Well-Known Member
Sooo.. are you having fun yet? lol VV
i never got this mch weed off any other its the BB cross with kush .its for the conisie. smoker ony . most pp. i know coudnt smoke it . said it made em trip. i never cood get pass 2 hits .i been smookin 32 yrs.DP strains are consistent, short and very stoky
when you have government buying up private companys with tax payers money..that is socialism...they will not be able to afford to borrow much longer..this ponzi scheme is going to fall flat on its face...I don't know if you've been following the news lately, but the government is pretty much running big buisness, the bailout gave them more control over the people than most give credit. The government isn't getting any smaller, democrats want big government and stricter regulations, republicans want free trade and less involvement, libertarians, like me, want the government to fuck off.
but the government is pretty much running big buisness