Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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where is the federal law that says that?

The Florida Tomato Committee is a Federal Marketing Order that was established pursuant to Federal Marketing Agreement and Order No. 966 as amended regulating the handling of tomatoes and has authority over the tomatoes grown in Florida's production area comprising the counties of Pinellas, Hillsborough, Polk, Osceola, Brevard and all
counties situated south. USDA

The pdf I can't seem to find, said something to the effect that non conforming fruit could not be exported out of state unless they we're a Trade Marked verity.

My apology's.
Apparently some folks are missing a lot from between the lines.
Monsanto had the fed contract in partnership with UC Davis et al to develop the fungal pathogens targeting cannabis.
To develop such pathogens that are target species specific they must do geneohm mapping, but to be effective they need to map the genes of as many naturally occurring varieties as possible (paid for by your tax$) and so because UC Davis is so perfectly located in norcal they had reach and access to every variety that we do, and so for ten tears they went about mapping every variety they could.
Now what in the world would they do with those 'maps' after the specific official project for 'ant bio-terrorism' was done, throw them out?
Not likely, such investments always have multiple pay offs that increase the bottom line profits etc.
I pose that those maps are now being used in the GE process to develop patentable varieties.
It doesn't really mean much to me whether you understand or the common logic of it means anything to anyone else lol, I'm just putting it out there to consider.
The Florida Tomato Committee is a Federal Marketing Order that was established pursuant to Federal Marketing Agreement and Order No. 966 as amended regulating the handling of tomatoes and has authority over the tomatoes grown in Florida's production area comprising the counties of Pinellas, Hillsborough, Polk, Osceola, Brevard and all
counties situated south. USDA

The pdf I can't seem to find, said something to the effect that non conforming fruit could not be exported out of state unless they we're a Trade Marked verity.

My apology's.
the bolded part doesn't mention breed

theres this in reg's


(1) For Types. The following types of tomatoes are exempt from these regulations: Elongated types commonly referred to as pear-shaped or paste tomatoes and including but not limited to San Marzano, Red Top and Roma varieties; cerasiform type tomatoes commonly referred to as cherry tomatoes; hydroponic tomatoes; and greenhouse tomatoes. Specialty packed red ripe tomatoes, yellow-meated tomatoes, and single and two-layer place-packed tomatoes are exempt from the container net weight requirements specified in Paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, and the requirement that each container or lid shall be marked to indicate the designated net weight as specified in Paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section, but must meet all other requirements."
(5) For UglyRipe™ and Vintage Ripes™ tomatoes. UglyRipe™ and Vintage Ripes™ tomatoes must meet all the requirements of this section: Provided, that UglyRipe™ and Vintage Ripes™ tomatoes shall be graded and at least meet the requirements specified for U.S. No. 2 under the U.S. Standards for Grades of Fresh Tomatoes, except they are exempt from the requirements that they be reasonably well formed and not more than slightly rough,
Apparently some folks are missing a lot from between the lines.
Monsanto had the fed contract in partnership with UC Davis et al to develop the fungal pathogens targeting cannabis.
To develop such pathogens that are target species specific they must do geneohm mapping, but to be effective they need to map the genes of as many naturally occurring varieties as possible (paid for by your tax$) and so because UC Davis is so perfectly located in norcal they had reach and access to every variety that we do, and so for ten tears they went about mapping every variety they could.
Now what in the world would they do with those 'maps' after the specific official project for 'ant bio-terrorism' was done, throw them out?
Not likely, such investments always have multiple pay offs that increase the bottom line profits etc.
I pose that those maps are now being used in the GE process to develop patentable varieties.
It doesn't really mean much to me whether you understand or the common logic of it means anything to anyone else lol, I'm just putting it out there to consider.
where is any evidence that monsanto is involved in anyway shape or form? the article about fungal pathogens doent mention them at all

EDIT it doesnt mention uc davis either

are you just making this shit up?
where is any evidence that monsanto is involved in anyway shape or form? the article about fungal pathogens doent mention them at all

EDIT it doesnt mention uc davis either

are you just making this shit up?

If you are so concerned then call UC Davis and ask them about the project and who was the corporate partner, but I dont think your really concerned, it seems to me your just stuck in the evolutionary mud of trying to keep others from being concerned.
I suppose even though gov paid for it which means someone did it somewhere, you believe it was done by no one nowhere.
If you are so concerned then call UC Davis and ask them about the project and who was the corporate partner, but I dont think your really concerned, it seems to me your just stuck in the evolutionary mud of trying to keep others from being concerned.
I suppose even though gov paid for it which means someone did it somewhere, you believe it was done by no one nowhere.
so what your saying is that you are full of shit and cannot back anything you say up with factual evidence?
so what your saying is that you are full of shit and cannot back anything you say up with factual evidence?
No actually I'm presenting an exercise in critical thinking, and it appears that maybe you might need more exercise (as in get out more into nature and discover yourself)
Just to refresh and condense the discussion I'm putting forth for the consideration of all who read this or care about the issue presented by the poll...

