My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's


Well-Known Member
shit man mine are only 5 weeks old and i`ve hit 2 or 3 times with veg and now i`m, ready for a bloom nuting tomorrow.
give it to em.
1/4 mix


Well-Known Member
yeah my bad dumb question but i juss did some good reading on nute defiancys and i think its juss that my plant is ready for nutes and actually would love them cant wait to see my babys happy again will post an update tonight when i water them


Well-Known Member
it wont take long to get the ppm`s up there. i`m already at full strenght with mine now.
i`ve only been giving them nutes for 2.5 weeks now and have gone from 1/4 to full already. i love this shit. not a bit of clawing or burn, in fact i could go higher, there`s a bit of purple stems but i don`t mind them.


Well-Known Member
eyyo. lookin good man.. shit llokin nice. you could easily get n ounce of that bitch if its a bitch with the CFL's.. i saw your usin that hyponex pottin soil. aint that shit garbage. like 2.50 a bag at kmart. miracle grow is str8. better than hypo. pe@ce


Well-Known Member
Haha I know. Wow. I only use miracle grow on my regular plants and vegetables. Sometimes for vegetables I order some clean dirt, about 5 yards of it, and spread it in the beds, and mix it with compost. Works like a charm.

On another note, I need some help n00b. After I germinate, I stick the tap root down into the cups, which are just regular see through dixie cups. Like those red ones, but a tiny bit smaller. How much do I water? I always have that problem and don't know if i'm OVERwatering, or what. Do I mist, how do I pre-moisten them? Should I put a dome over it to get humidity until it sprouts above surface for a day or two? I have some dwarf lupines growing right now that I have in cups and have a dome on them, and will move them up to 6 inch pots. Have to be grown out for the mothers birthday. :) What nicer present then a home-grown one.


Well-Known Member
i put holes in the bottom of those for drainage. stat off small with the water but keep it moist. then as you continue you need to give a bit more each time. the roots will grow needing more and more.
make sure you cover the outside of the clear cups. the roots don`t like the light.
keep them covered with another clear cup till they get their 2nd or 3rd node.
mist a couple time a day after they come out of soil.
mist the hole before you put the seed in.

sorry i`m not noob but thought i could be helpfull.


Well-Known Member
oh ya forgot roots don't like light, from now on, ill use red cups, and ya I have drainage holes. like 5. And i don't know how much a little is? A splash of water, 3 splashes, what? And what do you mean by mist the whole thing before hand. Mist the soil? And I just aimed the question at n00b, cus I don't want to hi-jack his beautiful grow. :) sorry n00b.


Well-Known Member
yeah basically what bonz said i water my soild the day befor i put my seed in there so that the soild will be moist not wet and when water is easily givin to the roots they wont stratch out as fast giving u a good root system i usually wait till the dirt looks dry on top than water them again but only a lil n lol are u really gunna give it to your mom???? oh no worries u guys all good cuz ill kill u if u hi-jack my shit lol j/k


Well-Known Member
eyyo. lookin good man.. shit llokin nice. you could easily get n ounce of that bitch if its a bitch with the CFL's.. i saw your usin that hyponex pottin soil. aint that shit garbage. like 2.50 a bag at kmart. miracle grow is str8. better than hypo. pe@ce
i bet i could get at least a 1 oz and a half outt this girl espically since i have more light n mylar this time for fatass buds, n nawww man this hyponex soil is the shit got all organic ferts in it like wood chips, compost, and some sand and i got this shit for a DOLLAR at walgreens haha n that MG shit man... u headin the wrong way with that gay ass bound to have nute burn bull shit


Well-Known Member
Haha. Yes, I am. Don't worry im not one of those, "My grow is under my bed please help me to not have my mom find it" Haha. I don't live with them anymore, but shit a nice looking flower is a hell of a lot cheaper then a really nice gift. Hahah. Correct me if i'm wrong. :)


Well-Known Member
For some dwarf lupines? Hahah. I never thought anyone would even be interested about that. I also like to grow regular plants inside, so I can throw them outside into my garden. A lot cheaper then going to a nursery and buying them. Just a hobby, its fun to do. If you'd like to see a grow journal of the lupines I guess I could do that? If your talking about when I get my seeds for my marijuana then yes I am going to do a journal on that. Haha.