Multi Spectrum T5 Veg and Flower with Flood table and Tent-First Grow.


Active Member
I could always take clones from the clones if I need the extra time...(if I wanted more Belladonnas). But i should be able to sustain the clones for 7 weeks (manually feeding them) under my 24hr 2' T5's. I wouldn't anticipate any problems with doing it this way though.

unless im missing something.
No, you should be fine doing this. I do the same thing all the time. I usually take clones from the plants that are about to go into flower. It takes them a week and a half or two weeks to even show roots, usually, so then, you just need to keep them alive for the next 4-5 weeks. I move mine to 4" rock wool cubes after they show a lot of roots, as long as I have room in my veg area, that is. I have seen clones begin to wither and die after they've been kept for a really long time, but I don't think you're trying to keep them that long. Also, like you said, you can always take clones from your clones, as long as they're big enough. :blsmoke:

Tee Five

Active Member

Its time for a Multi-spectrum update.

A couple of the plants are starting to show their sex. The good news is they all are forming white pistils. And thats fucking awesome.

We are on day 11 of flowering and some plants are really stepping up. Im still trying to learn to take close pictures with my camera. But I still have lots of time to let them show me their sex. But some are developing quicker than others.

Here are my weekly pics. (not all plants are shown here-due to their slower development)

These pics are taken in 10 mil Megapixels---so zoom :)



Active Member
Yeah, I was going to say that earlier, but because I only grow clones and never deal with sexing, I didn't want to steer you wrong. From what I've seen on here and elsewhere, though, those ball-like deals usually indicate a male. Kinda makes sense, though.

Tee Five

Active Member

I had 3 males..(100%) sure. I was just in denile before. They have been filed under "G"

I have 2 females--hopefully they are not hemorphadites.

The good news is I have a clone for each female.

Good Luck to my GF--I know this will make me a royal prick for a few days-lol (I kid :))

An Added note..

I have removed my females from their planters. Basically those heavy planter were crushing the roots whenever I moved them...and we can't have that. So my flood bed is full of Hydroton. The planters are out. With only 2 plants left they have lots of room.

Here are my Females and my Planterless set up

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Tee Five

Active Member
Check it out!

Here we are on day 14 of my clones and (already) the roots are bursting out of my 3" planters. They are in 4" Rockwool.

This calls for a decision to made.

Should I take them out of the planters before it's to late to avoid root damage. Or leave them in.

I think I may remove them--because they are going to stay under 24/7 til mid july when the flood bed will be available.

Any advice?



Active Member
Like I said previously, I leave mine in their 1 inch cubes sometimes for a month or so. I don't put them in baskets until I'm ready to flower, because I use drip stakes in flower. If the roots grow around those baskets, you'll definitely damage them when and if you eventually remove them. I forget, do you put your 1 inchers into 4 inchers eventually or no? If you do and have the space, you could put them into the 4" cubes and it will take them another couple of weeks to grow through those. They'll live and be fine in 4" cubes until you're ready to move them to flower.

Edit: Sorry, just read where you said that they were already in 4" cubes. I'm not really sure what you should do then. They're probably already using the hydroton for root space now.

Tee Five

Active Member
My electricity bill came in--Im billed every two months, (Apr and May) so this was my first full-fledged grow bill.

It went up.....

12 6 bucks/month (most of which was 20/4)

Not too shabby


Active Member
Wow, only $6 for the whole setup? Nice!

As far as your planters go, either verrrryyyyy sloowwwwllly pour out the hydroton, and slide the roots out, and you could probably do it. However, that was a couple days ago, so it might be too late now :/

Tee Five

Active Member
Wow, only $6 for the whole setup? Nice!

As far as your planters go, either verrrryyyyy sloowwwwllly pour out the hydroton, and slide the roots out, and you could probably do it. However, that was a couple days ago, so it might be too late now :/
Actually...I took a page from your book CDXX

I really didn't have enough Hydroton so I applied a mylar cover. Although i do have a layer underneth...but I need a deeper tray and more hydroton to do what I wanted. But this should do the trick...I may even keep it this way since Ive seen some growth since I went this way.

I took these pics just for this response:



Active Member
That should work fine. I recently began covering my cubes with little pieces of black plastic, so they don't grow algae. I've noticed that with the black plastic covers, the plants always grow a few roots right at the top of the cube. They think the plastic is the surface. As long as they're not exposed to the light, they'll just keep growing under the mylar.


Active Member
Well done good sir :) I picked that trick up from one of the dudes @ my favorite hydro store.

So, how deep is your tray? It does look a bit shallow, but it's honestly hard to tell from a photograph. My buckets are only about 6" deep, but they're super wide, like 4-6 it could be the case that your setup is just fine. I see the 4" grow cubes...are those touching the bottom of the tray? If so, then you really should get more hydroton, if for no other reason than it will make the plant more stable. One of the issues I've seen in other hydroton grows (especially in planter-less ebb systems) is that the roots aren't able to "grip" like they do in soil.

Tee Five

Active Member
Well done good sir :) I picked that trick up from one of the dudes @ my favorite hydro store.

So, how deep is your tray? It does look a bit shallow, but it's honestly hard to tell from a photograph. My buckets are only about 6" deep, but they're super wide, like 4-6 it could be the case that your setup is just fine. I see the 4" grow cubes...are those touching the bottom of the tray? If so, then you really should get more hydroton, if for no other reason than it will make the plant more stable. One of the issues I've seen in other hydroton grows (especially in planter-less ebb systems) is that the roots aren't able to "grip" like they do in soil.
The tray is only a couple of inches deep--I'll pick up some more hydroton next week forsure. Otherwise It should be fine. Heck some people do this with no hydroton at all.

Tee Five

Active Member
I usually update on Monday....but im have some wierd shifts at work, so I won't really see my plants awake for a few days except early in the morning.

So I thought I show my Colas today instead.



Active Member
Your plants look great! Just out of curiosity, how long did you veg? Roughly a month it seems? Basically, I'm wondering how big your plants were after a month of growth, I'm concerned mine are getting too big...

Tee Five

Active Member
Your plants look great! Just out of curiosity, how long did you veg? Roughly a month it seems? Basically, I'm wondering how big your plants were after a month of growth, I'm concerned mine are getting too big...
I started the flowering when the plants were at 8 inches...but Paradise Seeds recommends 6-8" for MAX THC production.

They also want you to flower earlier rather than later because it reduces the chances of bugs, fungus and other nasty aliments.

Plus for me, I can't have them grow too high because I have a grow tent. Although it has an eight foot ceiling...there's the table my flood bed sits on plus my light has a "dangle" factor on the cable that holds it up (But I can literally attach my light flush to the tent ceiling; Im pretty sure I won't have too)

But im sure you know the rule; that you can count on your plant doubling in size from veg thur to harvest; in which case it should fine (in my case).

But Paradise seeds are all about the "early flowering."


Well-Known Member
Hey man I jus read your whole journal and I like it...I have the same light that I bought from my buddy for only 50 bucks...with 8 bulbs of eack 3000k n 6500K..I absolutly love the t5s. They produce amazing smoke. Lots Of crystals. I havnt really vegged and then flowered under mine yet I've only flowered. Due to lack of veg room I've been experimenting with 12/12 from seed..