Most Powdery Mildew resistant strains?

Something is going on around pm for almost 50yrs, the last year and a half has been a bitch.......climate change maybe ? I've read where spores/pollen and allergies have increased and will continue with current course we are on.
Something is going on around pm for almost 50yrs, the last year and a half has been a bitch.......climate change maybe ?

I haven't had PM for 25 years of growing then last year I bring in some clones for the first time and they carry the PM into my grow tents. I had 3 grows under an H2O3 generator before the plague resided.

I just grew Kali Mist, which is suppose to be PM resistance, and had no problems.

As you wish, this pheno expression is straight sativa a clone too if you want this particular plant i can maybe do something there.
I’d need to see better pics of that plant to confirm it’s “straight sativa “ traits.
The climate has changed here
I no longer even try to grow Squash, cucumbers , beans...the monsoon seasons we have now make it not worth the effort

I've battled PM for years but weekly spraying of potassium silicate/sesame oil and I didn't get any on any plants this year. I was spraying the entire yard weekly though. But that's not practical for everyone. My yard isn't very big and it was still a time consuming task.
We have a large indigent it. They cant afford $800 lights, or infirmed military vets who cant do what we can..i dont need a PM resistant strain, i can spray. Im trying to leave something behind for those less fortunate. Gonna give a bunch of strains they can plop outdoors and get some smoke, least im gonna try.
I haven't had PM for 25 years of growing then last year I bring in some clones for the first time and they carry the PM into my grow tents. I had 3 grows under an H2O3 generator before the plague resided.

I just grew Kali Mist, which is suppose to be PM resistance, and had no problems.


That's a damn good tip....thank you......I've been growing Chocolope sativa, love the high but getting weary from pm shit ( indoors and out....that shit gets around). I always catch the pm at onset by scoping constantly ...........I've used the product " Banish fungicide" ( used during vegging/flowering) and have had 100% luck. Have only used it on three different crops, but successfully harvested all healthy plants. Kali Mist has always intrigued me...blah,blah...sorry....I'm a little buzzed. Thanks again stoner dude!
A lot of the older blueberry lines were bred for resistance. Northern Lights is another that was always solid in that deptment too.

I have a couple of cultivars I absolutely will not grow outside because of their strong suseptability to powerdery mildew.
They would definitely help me lock in my Blumats easier. I was looking at Blumat's probe, and it's like $80. Can you leave them in the pots? If so I may buy enough for each plant.
Yeah they're passive capillary probes. They can be left in there, i just dont cuz i probe for reading then im done and water all mounds
PM resistance is real.

Discovery and Genetic Mapping of PM1, a Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene in Cannabis sativa L.

Thnx berry that 2nd paragraph has added to the 'try these too' list. Thank you
Ok i'm at my wits end here with PM in my region. I'm outdoor grower and i've been trying to find/create a very strong anti-PM strain, with little success.
I noticed a teensy bit of PM on 1 of my GSC x SC yesterday, so back to the drawing board i guess.
Like all things in life, there is someone out there that already has it and i just haven't met him/her yet. "Oh just buy xxx and no more PM outdoors"
would be nice but im not holding my breath.
Have any of you come across a very high resistance to powdery mildew strain?
I got PM when I started and out of 6-7 strains, clone only Green Crack was the only one to fight it off completely. I only sprayed them a few times and then said screw it. The Green Crack survives to this day. Clone only Stardawg got it first, and had the most trouble fighting it off.
I got PM when I started and out of 6-7 strains, clone only Green Crack was the only one to fight it off completely. I only sprayed them a few times and then said screw it. The Green Crack survives to this day. Clone only Stardawg got it first, and had the most trouble fighting it off.
Actually super happy to see you say Green Crack man saw that go by my screen a few times with high praise