it's not going to turn out like you expect. The word phenotype wasn't even brought up. This dude should be getting really high on what he has, depending on his tolerance and what he's used to smoking on. If he's used to smoking OGs and shit grown by a good grower, sure, what he has won't be that good to him. So chill out Mr. Expert and quit putting words in my mouth.
Lol me calm down? You came on here and went off about a pervious posters comments and made sure that your expert oppinion trumped his. I was being nice and simply disagreing with you. Do you act like this with everyone that doesn't agree with you? It's okay, I can make you feel like you've won. The word phenotype may not have been brought up but it goes hand in hand with genetics. Anyone who grows out seed, knows this. Potency varies from phenotype to phenotype within that genotype... I'm far from an expert pal. I let me results and my experience speak for themselves. Ive never claimed to be better than anyone or know it all. If you have followed any of my posts you should know that I am always open to new information and I try and only share the facts. In my opinion genetics play a role here, in your opinion I'm wrong. So where is the problem?



Active Member
What the fuck. That wasn't even an insult. You fucking nancy boy.
This is the 2nd thread this morning with you being nasty in it and I've only read 2 threads. Where did you come from and why do you come here and act like a jerk? Let's stop this insulting please. Yes saying someone half assed it is an insult. The OP wants advice and insulting them just isn't called for.LET'S ALL ACT LIKE ADULTS PLEASE.

OP although I believe genetics are an important factor I'd look at flowering time . I have found that the same plant that goes 9 weeks 1 time might take 10 or more another time if they were stressed so checking trics is the way to go.

PEACE TO ALL.......Mama

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Lol me calm down? You came on here and went off about a pervious posters comments and made sure that your expert oppinion trumped his. I was being nice and simply disagreing with you. Do you act like this with everyone that doesn't agree with you? It's okay, I can make you feel like you've won. The word phenotype may not have been brought up but it goes hand in hand with genetics. Anyone who grows out seed, knows this. Potency varies from phenotype to phenotype within that genotype... I'm far from an expert pal. I let me results and my experience speak for themselves. Ive never claimed to be better than anyone or know it all. If you have followed any of my posts you should know that I am always open to new information and I try and only share the facts. In my opinion genetics play a role here, in your opinion I'm wrong. So where is the problem?


Problem? My problem is you acting like I said something I didn't. You said that I think "if you have everything in check that production will be top notch because it was in a perfect environment regardless of genetics". Really? I said that? I didn't even give off that impression. I said "genetics don't have EVERYTHING to do with potency. Grow a 4ft plant under cfls and see how good anything is." Which is true. I don't care if you have the dankest og out there, if you grow that shit under bullshit light, it won't be as potent as you expect. And the OPs tolerance plays a huge part. You're spinning everything around and making a big thing out of nothing. Yeah, you need to calm down.