Mother F****er

Shit this is going from bad to worse.

If this was one of the other guys, they would have misquoted you in a way to make it seem like you are INTO dogs.
Yeah, those other guys are assholes.
batman IS a regular guy...which is exactly why i like him. superman is too powerful...he can fly, you can't hurt him, he can hear you breath in hiding, he has xray vision, hes super strong....if the motherfucker can't catch a crook, he really sucks...Batman may have some toys, but he relies on his own abilities to catch criminals. he has to physically train, learn martial arts, use the gear he can afford to give him advantages....and he killed superman.....twice....
He beat him with a kryptonite ring that superman actually gave batman, that's beyond a bitch move. Then he made arrows out of it, again with the bitch moves... He's able to kill superman because supermans way to nice, the kinda guy you can bring home to mom. Batmans just a depressed rich guy. I would completely hate batman if it wasn't for Alfred. I don't even think batman would make it out of bed most days if it wasn't for Alfred.
Just 2 people if you believe some stories.
Ok. Ill bite.

Actually if you read Genesis it says "they" were on earth before Adam and eve. Anyways I won't go into that.

So lets say its evolution. How many did we start with? What ever our start was, how many were there? So more than one crawled from water?

I'm saying with either belief it had to start with a small number.
Ok. Ill bite.

Actually if you read Genesis it says "they" were on earth before Adam and eve. Anyways I won't go into that.

So lets say its evolution. How many did we start with? What ever our start was, how many were there? So more than one crawled from water?

I'm saying with either belief it had to start with a small number.
At the end of the last ice age, it is estimated we were down to 10K folks. A tiny number. Two highland gorillas living 10 miles apart have more genetic diversity than Charles Barkley and the Queen of England.
At the end of the last ice age, it is estimated we were down to 10K folks. A tiny number. Two highland gorillas living 10 miles apart have more genetic diversity than Charles Barkley and the Queen of England.
I believe that.

I'm just curious as to our start. It had to be a small number.
Ok. Ill bite.

Actually if you read Genesis it says "they" were on earth before Adam and eve. Anyways I won't go into that.

So lets say its evolution. How many did we start with? What ever our start was, how many were there? So more than one crawled from water?

I'm saying with either belief it had to start with a small number.

I was always fascinated with this book, came out when I was in 8th grade.

My all time favorite book report.
Ill check it out.
Let me save you the time:
