MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Well-Known Member
they are coming nicely
so when you make clones and they grow up do you finish in 3 gallon pails
can you put pics rigt side around.. haha


Well-Known Member
Yes, roor is a well known brand name bong company :roll: I believe it was the first to use science fittings. There are many other science glass bongs now-a-days. But RooR was the only one a few years ago.


Well-Known Member
they are coming nicely
so when you make clones and they grow up do you finish in 3 gallon pails
can you put pics rigt side around.. haha
Sorry, I could rotate them all, but big deal. No, I finish in 5 gal buckets, but these are all mothers, so I'm doing the transition.

I'll put the clones directly into the 5 gal buckets.

-oh, went to Home Depot today, Premier Spagnum Moss was on sale, 8bucks a bale. and get this the 5gla buckets were half priced... 2.50 each, so I bought ten more, I only need 11 more to have 54 buckets...


Well-Known Member
Yes, labratory glassware, like in my pics, mixed in with the bongs, glass on glass, science fittings.... How about we talk about plants.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I could rotate them all, but big deal. No, I finish in 5 gal buckets, but these are all mothers, so I'm doing the transition.

I'll put the clones directly into the 5 gal buckets.

-oh, went to Home Depot today, Premier Spagnum Moss was on sale, 8bucks a bale. and get this the 5gla buckets were half priced... 2.50 each, so I bought ten more, I only need 11 more to have 54 buckets...
dude 5 gal buckets here are like $9
but i got a great score yesterday i scored 12
went back today now i got a total of 55 - cost $ 0
i was so happy to have found them


Well-Known Member
im a painter so i always use 5 gal buckets. i get them like 50 at a time from a local ice cream shop for FREE!! maybe you should try some shops by you although its gettin to be theyre slow/off season


Well-Known Member
yeah i can use it tobuy other stuff for my build and grow check out my journal
i am not too far advance with it as i am waiting for my seed so i was just playing with some other seed and lowrydres while i was building, then waiting
but i have some kush,big bud and kahuna cross and lowrydre cross on the way
link in sig


Active Member
Yes let's get back to talking plants. since we're in waiting, waiting, waiting. Here are a few of my current actors in my also fictional story. :wall:
this was 1 month ago. I'll post the current ones soon.
Yeah the tinfoil is lame haha, but I have yet to order some Mylar. will be here for the clone flowering though, this is more or less a beginner/test and clone grabbing session.



Well-Known Member
Yes let's get back to talking plants. since we're in waiting, waiting, waiting. Here are a few of my current actors in my also fictional story. :wall:
this was 1 month ago. I'll post the current ones soon.
Yeah the tinfoil is lame haha, but I have yet to order some Mylar. will be here for the clone flowering though, this is more or less a beginner/test and clone grabbing session.
If it works it's not lame. hehe Good job.


Well-Known Member
If those pics are from a month ago gutterman that means they should almost be done right?

They are already flowering in your pics.

-Actually aluminum foil causes hotspots. If you're using HID lights, it's best not to use foil. Some white paint works much better. Mylar is even better than that.


Well-Known Member
Mr. Nice , you got this shit down coId,huh.:blsmoke:i'm Iearnin the trade best i can by Iistening, and i been doin it 9 yrs.haha


Well-Known Member
Yeah, even when you think you know alot, there's still new ideas that may be better than what you're currently doing.

I'm getting a lot of good tips here and there, simple things, and some new ideas.

For example, if you have carpet in your house and can't have excess runoff, you could either get one of those plastic baby pools, or a bunch of things that go under the pot and run a shop vac to suck it up... Never would have thought of the shop vac, and I own like 3. :)

I have, and you can...

Run a stationary tub anywhere in your house with little work. All you need are two garden hoses and some pvc fittings. One hose for drain water, one hose to run water. I put a stationary tub in the attic bedroom of a rental house, along with a sub panel.

Then moved out in a year. Set up tear down, nothing permanent.


Active Member
Yeah. those were around two weeks into flower, I will snap some new ones and post shortly. they are 6 weeks into flowering, 3 strains are pretty much done. two others though are still growing hairs and fattening up. I clipped one bud (from one that has two weeks at least left), was wonderful considering I have none atm. buds are a lil loose atm. using a 1000w HPS to flower, losing alot of light on the sides as you can see.


Well-Known Member
do you use a reg HPS buIb or do you use a hortiIux buIb? i aIso saw in one of your pics that you use the air in your grow room to cooI your Iite. i thought about that, and went and removed my vent fan ,that puIIs air out and removed the duct hose on the other end of the Iite and it worx even better , i use a vaIue Iine vortex fan because of the non hurricane force puII, but thier stiII pretty strong. thanx for posting that. saves eIectricity , room and better air exchange. and it vents in the attic seaIed shut.:hump:puff puff...passssssssssss


Well-Known Member
update... weII it wont work Iike that. to coId in the garage now(time of the year.) puIIs to much coId air in this morning. the rest of the year wouId do great though, the air con. is muIti-room , for spring and summer.vortex fans dont mess around.haha.i think if i removed the vent hose the tent wouId coIIapse inward, doin it the other way,haha.:joint: