My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's


Well-Known Member
lol those are nice but when u said a pretty flower i thought u ment ready to be cut buds in flower LOL i thouight u were serious hahah


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha! Sorry for the misleading information. I'll get my REAL pretty flowers growing soon! Going to pickup grow box supplies monday after work.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAH naww naww man no need to be sorry shit was funny hahah cant wait to see them bitches hows ur grow room lookin like or wat are r plans for it


Well-Known Member
I'm going to go monday to buy some supplies. I'm going to either try a scrog with one big plant, or do a sog with about 15 plants. DrBudGreenGenes style. If you don't know who that is, he defies every single rule of growing marijuana. Hes on, but he gets about 3 grams per watt. Crazy. Doing 72 clones in a SOG, with 5 42 watt cfls. Guys a legend. My box is going to be 1.5 feet wide by 1.5 deep by 2.5 tall. So Should be good enough. I'll be taking pics sometime soon when its built, and all of that. :)


Well-Known Member
hey guy i hope you have my email addy. i think i`m done with this site now. had enough of the little peckerheads on here.

now they have come to another site i use slaming it. i dont have the time to deal with the kids.
and now i am getting my first neg rep since i have been here. i dont need this bull shit.

whomever needs it just pm me and if i feel you deserve it i will share with you to stay in touch.


Well-Known Member
wtf why would people be fukkin wit chu??? u talkin bout the lil ignorant ass egg heads?? n nawww man i aint got chur e-mail all i have is dean lol


Well-Known Member
just tired of the smart mouth shit. so i defended myself and i will probably hear about it.
i thought you had it, i talk to to many people get confused with all the user names being different from here


Well-Known Member
hey bonz damn that BS but if u were defendin ur self then there shouldnty be any problem remember that time me nd u were stickin up for that guy cuz due was doin him boguss well this time ur actually defendin ur self n yea i do got ur e-mail n hope u stay on the site.... well time for an UPDATE! 3 weeks for misty and day 10 for the AK both been good except for the misty wit her nute defiancys juss watered her a couple hours the growth was a lil stunted and i hope she starts doin better now that i watered her well see how it goes... n well not much to say bout my lil one but shes not strecthed and oh yeah befor i forget imma throw an other ak-48 in there and give it maybe 2 weeks of growth befor i throw her into flowerin but yeah 2 more weeks until they go into flowrein here goes the pics



Well-Known Member
I'm going to go monday to buy some supplies. I'm going to either try a scrog with one big plant, or do a sog with about 15 plants. DrBudGreenGenes style. If you don't know who that is, he defies every single rule of growing marijuana. Hes on, but he gets about 3 grams per watt. Crazy. Doing 72 clones in a SOG, with 5 42 watt cfls. Guys a legend. My box is going to be 1.5 feet wide by 1.5 deep by 2.5 tall. So Should be good enough. I'll be taking pics sometime soon when its built, and all of that. :)
waaaat 3 grams per watt usin cfls wtf???? thats crazy id have to see it to believe it but yea man hit me up when u got ur shit goin


Well-Known Member
there about the same size as mine there now. or a bit bigger. lookin good, i`ll be hear as lomg as i can, oh well


Well-Known Member
lol bonz... yeah i bet there are since they got strecthed in the begging i bet its would be bout 1 2 inches shorter if they didnt get strecthed she only has 6 nodes


Well-Known Member
i dont understand what u mean by * the leafs are just opening* and yeah my plants look so much happier today no more curling of the leafs the dicoloration of the leafs have stoped thats all she needed was a good nute watering


Well-Known Member
when i say the leaves are opening.
they are all bunched together when they first emerge from the last set. then as they get bigger they start to open up and become an actual branch. so just the first part is basicaly what i mean


Well-Known Member
ok guys UPDATE misty 3 weeks and 3 days my lil AK-48 is 1 week 6 days ight gotta make this one fast there doin good my ak seems to have heat stress or already needing some nutes im not sure ill post the pics my misty seems to hitting the veg state and gettin out of the seedling stage she stinks in a pretty good skunky sweet smell now and my AK still smell like a plant should period and i theres a hole in one of my misty leafs i think that lil nute def is gunna happen again i dont know that how it start and im pretty sure i have no pests i cleaned every inch of that room and inspected for insects as best as i could my AK is starting on her 4th node growin at a good rate and stayin short my misty is on her 8th node with the 9th node about to open up and the 10th node still very small heres the pics



Well-Known Member
not bad guy,my plants are doin the same thing,it looks like bugs are gettin to them but theres no signs,im goin to put up a bug strip to get any that are flyin ect, the edges look like theyre bein burned but theres no heat issues,it could b a uv problem with the uv light bein to close for me, whats up with your plants?