Mother of chicks


Well-Known Member
some will be long term pets we will keep long after they stop laying and others will be spoiled until the day they get the slice to the neck. Iv done turkeys but honestly the racoon got more chickens than anyone and i never have killed a chicken, birds are alot of work and the process is rather nasty but o well we have done cows and such too.


Well-Known Member
they are growing so fast.......... anyone want a few? One of them is soooo friendly it wants to hang out with us and not the other chickens:)
Wish i could get better pics but they all run to the corners when i come with the camra? The direct tv guy camr to fix us and he was in love with them took pics for his wife and everything, it was very funny. He was like id get some but my wife would never have this gigantic box filled with chickens in her house, it was funny. With all the snow falling its gonna be alot of work to build them a bigger coop they may have to live in the smaller one for a bit? I have two coops i may slpit them up small ones and normal size ones.



New Member
thats a lot of fried chicken ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm munchies all of them chikens are maken me hungery we had ribs tonight BBQ not as good as chicken though


Well-Known Member
they are cute and all but birds are so dumb they want to fill their water with savings till they cant drink anymore, and in general they are very messy. You cant imagine the dust in my house right now!!!!! they are growing at amazing speeds and its fun to watch i have pics later


Well-Known Member
the first pic has a little tiny black chick that is going to have the neatest hair like feathers. his sibling had a goopy eye and i had to keep cleaning it and i said i was gonna name him pirate well my son says his brother is mine and i want to call him baby eater ...........what a cute name:mrgreen: baby eater:) They are doing well, growing lots of real feathers and getting less fluffy every day.



Well-Known Member
thanks masta they took over my house so i figured i share with you all ill keep ya posted right down to the green eggs some will lay


Well-Known Member
Did you order straight runs? you should just hatch your own next time, more exciting :). I have lots of birds too well actually i have a mini farm. if you ever want a baby peacock let me know lol.
they are growing so fast.......... anyone want a few? One of them is soooo friendly it wants to hang out with us and not the other chickens:)
Wish i could get better pics but they all run to the corners when i come with the camra? The direct tv guy camr to fix us and he was in love with them took pics for his wife and everything, it was very funny. He was like id get some but my wife would never have this gigantic box filled with chickens in her house, it was funny. With all the snow falling its gonna be alot of work to build them a bigger coop they may have to live in the smaller one for a bit? I have two coops i may slpit them up small ones and normal size ones.



Well-Known Member
i wish i had time for that the kids would love it. No i order all laying hens and a few roosters.................but one of the other persons i got are straight run they are all the fancy footed. we also have worms, cats, fish, dog and ferrett so i guess we have a small farm too. Thanks for stoppin

my friend wanted to give me some ducks but we shall see im a student ,mother of two, passion party diva, landscaper and i dont have time but i still want a small farm myself


Well-Known Member
well then here's sumthign you gotta get for the kids .lol I seen one at a petting zoo that was set up next to my shop and came home with one the following week. baby pygmy goat. now hes full grow 7 months old and only weights like 30 lbs small /medium dog size

i wish i had time for that the kids would love it. No i order all laying hens and a few roosters.................but one of the other persons i got are straight run they are all the fancy footed. we also have worms, cats, fish, dog and ferrett so i guess we have a small farm too. Thanks for stoppin

my friend wanted to give me some ducks but we shall see im a student ,mother of two, passion party diva, landscaper and i dont have time but i still want a small farm myself



Well-Known Member
hey my friend brought her mom one of those and her mom was like what the fuck am i gonna do with a goat!!!! very cute cali gurl


Well-Known Member
i wanted some chickens and a rooster but my cat is the devil she kills everything. she beat up my friends dog that is bigger than her. she brings in birds worms mice rats . i was lucky and stopped her from attacking a racoon once. but if she ever calms down ill probably get some other animals


Well-Known Member
my cat is a killer too but if it lives in the house she knows better isnt that cute:) she was left with our hamster once and just played with it, but if its outside she kills it and brings it to her mom


Well-Known Member
awsome kaya love the pets i used to have a bunch but now i just have a cat,dog and a lizard. o plus my plants there my pets too lol.


Well-Known Member
its so hard to get a pic of these quick little guys. They stand semi still at feeding time, they are growing like crazy and so many feathers are growing in. I love the ones with the big feathery feet.

