For real one shiner usually makes my face numb on an empty stomach.
5? Try 20+. Lotta old, bible thumpin' conservative types that need to die off before it has a chance in texas.
Only if it's legalization that lets you grow not this state-run store bullshit leading to corporate weed.
If you're ever in Texas (before I move west) just drop me a line happy to keep ya just bring me some of that good sativa

Please though, don't diss the state just because there are a number of jerks here. There are jerks in every state.
As far as what's been said:
* No such thing as 'oh if it's just a little bit don't worry' -- everywhere in TX it is all down to whether the cop who busts you is cool or a dick. Odds are he's a dick and throws the book at you. Good luck getting a decent job with drug arrests on your record here. If you are in a small town sleep with your ass to the wall those pigs are out to buttfuck you for sure.
* Just like anywhere else, if you're not doing stupid shit (ie getting high in public or without care of who notices) you won't have an issue. Keep it secret. Keep it safe.
* Austin is the most liberal city for mj. Dallas has the most to do and has winter. Houston the most depraved. San Antonio the most mexican (yeah, I said it).