My 1st and 2nd grow


Well-Known Member
And heres an update on my seedlings, now mature plants :) about 4 week old and 10 days into flowering, I only have 4 now as i had to give 3 away due to lack of space, hope they were not my ladys lol. The one pictured last needs repotting shortly.
Lookin ok baz, theyre lookin a bit hungry though, definately pot-on soon, what soil/compost are they in?


Well-Known Member
Lookin ok baz, theyre lookin a bit hungry though, definately pot-on soon, what soil/compost are they in?
Erm the compost was just some bog standard stuff not too sure to be honest as i dont have the bag anymore, they had there first 1/4 strength of the stated dose of feed of mg 15-30-15 just over a week ago, gonna give em another feed in the next few days, prob the full dose. Ive just repotted 3 of em and am gonna repot the little 1 tomorrow, then the lot in a week or so, should be ok till then yea?


Well-Known Member
Yea but if your repotting into fresh compost and the compost contains ferts theres no need to feed mate, i dont feed at all in veg, just straight water and pot on everytime i see roots at the drainage holes, you can do this all the way through veg and not need to feed until your well into flower.


Well-Known Member
Thats good to know, i did think that they would get extra feeds from the new soil, they have had 1 feed if i hault the next feed of ferts will that efect em at all, id rather nut F arround with ferts if i dont have to, do you recommend i dont feed untill about about a couple of week after the next repot? which will be there final pot? btw they are 10 days into flowering


Well-Known Member
Thats good to know, i did think that they would get extra feeds from the new soil, they have had 1 feed if i hault the next feed of ferts will that efect em at all, id rather nut F arround with ferts if i dont have to, do you recommend i dont feed untill about about a couple of week after the next repot? which will be there final pot? btw they are 10 days into flowering
Ah i didnt know you was already in flower, teach me for not reading the whole thread. you ideally dont wanna be potting on in flower, any transplant stress can slow flowering. Carry on feedintg mate.

This is what i do on the average six week veg'd plant.

Start my seed in a jiffy pellet.

Once root/s show out the pellet i pot up into a 1ltr pot of B&Q specialist sowing and cutting compost, its important that you dont use a pot bigger than 1ltr because this compo will not feed an established plant adaquately.

When roots show out of the 1ltr pots drainage holes (2wks approx) i re-pot into a 6ltr pot of west+ multipurpose with John Innes.

After another 2wks i start to see roots at the 6ltr pots drainage holes, i then re-pot into their final 10ltr pots of west+ again, then wait another 2wks for the plant to fill the 10ltr pot with roots, then move them into the flower room.

Then after approx 2wks after they went into 12/12 (4wks since the final pot up) the soils fert reserves will start to become depleted, i then start my feeding program.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that m8, once im done with my stretched monster aka my first plant lol, then done with my second grow wich i flowered way too early ( due to lack of lights and spaces) and get my next seeds to grow i will follow that entire regieme, as i always get confused buying compost and end up buying some inferior shit. I never gave my first plant ferts until about 2 week of flowering and i vegged her for about 7 weeks, and she had no probs, infact her probs came arround one week after first ferts. Thanks for that


Well-Known Member
nice setup man... shit i wish my staircase was partitioned off like that with a door. plants look good too. what brand cfls are those? they look huge to what im using.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I just read through your grow and it looks like you're off to a good start. I don't know if I just missed it or what but how big is the space you're growing in? I know with me i'm very limited in a cabinet that is only 24"Wx15"Dx70ish"H.. and it seems like thats your case too.

I grow using the SOG method and it works great, I hope to get it down to either a 2 month harvest cycle or harvest a few plants every couple weeks soon. I just need to redo my cabinet and put in a shelf so I can get my mom/clone chamber going. So far i'm growing in 6L pots and have 4 plants averaging 3/4oz each going in my space, but I hope to reduce the pot size to 1L and have up to 15 plants going with up to 1/4-1/2 oz. each. If I only had 12 plants and got a 1/4oz. off each one that would still be the exact same I average now.. and i'm sure I can get more.