It is becoming seemingly apparent that some of the folks here have a different concept of the words 'own' and 'right' from mine, and that's all good just as long as it survives the test of law.
The law, in terms of 'rights', can be viewed as a scale where lets say my 'rights' are on one side of the scale and yours are on the other.
Either side can exercise said rights just as long and up until such aerobics begin to disturb the other side of the scale in such a way as to interfere with the exercise happening elsewhere by others.
In other words the exercising of your 'rights' cannot unduly interfere with someone else exercising their rights.
The law, in terms of 'ownership' requires a valid claim to said ownership.
It seems that some here think that the only things they own are that which is brought by corporations or by 'man' etc such as a car or a house etc, but for me the greatest 'ownership' responsibility comes in the area of what we all commonly own together.
Nature is one such place where we all have equal reach and responsibility to (and are a part of).

Monsanto et al seeks to impose, or do extreme aerobics on one side of the scale where you and I and all others are on the other side in terms of ownership and exercise. The extreme aerobics in effect begin not only to shake the scale for us all, but attempts to rid us of the scale all together.
This Act only seeks equal protection for yours mine and our rights with respect to 'the commons' as well as the 'rights' of 'the commons' itself if you can understand that concept...
Well, not that you will (I know you all 'care' so much about the 'facts' of this discussion lol), you can start your investigation here:

Then maybe go here:

If one adds up all the info contained in those links its hard to imagine one would not at least be asking the question.

Apparently some folks are missing a lot from between the lines.
Monsanto had the fed contract in partnership with UC Davis et al to develop the fungal pathogens targeting cannabis.
To develop such pathogens that are target species specific they must do geneohm mapping, but to be effective they need to map the genes of as many naturally occurring varieties as possible (paid for by your tax$) and so because UC Davis is so perfectly located in norcal they had reach and access to every variety that we do, and so for ten tears they went about mapping every variety they could.
Now what in the world would they do with those 'maps' after the specific official project for 'ant bio-terrorism' was done, throw them out?
Not likely, such investments always have multiple pay offs that increase the bottom line profits etc.
I pose that those maps are now being used in the GE process to develop patentable varieties.
It doesn't really mean much to me whether you understand or the common logic of it means anything to anyone else lol, I'm just putting it out there to consider.
If you are so concerned then call UC Davis and ask them about the project and who was the corporate partner, but I dont think your really concerned, it seems to me your just stuck in the evolutionary mud of trying to keep others from being concerned.
I suppose even though gov paid for it which means someone did it somewhere, you believe it was done by no one nowhere.
No actually I'm presenting an exercise in critical thinking, and it appears that maybe you might need more exercise (as in get out more into nature and discover yourself)
Just to refresh and condense the discussion I'm putting forth for the consideration of all who read this or care about the issue presented by the poll...

Seems to me you're presenting a lesson in stupid.
Or it could be viewed that I'm trying to present a lesson to the 'stupid' as you say(your word not mine lol)
You havnt presented shit bro, everytime you've posted something it's either been rebutted or trolled.

You clearly have some personal agenda or something else is at play, because none of the "facts" you've presented have turned out to be anything other than paranoid hyperbole.
No actually I'm presenting an exercise in critical thinking, and it appears that maybe you might need more exercise (as in get out more into nature and discover yourself)
Just to refresh and condense the discussion I'm putting forth for the consideration of all who read this or care about the issue presented by the poll...

oh i see what your doing your making nothing but fallacious statements for us to pick apart?

good job
Apparently some folks are missing a lot from between the lines.
Monsanto had the fed contract in partnership with UC Davis et al to develop the fungal pathogens targeting cannabis.
To develop such pathogens that are target species specific they must do geneohm mapping, but to be effective they need to map the genes of as many naturally occurring varieties as possible (paid for by your tax$) and so because UC Davis is so perfectly located in norcal they had reach and access to every variety that we do, and so for ten tears they went about mapping every variety they could.
Now what in the world would they do with those 'maps' after the specific official project for 'ant bio-terrorism' was done, throw them out?
Not likely, such investments always have multiple pay offs that increase the bottom line profits etc.
I pose that those maps are now being used in the GE process to develop patentable varieties.
It doesn't really mean much to me whether you understand or the common logic of it means anything to anyone else lol, I'm just putting it out there to consider.

lies lies and more lies.

