Cannabis is illegal. What keeps corrupt politicians,like the Amphibian, from paying off a research firm to add oleander genes, etc, to kill us? By the time we find out, it'll be too late. He already wants the death penalty for weed.
That's why marijuana should have a GMO ban. Marijuana is the safest plant. No ones has ever died from an OD. Why should we risk whatever it is and do GMO to it?
We don't fully understand what causes cannabis to kill cancer cells when smoked. Yet tobacco et al don't.
I accidently smoke a heavy indica and get freaked out. You can't say just don't smoke GMO. How do I know? Currently you have no clue your soy or corn is non-GMO, unless marked such on the package. But how do you really know?
I will only accept GMO if there's a mandated label and if the company makes "mistake" and "forgets" to label it, they need to execute publicly the ones in charge.