Mother of chicks


There's treachery afoot
They look so soft and fluffy!...reminds me of easter.....have a friend who just got 1800 in...he raises organic free chickens so he bought quite a few.


Well-Known Member
yea thats what i do flower gurl but within a restricted space because i have gardens mt chickens get into, its alot of work and organic food is harder to get but its worth it not eating tortured animals.

:( but yes bwinn just for us to eat:) some will be pets mostly the ladies and the others............well you know:)


There's treachery afoot
I think it is horrible how little chickens are kept all smushed into little cages, they never get to run around and be..well...chickens. Happy to hear you are raising happy chickens that have a little roaming room. Sounds like mama loves her baby chickens...even tho your going to eat em. I would raise some but I live in the city on four acres, we are allowed three domestic fowl per lot so I could have 12 total. Worried it would draw attention to my place so count on my free range chicken rancher friends
to keep me supplied.


Well-Known Member
my baby chicks finaly arrived. What a crew!!! I ordered 40 and ended up getting like 120 cause the post office messed up. Alot of them didnt make it cause they got shipped on a holiday weekend and it took an extra day. the ones that made it are now strong and full of spunk and what a variety. My hubby had to build a bigger cage for them all, i must be crazy:)
Am I the only one that is shocked by that? You were sent live animals by post! As if they were some sort of inanimate object!? You go on to say "the ones that made it"... WTF! Like they're ship wreck survivors; they wouldn't be dead if they hadn't been enclosed in a dingy little box and kept on some shelf with no water or food. I used to raise chickens when I lived in Spain, and there I saw some shocking treatment of chickens in the markets. But what you described sounds f##king barbaric compared. I am very fond of chickens and found that quite distressing. The transportation of live animals across long stressful journeys is wrong period.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that is shocked by that? You were sent live animals by post! As if they were some sort of inanimate object!? You go on to say "the ones that made it"... WTF! Like they're ship wreck survivors; they wouldn't be dead if they hadn't been enclosed in a dingy little box and kept on some shelf with no water or food. I used to raise chickens when I lived in Spain, and there I saw some shocking treatment of chickens in the markets. But what you described sounds f##king barbaric compared. I am very fond of chickens and found that quite distressing. The transportation of live animals across long stressful journeys is wrong period.
how else would they get from point A to point B? they don't fly and they can't walk that far - i'm not being mean - i want to know how else they would get around!


Well-Known Member
how else would they get from point A to point B? they don't fly and they can't walk that far - i'm not being mean - i want to know how else they would get around!

Well when I went to buy mine I just drove to the local market and had them in an open box for the short drive home, where I let them run free on a 10 acre plot of land. Maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion a bit, but in my opinion animals transported by mail causing some to die in the process makes me tremble with disgust. It completely removes the personal journey, in a sense, and humanity between the animal and keeper. Just having the post man deliver them to you as if it were a new T.V. It's important to go to the source yourself and see what the conditions there are like, else you may be supporting some factory farm where they have chickens huddled in cages endlessly producing chicks. I'm not against delivery of animals, it's just the manner in which they were brought in this particular case.


Well-Known Member
Well when I went to buy mine I just drove to the local market and had them in an open box for the short drive home, where I let them run free on a 10 acre plot of land. Maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion a bit, but in my opinion animals transported by mail causing some to die in the process makes me tremble with disgust. It completely removes the personal journey, in a sense, and humanity between the animal and keeper. Just having the post man deliver them to you as if it were a new T.V. It's important to go to the source yourself and see what the conditions there are like, else you may be supporting some factory farm where they have chickens huddled in cages endlessly producing chicks. I'm not against delivery of animals, it's just the manner in which they were brought in this particular case.
i think i misunderstood. but thanks for clearing up my misunderstanding!


Well-Known Member
yea i have been ordering chickens for years and this is the first time I have lost any, they are often one day old when they arrive but they can live up to three days on the remainder of the inside of the egg. I am excited to hatch my own chicks next year and i will try to avoid shipping but no i have no bad feelings about ordering my chicks. Yes i was upset they didnt all make it but if you eat meat, check out how most chickens people eat live their whole lives in the link i posted. even egg producing hens are caged their entire life stacked ten high to shit on each other. my chicks will have a spoiled life and then i will tie some of them upside down, from a tree and off with the head. Hows that sound:)


There's treachery afoot
Like dinner!!!!
You go Kaya!!

yea i have been ordering chickens for years and this is the first time I have lost any, they are often one day old when they arrive but they can live up to three days on the remainder of the inside of the egg. I am excited to hatch my own chicks next year and i will try to avoid shipping but no i have no bad feelings about ordering my chicks. Yes i was upset they didnt all make it but if you eat meat, check out how most chickens people eat live their whole lives in the link i posted. even egg producing hens are caged their entire life stacked ten high to shit on each other. my chicks will have a spoiled life and then i will tie some of them upside down, from a tree and off with the head. Like hows that sound:)


Well-Known Member
my chicks will have a spoiled life and then i will tie some of them upside down, from a tree and off with the head. Like hows that sound:)
let's put it this way - if there were no grocery stores, i would still be a meat-eater :mrgreen:
not afraid where it comes from and am pretty familiar in fact. not quite a farm-boy - but very, very nearby....


Well-Known Member
hehehe this was such a nice thread before:) I like the truck idea flowergurl

titania get a better avatar for me to look at if you are going to post here that girl is a butterface everything but her face looks good:) She looks like a idiot with her tounge hangin out like that???????????