MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Active Member
Thanks for a quick response for my question. I'll post back with an update on how the clones fair(Just rooted). I don't plan on using the seeds, I was hoping to not have any of course:). the clones were my concern. I just don't want to watch for pollen sacks everytime I have a grow. I had one other just now show a pollen sack 6 weeks into flower. sigh! I had taken 8(vegging now) clones from her. Guess I need to get a hold of some stable seeds. Then again, where I am I really don't think that is possible. I'll keep holding my breath and hope to weed out any Hermies at least keep em at a low roar. even that one single sack completely covered Her with seeds. Only the top was unaffected. I'll snap some pictures I have 5 strains of Unknows. One smellys very berryish and the rest all have like a diesel pungent smell, some sweet some strange. all just about finished clones are in vegging, and some in rooting stage.
I will continue to follow your Journal. Thanks for your informative Answers


Well-Known Member
No problem, the genetics make that strain not like much stress, as long as everything is in check she should be alright.

Depending on where you live, a trip to Canada will get you the seeds you want, without having to mail order. I don't order seeds, luckily Canada isn't that far away for me.

They'll tell you the seeds are a souvenier or for study purposes only... I had to sign a waiver saying I won't sprout them... I signed Howard Marks :clap:


Well-Known Member
If you are bored and want to see my glass, I just uploaded a shitload of pics to a new album, the links in my sig work now :?

Here's a taste :leaf:



Well-Known Member
thanx for takin the time out to share your jeweIs with us. now you got me going to Grasscity tonight gonna get a Roor i saw and a spoon. :cuss:+bongsmilie= :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I spent a shitload of money on all that glass.

I figured it would be a good idea to snap some pics, you know, for insurance purposes. :bigjoint:

No, really to get them before they're broken. The orange and blue label RooRs are broken at the stem... And there's a pic of a pile of broken pipes in the album. And I can't find a few, and didn't take pictures of a bunch of regular glass, I found a glass on glass bong looking for a disc to save the pictures to... Hahaha, I totally forgot about it. :mrgreen:

I had 8 more marbles, they were gifts to my girlfriend, she tossed them when we broke up, 6 grand worth of glass, I thought I was getting back. Bitch destroyed art. :cuss:

I'll have a topical update tomorrow! (everything doing great).


Well-Known Member
yea it pays to be a backdoor man than have a crazy Iive in broad.haha, especiaIIy if your growing or have nice stuff. jus get some good puss and send them do those marbIes work.


Well-Known Member
That's funny raider, "how do those marbles work"

They're just marbles, they work by sitting still and looking cool... :mrgreen:

They're like 300-500 apiece...

It's what good blowers make instead of pipes.

I guess you could use them as really classy anal beads :?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Gutterman, I've been collecting for years. :mrgreen:

hahaha,i had to ask. who do you recommend for onIine headshop? canadian stores the best?

I've never ordered from the internet, I have a friend who's gotten some good RooRs on some site, Idk which one.

I like to get my glass from headshops. I travel a lot, and like to visit headshops in different cities, my way of souvenier shopping. :bigjoint:

Burlington VT was where I got the sherlock, the RooRs were bought locally, other pipes from California, and Colorado, Oregon... Marbles from around the country, New York, Carolinas, etc.

It's fun to shop around for glass. There are a buttload of glass shops in Vermont, lots of nice headpieces. I don't like the really expensive extravagant pipes, if it isn't functional, (ie smoke well) I don't buy it. :bigjoint:

Those wood pipes are from Jamaica, they're penises and a lady. You stuff weed in her mouth and suck from the pussy. :clap: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Nice journal...ima subscribe. forgive my ignorance, whats a RooR? i wish we could swap clones...i have your diesel you want and you have the dj short BB i want.


Well-Known Member
I see you got your link working.

Getting good genetics can be a bitch.

I hope you find something for all that money.

I got burned a couple of times,
before I found a company to trust.

I would like to find some Arjan's Haze genetics from a reliable source if you know any.
Since he won't ship here.

I don't trust any company that ships from Amsterdam.
They always get pinched by customs.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've never used the dicks, it's too gross, I used the chick once... Don't really want to break in a wood pipe that's carved outta some random wood. They were souveniers from Jamaica... :mrgreen:

I just go to Canada and buy seeds in person, that way you know that customs won't snatch them, and they won't be tracked...


Well-Known Member
Nice journal...ima subscribe. forgive my ignorance, whats a RooR? i wish we could swap clones...i have your diesel you want and you have the dj short BB i want.
A RooR is a glass on glass bong, all those pics in my glass album on page 2 are RooRs.

This is a 24" green label Beaker bottom RooR with an ice catcher:

Get ready for an update! :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
-----ON TOPIC-----

I moved everything into the basement and repotted in 3gal buckets.

I have them under 4 Agrosun 48" flouroscents, and a 600W HPS. The carbon filter is hooked up, and they should be exploding the next couple days... :bigjoint:

The pics are right after I transplanted, and sprayed, that's why there a bit saggy. just got the lights and all.

I feeding, Iguana Grow, Humic, Fulvic, B52, Carbo Load, Barricade, Sweet Leaf, Pirahna, Tarantula.

