MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha... Yeah, it works a lot better removing ambient air from the grow room...

You need a better air exchange rate in order to not collapse to walls. Right now I'm not venting the air out of the room, I'm recirculating it right back out the carbon filter next to the plants. To keep the temps up at 75...It's like 30 degrees outside here. Eventually I'll pull air through the six hoods, and vent it to the outside of the room into the basement and HVAC.

Your exchange rate has to be right if you don't have solid walls... I am going to run another vortex fan pulling air from upstairs, or outside depending on how my temps look, outside air if I'm running hot.


Well-Known Member
sounds good. since i'm in the garage theres Iots of air coming from outside- in ..the sqirreI fan is bIowing through hoIIow waII,which was pIaced bak . the air duct that i made through the tent for bringing in air is beside the gas centraI heater .i set it there to hep puII in CO2 from around the burned gas of the heater . most air is puIIed in from around that heater area.its just that the vortex fan is puIIing in to much cooI air from the garage, they are powerfuI, the sqirreI fan is to but not qite. ,, this house is 60 yrs oId. hard to keep warm of itseIf in there, but air exchange is a must.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
-----ON TOPIC-----


Went down to check on progress, they've fucking exploded since I transplanted and put them under the 600W.

:leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:


One of the two Blueberries already is showing sex on three nodes... Calyxes and pistols I've got a girl!

Also, one of the two 9Miles looks to be a girl, I'm almost positive I see pistols coming from the node.

On a sad note, it looks like the largest Super Skunk is a male. :( But I have 4 others so one is bound to be a female.

I'm so fucking happy that I have a female Blueberry, and most likely a 9Mile girl, I only have two of each, so I'm fucking estatic!!! :bigjoint: :mrgreen:

I also thought that I was going to have to switch to 12/12 lighting to sex them, so I just saved a shitload of time and trouble, I'm going to begin blooming a lot sooner than I thought!!!!! :bigjoint:

I'm getting out the bong to take the enormous grin I have on my face. :mrgreen:

Bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
My superskunk came from DutchSeeds and they have been a weak strain as far as growth.Nowhere near the strength and vigor of my select strains.Im hoping to breed it out and back in to get a larger faster growing plant.Imsticking with the little bitches though.There are so many strains that are stated with the SS.They even want to throw higher penalties for it in some places:peace:


Well-Known Member
My Super Skunk came from SensiSeedbank, I got it because I wanted to backcross with it, I plan on blooming one of the males to collect pollen, it looks like that's what I'm about to do... I've been think of ways to do it and I think I've settled on a plan. I'll post it in a second.


Well-Known Member
So, I've been thinking about backcrossing for some Super Skunk crosses, but wasn't quite sure how I was going to do it without pollinating the whole room.

I'm pretty sure that the largest Super Skunk I have is a male, so, I'm going to send it directly into flowering, only cutting a few clones in case some pistols show.

I'm going to set up a closet space for the male Super Skunk and bloom it asap. When the sacks start to open I'll harvest them into jars, and paint the pollen onto a few branches of the 9Mile plants, and the Silver Mangos.

I've never heard of harsher penalties for certain strains. I didn't think cops new any difference in strains, and how to identify if a strain has skunk lineage. The pigs around here know good shit from bad... They always take a big whiff of my jar and say "this is some good shit huh" right before they steal my weed.

It's happened 4 times, I haven't been caught in 5 years. :bigjoint:

Clean up your appearance :leaf:


Active Member
update... weII it wont work Iike that. to coId in the garage now(time of the year.) puIIs to much coId air in this morning. the rest of the year wouId do great though, the air con. is muIti-room , for spring and summer.vortex fans dont mess around.haha.i think if i removed the vent hose the tent wouId coIIapse inward, doin it the other way,haha.:joint:
If your plants are getting too cold, set the fan that intakes the cold air up on a timer and tinker with it till you find how long you need it to come on to evenly cool the room to your preferred temperature. kinda likea thermostat. works well for me as I was having heat problems with that bulb. wish I would have bought the air cooler type. anyhow. I use a 1000w hps high output horticulture Grow light. using a 1000w conversion Metal Halide to flower the clones. which will start in two weeks. Hopefully :)
Still working on new pics. been busy working sigh.... check back in with ya guys soon.


Well-Known Member
Or you could just hook up an actual thermostat, and use it as a relay switch to your fan, then there's no guessing game.

They're pretty cheap, under 20 bucks at WalMart.


Well-Known Member
The article i read was a anti drug page which listed the more potent strains in it at the top of the list was super skunk,and whats wrong with my appearance?????


Well-Known Member
No, nothing wrong with your appearance. I was just saying if you're constantly getting caught with weed, in public, it's most likely because of your appearance. Sorry, it was just random advice, not directed towards anyone.

As far as harsher penalties for better weed, idk, maybe it's just a way of catagorizing good weed from schwag. Makes no sense at all to me.


Well-Known Member
No, nothing wrong with your appearance. I was just saying if you're constantly getting caught with weed, in public, it's most likely because of your appearance. Sorry, it was just random advice, not directed towards anyone.

As far as harsher penalties for better weed, idk, maybe it's just a way of catagorizing good weed from schwag. Makes no sense at all to me.
Me either Mr marks.I just label the plants mexican so just in case.I hope these weak bitches survive....Subcool says the dutch breed for seed not quality im starting to believe him:leaf::leaf:No disrespect i just stay clean cut.Ex military.The law stays clear of me for now at least:peace:.


Well-Known Member
i have a heater mounted on the wall . its just if the fan is sucking to much air in it begins to get cold even with the heater. went bak to my sqirrel fan it did plenty good.
Congradulations on the girl, nuthin more prouder for a new girl in the family,haha. hope ya get all girls... the letter bak from sensi as you remember, the souvenouir thing..they had told me to get bak with the seed store.i am very persistent to stuff like this,ha, got my answer yesterday via email..stating they threatened to take sensi off thier shelves if fresh seeds werent avail and change out thier old stok. they are sending me fresh sensi mr. nice g13 Hp seeds . i like to shit wen they told me .(550.00 worth). i also told them of my journal for proof. they been sent yesterday. :clap:


Well-Known Member
That's awesome, If I don't get a female from the remaining 4 Super Skunks, I'm going to be pretty pissed, they are definately old, 5/10 germinated. I'm going to breed the male, so it's all good anyway.


Well-Known Member
sounds good,, wen both of these crops are done , gonna do another in the bigger grow room , and wen i get a nice male gonna keep him in the closet ,during mid flowering the girls, bring in the choiciest lady.. and forget this seed ordering . was gonna do it on this one, but i'm a little greedy rite now.ha.:hump:


Active Member
Ok, here is my two veg rooms, and clone room, and flowering room of course with the almost finished production. some look good, some don't.
we made that clone box, (as you can see) rofl.:weed: those are pringle lids for vents, keeps it like 85% humidity, sometimes more and around 75'F-85'F those are two 70 watt HPS lights above the lower clone box.

those are the Clones, just a few, there are more in the flowering room they are 3 weeks old and to my opinion look nice for their age. in two weeks am going to start the 1000 w Metal Halide to veg the next batch. these were all veged from them crappy 70 watters. everything was a mess when I first started. things are starting to get better. just taking time. what do ya all think of the pics. Camera isn't very good.



Active Member
ns lookin buds gutterman , i bet that stuff smells sweet. gd.job. plenty of room to.
Thanks. yeah they do have a great smell. the one with the Mountain Dew can is the Berry smelling thing. wow it is strong. and it is only 3 weeks into flowering. all the others are 6, almost 7 now.