Moving to Texas...any tips?

A word about smoke. The cops will lie to you and shake you down. Any weed on you is a big deal. having an 1/8 on you is worse than murder or rape. the cop will always say he smells weed. Say strange, must be the sage brush. No you cant search me, i am an american, and you are too, so you understand the 4th amendment and why it is important. am i being detanied? can i go then?

hes right cops are bad about weed here
Lived in San Antonio for many years, for the most part its a very friendly city. It's the only place in America I have been where the LEO are actually professional and not on a power trip (experience with my brushes with them). Prices are cheap for $30 an O of mexican import. Higher quality, just gota know the right people still reasonable prices.
Anything over two ounces and you are screwed but seriously great place to live. Very hot in the summer for sure. Where ever you go make sure there is a pool close by you will need it for sure.
hey Uncle Buckhead, GFY you friggin troll, thats all u and ur butt boy carnal asodomy do is bad mouth people.... You have nothing to contribute and you are dead beat Libs. with your hands out. Some peoples kids. You and all the Obama lovers need to stay out of Texas, you are not welcome...... Open season on Liberals here, normal people welcome!
Funny everytime you reply I get a bunch of likes on my posts....
i'm in north tx nd its hot but its been raing alot wy i'm doina grandaddy purp gro out in the deep woods.fas growth here.plants love this firey sun.
texas is much room,cheaper rent,food ,gas,oil...lots of forest .20.00 to 30.00 an hour here is the reg wage here.but i'm in oil and gas region.
  1. Chicken fried steak
  2. Ham steak and eggs
  3. Steak and eggs
  4. Iced tea (sugar tea if that's your preference)
  5. Biscuits and gravy
  6. Humidity
  7. Heat
  8. Insane marijuana laws
  9. Touchy LEO's
  10. Good people.

Couldn't of said it any better... Humidity and heat are brutal in south Texas but the jobs are decent.
i'm groin 12 grandaddy purps outdoors and love this heat super fas growing ...good luck with yure move,rdr.
"make sure you have your papers / green card.. there sticklers about that lol "
Lol, Not the part I live in? where are you talking about in Texas?
I know, right?

The member you quoted has obviously not spent much time in Texas.

OP, Texas is huge and varied. There is no one single answer to your question.

Just understand that what the rest of the nation calls drought. We call summer.

Summer starts in May and ends in September. April to October in South Texas.
dallas is different than austin and austin is different that el paso and cities are alot different than oil fields. summer is deadly to be outside in. i hate it haha im in oregon right now and would LOVE to move here
Just moved out of north texas, currently in Oklahoma for school. Texas is a great state, some friendly people as long as you don't mess with their shit. Its not just a joke, most people here do have guns and carry them often. If you are a beer drinker get ready cause Shiner is one of the all time greats and the pride of the lone star state.
I lived in Fort Worth for a bit.

Im from metro Boston, so Texas was a real trip. People are nicer and friendlier than in the northeast.

Was weird for me to meet people my age that listened to country music and wore cowboy hats.

Hot isnt the word for the heat there, that heat is crazy; didnt like that.

If youre single its paradise, tons of hot women. Only place in the US with hotter women is So Cal