Mother F****er

batman IS a regular guy...which is exactly why i like him. superman is too powerful...he can fly, you can't hurt him, he can hear you breath in hiding, he has xray vision, hes super strong....if the motherfucker can't catch a crook, he really sucks...Batman may have some toys, but he relies on his own abilities to catch criminals. he has to physically train, learn martial arts, use the gear he can afford to give him advantages....and he killed superman.....twice....
batman IS a regular guy...which is exactly why i like him. superman is too powerful...he can fly, you can't hurt him, he can hear you breath in hiding, he has xray vision, hes super strong....if the motherfucker can't catch a crook, he really sucks...Batman may have some toys, but he relies on his own abilities to catch criminals. he has to physically train, learn martial arts, use the gear he can afford to give him advantages....and he killed superman.....twice....
....and thats whats wrong in this world today...

these fuckers are boring!!!! as you know they will win

a hero is an average guy/chump in a very difficult situation

maybe like Bruce Willis as McClane? even then he was a cop

an average guy taking out a really bad super hero with a paper clip is something to be hold

taking the super guy out with a ray gun? ...bummer!
i think what's wrong with comics today, is that its today, and i'm old. comic books will always be cool, but as an adult, i immediately pick out the glaring inconsistencies, contradictions, physically impossible acts (even inside the world of super heroes)....i can't just enjoy the story anymore, because i'm too busy thinking about how superman catching Lois Lane falling at terminal velocity would still be...well, terminal to Lois, same thing with spiderman catching someone in full swing, he may keep them from hitting the ground, but they'll either break their neck, get whiplash, break their back....
Actually, that would be at least 2 crimes:Illegal to "marry" the close relative thus you break a civil law of fraudulent marriage, lying on official document, etc. Then if you actually consummate , felony sex crimes. They shoulda just fucked and left it at that, be in a lot less trouble

I think its wrong. Here's the thing though. Why should anything two consenting adults do be a crime, no matter how disgusting it is?
Yep. The marriage thing though gets into complicated legal shit and opens doors to some inventive frauds, insurance scams, financial scams, etc.
Ah. Yea. I can see the legal fraud aspect.
It is all good and well until their child is born with an arm growing from it's head.
It takes generations of inbreeding to cause problems.

I watched a special on it years ago. There is only a small increase in chance of birth defects from one generation of inbreeding.

We all had to come from a small number in the beginning.
Our cats mated with their brothers... 4 of their 8 kittens were born dead or deformed, only 4 lived.
That gave me the creeps for the concept for life. I now only do it with fish and plants. The cats were an accident, they got pregnant at like 5 months old.
We still have one of the moms, she is 19 years old now.
Our cats mated with their brothers... 4 of their 8 kittens were born dead or deformed, only 4 lived.
That gave me the creeps for the concept for life. I now only do it with fish and plants. The cats were an accident, they got pregnant at like 5 months old.
We still have one of the moms, she is 19 years old now.
That may be. Doesn't mean that's the reason it happened.

I've seen it happen in dogs and cats and be fine.

I don't support the idea or practice of inbreeding but that's how some breeds were actually made.
Our cats mated with their brothers... 4 of their 8 kittens were born dead or deformed, only 4 lived.
That gave me the creeps for the concept for life. I now only do it with fish and plants. The cats were an accident, they got pregnant at like 5 months old.
We still have one of the moms, she is 19 years old now.

hope you get a chance to read this seveneves =7 moms who rebuild the human race ... ltalk about inbreeding ../lol

or at least see the movie...that gonna is a very big subject better over 10x60min tv seris


about the start this mamooth tome
Ah. Yea. I can see the legal fraud aspect.

It takes generations of inbreeding to cause problems.

I watched a special on it years ago. There is only a small increase in chance of birth defects from one generation of inbreeding.

We all had to come from a small number in the beginning.
Just 2 people if you believe some stories.