my 1st grow journal w/ pix- 6 white widow girls in a bubbleponics


Active Member
hey guys,
so ive started my first grow - 6 white widow female clones in a bubbleponics system. i thought it'd be cool to keep a journal on here, not just to help me learn my own shit but so others can hopefully learn from my mistakes. anyway so attached are the first 5 days worth of grow pics. and you more experienced guys, please comment and tell me what you think - i'm a total nOOb so nothing is too stupid to mention. this is just my opinion, but it sure doesnt seem like they are growing very quickly. is that normal? i thought marijuana grew realy quickly? :? hmm.. well anyway i loaded the pics in chronological order, plus u can see the date on the clock/thermometer in the background so u can see the daily progress. enjoy the pix and i'll keep ya'll updated daily!



Well-Known Member
Nice, i love my bubbleponic system, i just gutted it and put everthing(and some extras) in a 50gal/28gal filled tank to give my babies some room..


Active Member
Nice, I am going to order one of these too. Are you just using the lighting that comes with it or do you have your own custom light setup? Also did you make those paper covers yourself so the light wouldn't get into the roots?


Active Member
Also what nutes are you using? If I am not mistaken Fox Farm are organic, and I read somewhere that the bubbleponics system isn't good with organic nutes because the sugars don't break down as well and clog the system?


Active Member
pics of my light system setup. i got a 400w hps and metal halide combination system - runs the MH lamp for vegging, then the HPS for flowering. or at least thats what ive gathered. oh and im using the nutes that came with the bubbleponics system. i heard the same thing bout organics so im sticking with what they gave me. ya, i used paper plates to cover everything except the clone. this prevents light getting into the reservoir and causing algae to grow. i dont know if that amt of light would have any impact on the roots or not, but i kinda dont thikn it would..



Active Member
also how long do you have your light on?you should get a fluoresent lamp, the lamp you have could fry the clones in the prosess also slowing growth.
clones root fastest with 18/24 hours of fluoresent light.
fluoresent are available in many different spectrums, some almost identical to natural sunlight.if clones are going to be placed under a hid lamp, set them abit higher like for example a 400 watt mh lamp should be placed four to six feet away.
cool white fluoresents (should be placed,six inches from cuttings or a combo of warm and cool white spectrum)are excellent for rooting clones they supply cool, diffused light in the proper color spectrum to promote root growth i like bright white fluoresent light.
fluoresents are also great for mother plants

hopes this helps nice set up by the way looks abit like mine


Active Member
if clones are going to be placed under a hid lamp, set them abit higher like for example a 400 watt mh lamp should be placed four to six feet away.
damn! my light is like 25" away right now. the first nite i put them in rockwooli had the light prolly 36" away, then dropped it the next day [BAD IDEA] cause thats when the temps started to soar and they started to wilt. they have never regained the strength to hold the leaves up ('cept one of em) and im starting to worry cause its like 5 days now and they still havent recovered from me light-heat-burnign them.

with the setup i've got goin on now it stays btwn 79-81 all day -- u think this is good or should i raise the lights a little bit? like closer to back to 36+"? i know if the light is too far the plants will stretch but i guess while the clones are still rooting its much better for the light to be too far than too close?? whadyall think??

ohbtw im leaving my lights on 24hrs a day currently - should i change that while the clones root or...?


Well-Known Member
pics of my light system setup. i got a 400w hps and metal halide combination system - runs the HPS lamp for vegging, then the MH for flowering. or at least thats what ive gathered. oh and im using the nutes that came with the bubbleponics system. i heard the same thing bout organics so im sticking with what they gave me. ya, i used paper plates to cover everything except the clone. this prevents light getting into the reservoir and causing algae to grow. i dont know if that amt of light would have any impact on the roots or not, but i kinda dont thikn it would..
I just wanted to clarify something in this post above. You say you are using the HPS for veggie, and MH for flowering. If this is true, you have it as backwards...MH is for vegging and HPS is for flowering. Im guessing you just typed wrong and you already know this....hopefully.

good luck on everything...i have an order in process for a bubbleponics system as well. It is taking for ever to get here though...i just called today after two weeks of waiting and emailing and they told me "oh yeah that order will be shipped tomorrow....i said "TOMORROW" whats taking so long...."oh some of our vendors for pumps were out of stock....i really wish they wouldve handled it better and atleast answered my emails to tell me this...FYI...thier email support sucks, from what ive experienced....or havent experienced i should say!

anyways ive got everything else...built me a cabinet and decided to do a scrog setup...BIG BANG strain...250w MH for vegging and 250w HPS for flowering...might only do four plants...since the wattage is not so high. I will try to do the same as you and keep posting pics...once i actually get getting really impatient...although thats not a good trait for a grower...

good luck in everything and keep us posted!



