MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Active Member
i was reading your thread i also use the spagnum peat moss from lowes with perlite.. although this time around i added bonemeal,bloodmeal,high phos bat guano,rock phosphate, kelp meal and dolomite lime.. first time doing this love the results leaves got bigger than my hand with this mix.. i also have been growing for a while 4 years with many crops.. u ever use a similar mix??

current grow is ppp and papaya only under 3000W 29 plants...


Active Member
by the way i was in the same boat as you i moved couldnt grow for almost a year... started from seed again ( what a bitch) and took clones took me a while but finally up and running...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, sucks starting from seed, I'd have pulled down a harvest by now if I started from clone :?

I have used the bone, blood, etc, but it was my first grow outdoors. I used them because I didn't have any money really, and wanted the best results. So I dug out a bed and tilled in all the guano and bone/blood meal... I also used wood ash, gravel, sand, and some potting soil and peat moss.

I don't see any reason to add the bone/blood/guano to my current mix because I use high grade fertillizer. I do however use the lime in order to get the proper soil pH range.


Well-Known Member
Well everything is coming along, lots of work, but I'm almost there... :mrgreen:

Here's some updated pics, lots of planting has been going on... Lots of dirt under the nails, toes too...




Active Member
First of all, no worries about your electric bill, that's hardly any power being used...

The Metal Halide should be used for veg, over the mother plants, and some fluorescents for clones.

The HPS should be used for flowering... The spectrum of a MH is blueish for veg, HPS is red for bloom.

The 18 pots will work perfectly in what you're describing, two 3 x 3 squares with 9 pots each... What I'm doing on a smaller scale.

The light mover is great, to set it up, find the center point to hang the track, and you'll want the light to move 3 feet back and forth over each 3 x 3 area, stopping over the direct center of each 3 x 3.

The clones don't need that much water, so an ebb flow table might be overkill, clone domes cost like 5 bucks at a garden store, and you could use jiffy pucks, rapid rooters, or rockwool in them.

Having a 1000W MH for veg, you'll be able to fully veg out your plants and put them directly into the flowering room, but using the bubble buckets will prevent this, so you might want to think about either getting more of those buckets for faster turnaround, or use a different method, and add another 600W HPS to the bloom room...

But most of all, I recommend doing a little reading on how to grow well, and the basics, it's always good to get a little refresher on the basic horticulture info that's around. Since you had confusion on MH or HPS for flowering, I assume you haven't done extensive research. Hope this helped a bit. :bigjoint:
I'm attempting to do the proper research, hence my being in this forum :-P.

As far as the kind of light you use for flowering I know that you would use a HPS for flowering and a MH for vegetative. The problem I've run into is I have a 1,000w MH which isn't the right spectrum for flowering, but it is big enough for the space I need to light and a 600w HPS which is the right light, but not enough.

Would it be worth the money to ditch the 1,000w MH and get a 600w HPS so I would have 2 600w lights? And don't you think it would be a little overkill having a 1,000 MH for a 3' x 3' area?

I actually have a clone dome that I'm going to use with rapid rooters to take from the mother plants. Would the clones be able to go straight from the clone dome to the flowering room after getting their roots?

Thanks a lot, your advice is much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I'm attempting to do the proper research, hence my being in this forum :-P.

As far as the kind of light you use for flowering I know that you would use a HPS for flowering and a MH for vegetative. The problem I've run into is I have a 1,000w MH which isn't the right spectrum for flowering, but it is big enough for the space I need to light and a 600w HPS which is the right light, but not enough.

Would it be worth the money to ditch the 1,000w MH and get a 600w HPS so I would have 2 600w lights? And don't you think it would be a little overkill having a 1,000 MH for a 3' x 3' area?

I actually have a clone dome that I'm going to use with rapid rooters to take from the mother plants. Would the clones be able to go straight from the clone dome to the flowering room after getting their roots?

Thanks a lot, your advice is much appreciated.
No they will be put in soil and back into veg,to be cloned again.Building my summer grow!!!!!!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Actually Nacho, if you kept you 1k MH, and used it to veg your plants out a bit before you put them into flower you'll get much bigger yields, plus you'll be able to clone from the lower branches before the transition to flower.

-Another benefit is the perpetual flowering, you will be able to constantly put plants into the bloom room as you harvest them.

-After your first harvest invest in another 600W HPS, the mover you have will be good enough for now, it makes the 1 600W cover the area of 2.

-Must growers that don't have a high output veg light and large veg room wish they had one, me included, I have a 125W ballasted CFL, and some fluorescents... I wish I have a t5 or a MH, then vegging in my flower room wouldn't be an issue, it cuts 2-3 weeks off my next cycle.

I'm happy to help you with any questions you might have, or I can direct you to a good resource.


Well-Known Member
man, i've learned so much from reading this journal...i've grown outside for a few years but my first indoor grow...thanks for taking the time to answer ? with paragraphs not just a couple words...i'm upgrading to a larger room this week and now it'll be even better