My 1st and 2nd grow


Well-Known Member
Yea good point on that note... i got a 7 week old baby exactly the same age as how long she been flowering lol, anway since then most of my smokes have been in that room, bet thats fukin my plants up too lol, but i got nowere else to go, smoking arround the house not good with baby, so i go for a smoke nad have a little chat with em lol
Well i smoke in with my plants all the time, but the extractor sucks the smoke out quicker than i can produce it so its not really a problem lol


Well-Known Member
Lol.if i have learned 1 good thing toinight its get an extractor lol, im on it at weekend
thanks 4 help


Well-Known Member
Ok ive added the extra cfl's arround her, ive got 14 bulbs on her now and 6 above the other 3 plants so 20 in that 1 room alone, im not adding no more as i think this should do, i do need some arround my 3 younger plants, but they will just have to wait till my first grow is done with them lol


Well-Known Member
Talk about a Christmas tree. If space is a premium to you, you should consider making clones and growing them to be one cola monsters. The tops on those are huge.

Is that Big Bud your growing?


Well-Known Member
Talk about a Christmas tree. If space is a premium to you, you should consider making clones and growing them to be one cola monsters. The tops on those are huge.

Is that Big Bud your growing?
Space isn't an issue really, and they are just bagseed.


Well-Known Member
sweet... that plant is huge.. does it smell skunky? that is going to be one nice harvest! looks like 'big bud' or something similar.. rock on


Well-Known Member
Big bud is a very common bag seed because it was grown so popularly in the early 90's because of it's yield, making it a great commercial grow plant for profit.

Either way, I know where I would be placing my presents if I were Santa.

Good stuff, very impressive on just CFLs.

Have you ever looked into vertical growing around the CFLs instead of the CFLs around the plant.


Well-Known Member
Big bud is a very common bag seed because it was grown so popularly in the early 90's because of it's yield, making it a great commercial grow plant for profit.

Either way, I know where I would be placing my presents if I were Santa.

Good stuff, very impressive on just CFLs.

Have you ever looked into vertical growing around the CFLs instead of the CFLs around the plant.
Thanks man, im impressed myself for my first grow. Thats a good idea, i could rebnd that rack into a circle shape & and throw loads of cfl's around it, and stick plants all the way arround it. Then maybe rotate the plants daily so all the all the sides get a fare share of light. like it


Well-Known Member
Ok here is an update on my christmas tree..

Looks like i got 3 christmas trees now lol

First grow the christmas tree: 100% sativa 5ft tall, 11 weeks into flower, expect 2 more to finish looking good big buds all over. :bigjoint:

Second grow plant 1: another 100% sativa 5ft tall, 9 weeks into flower and still growing, buds under developed due to the constant growing im expecting this to prob take about 16 weeks to finish :wall:

Second grow plant 2: look to be sativa dominant 4 ft tall also 9 weeks into flowering stopped growing about 3 weeks ago, covered in buds (more than my first grow) this plant stunk my grow room out as a seedling and now stinks my house out lol, but smells wicked... if only i had taken a clone..

Plant 1 is the one behind plant 2 on the pictures


Well-Known Member
damn you growin some tall ass bitches man + rep
you got like the frankenstein grow room goin on there.
ready for HPS yet ? :)


Well-Known Member
Lol yea it is a bit of a crazy set up lol

As soon as ive got my head arround the basics of growing then its time to move on to hps better growroom & not bagseed

For a first attempt i done ok tho yea lol, i would say i got about... let me think about £50 invested in it so far


Well-Known Member
18/6 no what im saying is my first grow was vegged for 3 months and stopped at 5 ft tall

I didn't really want em that big so on the next grow i vegged for 3 weeks, they were only about 7 inch tall, i wanted smaller finishes ya no, got 1 beauty stopped at 4 ft and the other is still growing and about 5.3 feet

I got it lsted all over looks like an S shape lol my beuty is covered in bud and looking great but this 1 is very undeveloped, lots n lots of bud sites but undeveloped due to the constant growing

the caylx's look wiered, got wiered stripes on em, i noticed this whilst having a good luck to check it wasn't a male, its a freak of a plant lol tempted to theow it out but im gonna just stick it out n see what it turns out like


Well-Known Member

I chopped my christmas tree down on fridaynight, on week 13 of flowering, im going to hange it for 7 days to dry before jaring, someone told me i need a fan blowing on it to prevent budrot, but i have no fan spare, as its been used on my other 2 plants. Without a fan will it definatley get bud rot or is there just a chance? as im willing to take the risk.

Got all my bulbs arround my 4ft buety, and the freak plant is at the saide lsted, looks like a bean stalk lol



Well-Known Member

I chopped my christmas tree down on fridaynight, on week 13 of flowering, im going to hange it for 7 days to dry before jaring, someone told me i need a fan blowing on it to prevent budrot, but i have no fan spare, as its been used on my other 2 plants. Without a fan will it definatley get bud rot or is there just a chance? as im willing to take the risk.

Got all my bulbs arround my 4ft buety, and the freak plant is at the saide lsted, looks like a bean stalk lol
Sweet man, enjoy your harvest! I personally have never had a problem with bud rot, same with my friends. If your just hanging in a closet then you should be fine, just check em every day or something. I know when I harvest I like to look at 'em a lot. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks all!

Smoked some last night, and was quite stoned, i wish id cloned this and kept a mother plant now, as this weed is killa!

Also chopped down the stupid 5' 8 beanstalk and threw it out, so just got the one left and shes doing great budwish, but got a few probs, i think it maybe rootbound, the lower leafs dont seem to have any rigidety <--- if thats a word ha ha

they kinda look broken, shes almost done so im not to worried