Most Powdery Mildew resistant strains?


Well-Known Member
Ok i'm at my wits end here with PM in my region. I'm outdoor grower and i've been trying to find/create a very strong anti-PM strain, with little success.
I noticed a teensy bit of PM on 1 of my GSC x SC yesterday, so back to the drawing board i guess.
Like all things in life, there is someone out there that already has it and i just haven't met him/her yet. "Oh just buy xxx and no more PM outdoors"
would be nice but im not holding my breath.
Have any of you come across a very high resistance to powdery mildew strain?
utside grows are pretty much a waste of time in my neck of woods but a friend living in a better climate grows the church because of its resistance to mould.
post #20 mentioned something about some anti mould system apparently the church has that breeding/genetics whatever, it might worth checking. out.

Serious 6 was created as an almost pure Sativa with a very short flowering time by mixing genetics from Canada with Sativa-landraces from Africa. She is vigorous, very mold-resistant and will finish VERY EARLY outdoors, from the middle to end of September, even in a humid and cold climate.

No..even this 100% sat got it, before some other stuff in my garden too. Not much but im back on the hunt. Im not looking for 100% immunity from PM or budrot, outdoor we have to be proactive but im looking for the least amount of handling or spraying is all
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Like l said the Church and breed up with higher thc imo. But that swedish company might be a good idea. Ive got mold resistant seeds. But its going to fun finding which ones are, could send you a few hundred. I grew 2 this year came up 50% for 100% resistance.
Xtsho is right, when you see "mold resistant" strains, it's usually talking about budrot-the structure of the buds is a big factor in budrot with hard/tight/large colas being the most susceptible, and loose landrace sativa buds being the least susceptible (but also hardest to finish in the northern latitudes). In general, faster finishing, vigorous strains will be your best bet, the longer they're out there, the greater the opportunity for PM to take hold. If you live in a northern state, try Ace's Erdput for a fast "mold resistant" indica or Serious Seeds Serious 6, for a fast flowering sativa. Save the popular/expensive/"fire" strains for indoors-those are usually the most likely to get mold outdoors. Also, keep your outdoor plants far away from your veggie garden, it's a magnet for PM, especially curcubits.
Xtsho is right, when you see "mold resistant" strains, it's usually talking about budrot-the structure of the buds is a big factor in budrot with hard/tight/large colas being the most susceptible, and loose landrace sativa buds being the least susceptible (but also hardest to finish in the northern latitudes). In general, faster finishing, vigorous strains will be your best bet, the longer they're out there, the greater the opportunity for PM to take hold. If you live in a northern state, try Ace's Erdput for a fast "mold resistant" indica or Serious Seeds Serious 6, for a fast flowering sativa. Save the popular/expensive/"fire" strains for indoors-those are usually the most likely to get mold outdoors. Also, keep your outdoor plants far away from your veggie garden, it's a magnet for PM, especially curcubits.

Preventive measures are the best defense for PM. I spray the entire yard with a potassium silicate/sesame oil foliar weekly during the growing season. Sesame oil is a natural fungicide used in several commercial organic products and potassium silicate raises the pH making it inhospitable for PM to take hold and grow. I had no PM on my outdoor cannabis, cucumbers, pumpkins, squash, or roses all which are PM magnets. Citric acid is also effective against PM as well by lowering the pH.

You are correct about the bud rot. Strains with denser flowers are going to be more susceptible. Here in the PNW it's just part of growing outside.
PM resistance is real.

Discovery and Genetic Mapping of PM1, a Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene in Cannabis sativa L.
Here we provide evidence for the first resistance (R) gene in C. sativa, represented by a single dominant locus that confers complete resistance to an isolate of the powdery mildew pathogen Golovinomyces ambrosiae, found in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
Figure 2. Experiments with heavy disease pressure imposed through plant maturity revealed (A) susceptible phenotypes with dense mycelial growth (pictured: individual #45 from the population “PNW39” × “Jumping Jack”) and (B) resistant phenotypes absent of any powdery mildew colonies (pictured: individual #49 from the population “PNW39” × “Jumping Jack”).
Like l said the Church and breed up with higher thc imo. But that swedish company might be a good idea. Ive got mold resistant seeds. But its going to fun finding which ones are, could send you a few hundred. I grew 2 this year came up 50% for 100% resistance.
Yep...just need to get the genes and start growing and hunting, breeding. Id ask for a few of urs but Canads USA postal services are like...not cooperative right now lol
"While there are anecdotal reports of genetic powdery mildew resistance in C. sativa, there have been no peer-reviewed studies on the heritability of this trait in hemp or marijuana to date"

Conflict of Interest
PDM is employed by Dewey Scientific. ARG is employed by Oregon CBD.
represented by a single dominant locus that confers complete resistance to an isolate of the powdery mildew pathogen Golovinomyces ambrosiae,
looks like id need to find a plant with that locus...and then its just against that one species of PM...idk which PM species im dealing with yet :(