Most Powdery Mildew resistant strains?

No im talking about all that other nasty shit ur running around here doing. You got some smarts in that noodle, then a switch gets flipped or something and you go man? I want more of that helpful side around here
I can’t speak on that one bit lol
Hold up do you plan on leaving one plant outside for 3 to 5 years?
More than one, they're called 'plots' in agtech i think. A plot of like 15-25 seeds to start. The plants then are left alone for 3-5yrs while i maintain, cultivate, and manicure that small patch of earth.
First i gotta make the strains i wanna do it with, then treat em like a deer feed plot and just check up on em.
If you have two or three high power fans on your canopy….. mold doesn’t want to hang in that area….. good exhaust fan (6” on full blast( and fans hitting your canopy, you should be good.
Ok i'm at my wits end here with PM in my region. I'm outdoor grower and i've been trying to find/create a very strong anti-PM strain, with little success.
I noticed a teensy bit of PM on 1 of my GSC x SC yesterday, so back to the drawing board i guess.
Like all things in life, there is someone out there that already has it and i just haven't met him/her yet. "Oh just buy xxx and no more PM outdoors"
would be nice but im not holding my breath.
Have any of you come across a very high resistance to powdery mildew strain?
I grew MK ULTRA from TH SEEDS bought in 2001 . It was completely PM proof. even on a table with kush white with pm the MK were slick green. green clone from clone fir 11 years until I lost the strain. i bought a newer version of MK but it was not even close to the same .
Kali Mist from AKBeanBrains would be a good start for 100% Sativa. His genetics are also pre 2000, when they were the best. I wish someone would get the pre 2000 AK47.
You need to find yourself a land race, The issue with selectively breeding these things for the past few decades is concentrated on potency and that’s it ……..not resilience ………you need to get back to tried and true not the new……. you want to try and find something with traceable genetics as far back as possible….. those are gonna be your winners…… strains that have been growing outdoors that have built up a natural immunity.
You need to find yourself a land race, The issue with selectively breeding these things for the past few decades is concentrated on potency and that’s it ……..not resilience ………you need to get back to tried and true not the new……. you want to try and find something with traceable genetics as far back as possible….. those are gonna be your winners…… strains that have been growing outdoors that have built up a natural immunity.
Great observation budder, i actual did start with what i thought was a good start based on ur keen insight. I bought afghan genetics from Europe in the hopes i was as close as possible to the untainted old world outdoor stuff.
Now for the part that's lifting my spirits this morning. I think, after just now crash coursing PM, every strain can produce a pheno genetically resistant to certain PM species....all we have to do is catalog each regions PM predominant species, then grow out hundreds of progeny until you find the ones that got the locus. Idk so far that's what my gestation of this material is giving me. So maybe all these strains with PM resistant claims genuinely do have PM gene induced resistance but just for a few species but it looks like a miracle so you get webpages claiming mildew or mould resistant..yeah they are to some, but i gotta check em for mine. Love the back n forth budder! :)
Thx bud lol…..Believe it or not if you want some generations old genetics go out and get yourself some swag a.k.a. dirt weed pick up the seeds I guarantee you those genetics have been untouched for at least as long as me or you have been alive….. it’s got to come from Mexico though not some random guy who grew it in a field. you want those hearty Mexican strains that have been growing outside for decades
Slurricane. Had this in a room with 6 other plants overrun with PM, and it did not have a single spot of PM. I also recall some dude on youtube did a big room run, and introduced PM on purpose to see which strains survived, and Slurricane was 100% unaffected.

And as far as killing PM on plants, Bonide Sulfur Plant Fungicide Dust is the best. But can't use it in flower.