Mother of chicks


Well-Known Member
very cool thread. cute little buggers! I once went to a fair as a kid and they had this little incubater where you could watch quail eggs hatch. there was this one poor little newbie gettin all trampled to death and even tho it was agianst thier "rules" we finnaly convinced the ppl to let me have it.
We took it to the hotel room and bought a heat lamp. he/she survived a week or two until he/she fell into the water bowl and drown while we weren't watching opps...


Well-Known Member
yea birds are tough because as much as i love them they are not to smart? glad you guys like the thread thanks for watchin:)

i hope my kids love all the stuff i do with them i loved animals as a kid so................


Well-Known Member
Cool thread Kaya:hump:....My wife and I have talked about this for a while but wondered just all that was involved, we will enjoy watchin this.....maybe if I had that many chicks I could finally get rid of these munchies:mrgreen:!!


Well-Known Member
my baby chicks finaly arrived. What a crew!!! I ordered 40 and ended up getting like 120 cause the post office messed up. Alot of them didnt make it cause they got shipped on a holiday weekend and it took an extra day. the ones that made it are now strong and full of spunk and what a variety. My hubby had to build a bigger cage for them all, i must be crazy:)
Hi, I was just wondering where you got your chicks from?
I was looking to get some.


Well-Known Member
mcmurray hatchery very well known comapany they have been in the business for over 50 years, my gramp used to get his chickens from them:)

i love the chicks gotthemunchies but they are alot of work if you get them in the spring and its still cold they have to stay inside and they are dusty as hell!!!! we also have issues with wild animals trying to eat them so right now we are building a crazy chicken coop. I also find that changing the water and feeders has to be done at min. four times a day they are very messy!!!!


Well-Known Member
Do you eat meat?

Am I the only one that is shocked by that? You were sent live animals by post! As if they were some sort of inanimate object!? You go on to say "the ones that made it"... WTF! Like they're ship wreck survivors; they wouldn't be dead if they hadn't been enclosed in a dingy little box and kept on some shelf with no water or food. I used to raise chickens when I lived in Spain, and there I saw some shocking treatment of chickens in the markets. But what you described sounds f##king barbaric compared. I am very fond of chickens and found that quite distressing. The transportation of live animals across long stressful journeys is wrong period.


Well-Known Member
I will second McMurrays I order all my fowl from them too they are great and have a huge selection of everything you need!!! Ive been ordering from them for bout 8yrs now. :) Im more into the pheasant peacock stuff then the chicks but they sure are cute! good luck with them all :)

mcmurray hatchery very well known comapany they have been in the business for over 50 years, my gramp used to get his chickens from them:)

i love the chicks gotthemunchies but they are alot of work if you get them in the spring and its still cold they have to stay inside and they are dusty as hell!!!! we also have issues with wild animals trying to eat them so right now we are building a crazy chicken coop. I also find that changing the water and feeders has to be done at min. four times a day they are very messy!!!!


Well-Known Member
i love the chicks gotthemunchies but they are alot of work if you get them in the spring and its still cold they have to stay inside and they are dusty as hell!!!! we also have issues with wild animals trying to eat them so right now we are building a crazy chicken coop. I also find that changing the water and feeders has to be done at min. four times a day they are very messy!!!!
We really want to see the coop:hump:...whats the total number you plan on munchin down on and at what age are they ready to eat??


Well-Known Member
if i bought meat birds they can be ready in like 11 weeks i think? I have more beauty than anything and i will end up eating some of the males and probably few of the females. I will try to keep as many males as i can get to live together peacefuly or i may buils some seperate enclosures to do some breeding. I still dont have a coop and we have three feet of snow so they will be in the house for a bit. I will keep you guys posted on all the progress of everything. I think its great that you are interested.


Well-Known Member
i would love to have more variety but i think i would go with ducks and geese nice to have another bird lover on board cali girl:)


Well-Known Member
i don't know anything about raising birds - is ring-neck pheasant an option? Is that even a "breed"?


Well-Known Member
hey bong i was just lookin back in the thread and saw your coop very cute:) I am having alot of fun with these guys!!! wish i could give you some babies

Not sure about the phesants email i do more barnyard style birds:)

Glad you guys are likin the thread i will keep it going until its gone but not before the coop is build dont worry


Well-Known Member
hey bong i was just lookin back in the thread and saw your coop very cute:) I am having alot of fun with these guys!!! wish i could give you some babies

Not sure about the phesants email i do more barnyard style birds:)

Glad you guys are likin the thread i will keep it going until its gone but not before the coop is build dont worry
i asked cause they are both beautiful and delicious - ring-necks that is :joint:


New Member
hey chickens were plymouth rocks and golden comets, I got them at the local farm co-op and they have a good selection...


Well-Known Member
yea i have heard of plymouth rocks and Golden commets i jusy love all chickens!!! If i didnt have kids i would even keep the fiesty roosters:) I love the green layers cause they have puffy cheeks and are very cute (araucana) My fav so far are the blue cochins and the one i showed on my hand is a blue splash from what i can tell so far. I have black frizzle bantam cochins and a few salmon frevellos many others i cant tell yet. Im actualy procrastinating school work right now so i gotta go but i will do pics tonight if i get enough school work done:)

And email how have you been wish i had time to check out your thread but i also want to see about getting high speed today then i can actauly visit you guys without it taking forever.


Well-Known Member
well the all black one in the first pic is baby eater my kids chick and the others are ????

Then my sweet kitty checks out the new family addition she completly knows the diffrence between family and things she can eat

the last pic is one of my little favorites, i ended up with some beautiful blue cochins and they make great mothers:)

the coop started being pieced together today i didnt get home from having this tooth pulled till after dark so pics will have to wait. Its small 8x4 and we will probably just add to it once the wether changes!!! I will keep the little bantams in the house for a bit longer and they may have a seperate coop from the bigger chickens, so we shall see.

