Mother F****er

I've been battling thrips for the past month but everything is looking great now. Some of the gear that a friend sent me is doing really good, Ass Cheese and Tattooine in particular. I also have one from a seed that fell out of the pack. It is a big sturdy monster. I named it Sandhill for old times sake!
Got to love those Tray Jumpers. Do you have a thread for those? Would like to check them out. The name is funny. A friend and I were talking about seed company names, and Sandhill Seeds did come up.
Got to love those Tray Jumpers. Do you have a thread for those? Would like to check them out. The name is funny. A friend and I were talking about seed company names, and Sandhill Seeds did come up.
No, I've been lazy, but will be taking pics this round when they are close to ready.
No, I've been lazy, but will be taking pics this round when they are close to ready.
Cool. I haven't been doing many pictures either. I've only got one out now anyway. It was an accident. Sprouted too late for Spring and too early for Summer. I didn't have the heart to kill it. {although I did kill one tray jumper that sprouted about the same time}
No doubt. It's just hard to nail down a date to when man became man. The more we learn, the more questions it brings up.
There's a theory that the human race had a genetic bottleneck around 75,000 years ago and that one woman has left her mitochondrial DNA in all of us.

There was an enormous caldera volcano that erupted at about the same time, leading to speculation that drastic changes in climate may have precipitated the bottleneck.

We are apparently genetically closer to Bonobo chimpanzees than the variations that exist within some species. Yet we alone are naked. A population bottleneck would neatly explain this.
This made me really depressed..
And just think, that sphere is going to keep getting bigger over time. 100 years is just an eyeblink in the scale of the Galaxy. Give it 10,000 years and we'll have had a chance to say hello to our neighbors.