I only suggest this too you because it looks like you were already forced into doing it and at least for me.. I can't see me doing anything else. I've grown in 1, 3, & 5 gallon pots, done LST, just let em grow out like you and I would still say SOG is my fav.. maybe it's just cause i've generally been space limited though.

Oh and by the way if you need some help with LST just let me know. I think I still got some pics of when I did my LST grows too. Oh, here's a pic of my cab btw.. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Ok an update

heres my main female 100% sativa almost 5 foot, seven and a half weeks into flowering. The pistils are about 10% brown, lost the bottom third of the main fan leafs, and buds growing daily :smile: think i got about 4-5 weeks left. The last 2 pics are my next grow 1 month in to flowering, started with 7 but now have 3 as i gave 4 away due to lack of space, they just over four weeks into flowering, there not doing half as good as my main plant as i haven't got enough lights arround them, but as soon as my main plant is done, im concentrating all my light on them.


Well-Known Member
Love the bent clothes horse with the cfl's hanging on it, very ingenious :lol:

Thats alot of household cfl's you have there, one hps would do the job of all those much better??


Well-Known Member
Love the bent clothes horse with the cfl's hanging on it, very ingenious :lol:

Thats alot of household cfl's you have there, one hps would do the job of all those much better??
Yup, these are some bagseed, theres 16 bulbs in that room, 6 above and 4 arround the christmas tree, and 6 above the 3 second grows, still not enough, each bulb in there has got its on plug appart from 2 sharing 1 plug, at some point im going to add a few more and wire them into a few of the existing plugs, but once ive learned with these im planning on moving on to hps, as im sick of all the wires, how do you go about when 1 one of plants is growing quicker than the rest? stick stuff under the lower pots to raise them to the same hight as the biggest? thats what i have been doing with these, and that a pain in the arse too and what kinda heat would an hps put out, more or less than what me 16 cfl's are putting out? my rooms temp stuck arround 80 but since i moved the ocilating fan to the other side of the room its gone up to 87 - 88 dunno why all i can think is the fan was blowing on a wall with an open airgrate above it and nows its facing the other way to wards the entrance and its holding the heat, gawd knows its all fun tho


Well-Known Member
yea thats what i do sometimes, just put stuff under the pots of the smaller plants to raise them up to the same level as the taller ones, iv got a load of old videos that are perfect for the job lol

As for your temps, they really shouldnt be that high this time of year, i take it your not running any extraction?


Well-Known Member
no it would be very easy to add as theres a airgrate high up on one wall, wasnt a problem until i moved the fan, hmmm i have 2 pipes running half way arround my little room acting as a radiator when the cen6tral heating is on it could be because of that


Well-Known Member
Could be, try getting some pipe insulation lagging, you know the foam stuff, cheap as chips from b&q or whatever, and easy to put on, but without extraction your temps are gonna be on the high side anyway as then heat from all those bulbs builds up.

When you get youir hps youl definately need decent extraction, not only to keep the room cool, but so your plants can breath lol


Well-Known Member
Yea good point on that note... i got a 7 week old baby exactly the same age as how long she been flowering lol, anway since then most of my smokes have been in that room, bet thats fukin my plants up too lol, but i got nowere else to go, smoking arround the house not good with baby, so i go for a smoke nad have a little chat with em lol


Well-Known Member
hey man that is a christmas tree 4sure.....i had was too big for its brigges....check it out....its gone now......hahahh...

i dont know if ill ever veg that long again.....they allways fell over and shit.... and you need more light.... do they look similar????:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
do they look similar????:mrgreen:
Ho Ho Ho merry christmas lol, yea lol everyone was telling me i was stretching it by having the bulbs too far away in the early days, they were 1-2 inch away all the time, needed hitching up a link everyday and about 2 links near the end of growing


Well-Known Member
Could be, try getting some pipe insulation lagging, you know the foam stuff, cheap as chips from b&q or whatever, and easy to put on, but without extraction your temps are gonna be on the high side anyway as then heat from all those bulbs builds up.

When you get youir hps youl definately need decent extraction, not only to keep the room cool, but so your plants can breath lol
Yep good idea, i definatley need to sort this out as im sure flutuating temps cant be good, i expect in the flowering stage they expect to be in slightly colder temps as in the vegging mode ? ith the shorten sun times n all