Music to medicate to

I dare say micah's version holds more emotion. apples and oranges as to whats "best" but i dare say micah's version is "as good" as the original

another version of "the life, Dying, and Death of one certain and particular L.J.Nichols" thats a little less coffee fueled i reckon. kids got some skills if he can walk down the streets of spain and sound as good as he does :clap:

The picture over the guitar hole is because he does a lot of really up close and personal shows that are recorded by cell phone and video cameras. the picture mutes the guitar enough so it doesn't overpower his voice. if you do a small show with a small crowd all up close you dont wanna be screaming over your guitar.
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Appropriate for today...

did you know his father was 100% white. a syrian jew who immigrated to England when some nice islamic people in syria decided that the jewish ppl probably shouldnt live in there anymore.. even tho those jewish people lived in syria because they were "kindly" asked to leave spain a couple hundred years before.. by those same nice muslim boys who are so good at helping people move.. anyway, bobs dad grew up in englad, then moved to jamaica where he fathered bob with a local. i only recently learned this a few days ago! pretty interesting huh
did you know his father was 100% white. a syrian jew who immigrated to England when some nice islamic people in syria decided that the jewish ppl probably shouldnt live in there anymore.. even tho those jewish people lived in syria because they were "kindly" asked to leave spain a couple hundred years before.. by those same nice muslim boys who are so good at helping people move.. anyway, bobs dad grew up in englad, then moved to jamaica where he fathered bob with a local. i only recently learned this a few days ago! pretty interesting huh
Yeah dude! He's pretty fair skinned for a Jamaican! "Catch a Fire" is a pretty good biography on him. Long read though. Interesting dude for sure.