Active Member
how did you start the clones?
i started mine in a humidity dome there cheap 30 bucks i keep a humidity of 95 if you dont have one get one and you can throw the clones back in the humidity dome give 10 to 30 days to heal and form roots and when you transplant them transplant them deep, also a good rooting agent is key to
i use to use the powder with some luck not all would root though there no room for error here but, i found that the gel has a 80% hit rate with the clones i use roottec

here are a few pics of my (dwc)Deep water culture set up im my closet and my ebb n flow in my pc room growing white widow



Active Member
pics of my light system setup. i got a 400w hps and metal halide combination system - runs the HPS lamp for vegging, then the MH for flowering. or at least thats what ive gathered. oh and im using the nutes that came with the bubbleponics system. i heard the same thing bout organics so im sticking with what they gave me. ya, i used paper plates to cover everything except the clone. this prevents light getting into the reservoir and causing algae to grow. i dont know if that amt of light would have any impact on the roots or not, but i kinda dont thikn it would..

sorry to double post

just noticed that your growing in your bathroom assuming you take showers the humidity once the plant are weeks into veg growth will wilt as well and once the plant starts to flower it will grow mold
bathroom tend to have humidity traped in the air and if you have to take a crap while there in full flowering you will interupted whats suppose to be the 12/12 uninterupted night cycle


Active Member
I just wanted to clarify something in this post above. You say you are using the HPS for veggie, and MH for flowering. If this is true, you have it as backwards...MH is for vegging and HPS is for flowering. Im guessing you just typed wrong and you already know this....hopefully.

Duh. you're totally right and i did just type it backwards... i'm using MH for vegging and HPS for flowering. i even confirmed it by looking at the light.

i had just burned down a :joint: when i posted the original comment.. my dumbass typed it all backwards.. hah.


Active Member
sorry to double post

just noticed that your growing in your bathroom assuming you take showers the humidity once the plant are weeks into veg growth will wilt as well and once the plant starts to flower it will grow mold
bathroom tend to have humidity traped in the air and if you have to take a crap while there in full flowering you will interupted whats suppose to be the 12/12 uninterupted night cycle
very good points, both of which i (think) i have under control. i chekced today after i showered and the humidity spiked up to 71%... do you think thats too high? also about taking a shit.. i figure once i get flowering, i will just use a different bathroom cause i know fo sho i dont wanna mess up the 12/12 lighting schedule.

what should the humidity be at after the clones are rooted and growing? also do you htink 61% is too low humidity for them to root? thanks headache! and everyone else too..

country cowfreak

Well-Known Member
it looks like you are off to a great start! I just started hearing about bubbleponics and it sounds like it would be a great way to grow. Post some pics of your progress when you get the chance.


Active Member
sorry to double post

just noticed that your growing in your bathroom assuming you take showers the humidity once the plant are weeks into veg growth will wilt as well and once the plant starts to flower it will grow mold
bathroom tend to have humidity traped in the air and if you have to take a crap while there in full flowering you will interupted whats suppose to be the 12/12 uninterupted night cycle

Dont let those plants get too big before you flower or they will hugely outgrow the space they have and suffocate each other. I had the same set up with only 4 baskets and they got too crowded.


Active Member
thanks for the advice shardfish, i didnt plan on letting em get too big but at this point i dont know whether or not to be concerned about their survival period. some of them arent lookin so hot but then again im a total nOOb so the way they look may be acceptable i dunno... but take a look and lemme know waht ya'll think..

also, i went to walmart last night and got a humidifier, which i have set up in these pics w/ a plastic tub as a deflector to blow the humidified air onto the plants. it actually keeps the temps remarkably low too, a VERY nice side effect since i was having heat problems..



Active Member
how did you start the clones?
i started mine in a humidity dome there cheap 30 bucks i keep a humidity of 95 if you dont have one get one and you can throw the clones back in the humidity dome give 10 to 30 days to heal and form roots and when you transplant them transplant them deep, also a good rooting agent is key to
i use to use the powder with some luck not all would root though there no room for error here but, i found that the gel has a 80% hit rate with the clones i use roottec

here are a few pics of my (dwc)Deep water culture set up im my closet and my ebb n flow in my pc room growing white widow
where did yuo get your humidity dome Headache?


Active Member
got it at a hydroponic store came with jiffy cube plugs and the styrofoam the dome and i got a heating mat there to that did'nt come with the humidity dome set up


Active Member
i had an idea... take a look at the pic and notice the humidifier i have set up blowing on the plants (which by the way dropped the temperature in the room by an astounding 10 degrees, but can only maintain about 60% rel humidity) but i was thinking about getting ceran wrap, ya know that clear plastic wrap, and setting it up like a tent around the bubbleponics unit, and keeping it inflated with the moist cool air from the humidifier... and with the light i'm sure it way warm it up inside the tent a little bit so it would probably be warm humid air.. more humid than 60% anyway...

so whadyall think??