UC davis making cannabis targeting fungal diseases... LIES
"genohm" maps of cannabis varieties being used to patent cannabis varietals ... MORE LIES
UC davis invests for "multiple payoffs for bottom line profits"... DAMNED LIES
"It doesn't really mean much to me whether you understand (*1) or the common logic of it (*2) means anything to anyone else (*3) lol, I'm just putting it out there to consider. (*4)

*1) youre not that brilliant. your dizzying intellect and cleverly crafted wordsalad combined with OH SO IRONICALLY HIP Donald Rumsfeld quotes hasnt impressed anyone.
*2) "common logic" is not the cliche, it's not even an idiom. logic does not come in a common variety, and what you are shoveling in this thread is not logic, it' is merely COMMON, in the sense that it is unexceptional, not that it is particularly ubiquitous
*3) it is abundantly clear to all that your creation of, and comments within this thread are what we commonly call "sketching". Tweakers on a bender often indulge in this frenzied effort to do nothing REALLY REALLY FAST and in huge volume. it usually taakes the form of nonsense scribblings on a pad, furious tinkering to create an elaborate object with no purpose function or value, or installing a sprinkler system in a random stranger's lawn in the middle of the night...
*4) and best of all, none of it's true, its all just "out there" for anyone gullible enough to believe you. "I'm Just Saying It's Out There..." is the same shameful and weak deflection against charges of libel or slander used by idiotic hacks like Randi Rhodes (of Air America Radio... ummm... ???? you cant really call it "fame"... what would you call it when someone has a shitty reputation which while despicable is not sufficiently widespread to be called notoriety, but is held in contempt by the few persons who actually ever heard of them?) when she accused Dick Cheney Donald Rumsfeld and GW Bush of involvement of human trafficking, to supply their S&M snuff orgies in the Whitehouse with smooth young thai boys. She too wasnt saying it was true, she was "Just Saying It's Out There...

on the fine line between hypocrisy, deceit and invocation of "Royal Privilege" on one side, and the utter madness of the paranoid schizophrenic on the other, you manage to drunkenly stagger across both extremes with stunning consistency.

you have displayed a paranoid's unreasoning fear of everything, the lunatic's rage over again, everything, and the egotist's foolish belief that he can change ANYTHING by shouting at clouds, and combined it with the bombastic and self aggrandizing implications that all who dont agree are either too stupid to see your genius, or too corrupted by greed for Monsanto's money weed and hot bitches to stand up for what you foolishly seem to believe is "right".

That's right. You heard me.

THEY have actually promised everyone who votes against your DEVASTATINGLY POWERFUL IDEAS $50, a pound of dank ass weed, a hot chick and a puppy. this is not a "pick one" offering either, every No vote gets it all.
THEY are just that scared of your genius.
THEY dont want anyone to know about your Top Flight legal mind, and your insightful issue advocacy.
THEY are intimidated by your brilliance.
THEY are really close to sending a second black helicopter to circle your house at night.
THEY have already developed a cover story for your "Mysterious" disappearance scheduled for a week next thursday.
THEY considered simply discrediting you like they did Nicola Tesla, but you're too cagey and cunning.
THEY have resigned themselves to either murder or incarceration in Le Chateau Dyf in an iron mask with deaf-mute jailors
THEY feel you're too much of a threat.
well it seems they have allowed execptions for the 2 producers/ their products that asked for them

are there any growers with their own product that have applied for exemptions that hasnt received them?

I don't know.

But in order for my grandfather to sell his tomatoes to the bulk processing plant, he must first get his seed patented, or buy seed until he can afford to have his patented and approved. Not a fast process and most farmers live year to year so it's a losing battle. Thanks to not a bad thing, just the way it's handled, it forces the small farmer into a unnecessary hardship. Still a free market though.
I don't know.

But in order for my grandfather to sell his tomatoes to the bulk processing plant, he must first get his seed patented, or buy seed until he can afford to have his patented and approved. Not a fast process and most farmers live year to year so it's a losing battle. Thanks to not a bad thing, just the way it's handled, it forces the small farmer into a unnecessary hardship. Still a free market though.
It was my understanding from reading above that the laws apply to inter-state commerce and not to the domestic Floridian market.

How many small farmers prepare enough for domestic markets and export?
You havnt presented shit bro, everytime you've posted something it's either been rebutted or trolled.

You clearly have some personal agenda or something else is at play, because none of the "facts" you've presented have turned out to be anything other than paranoid hyperbole.
As to your first point, such data reflects more on the population or heard that you run with rather than my posts.
To the second point, such statements reflect more on your critical thinking abilities rather than my 'agenda' as you put it(not me).
As to your first point, such data reflects more on the population or heard that you run with rather than my posts.
To the second point, such statements reflect more on your critical thinking abilities rather than my 'agenda' as you put it(not me).

your "facts" and "proofs" have turned out to be nonsense

you keep making unsubstantiated statements and you have the bare faced cheek to claim others are lacking in "critical thinking abilities"

your head is so far up your own arse that you have no idea how hilarious your self-righteous bullshit sounds to the rest of us
I don't know.

But in order for my grandfather to sell his tomatoes to the bulk processing plant, he must first get his seed patented, or buy seed until he can afford to have his patented and approved. Not a fast process and most farmers live year to year so it's a losing battle. Thanks to not a bad thing, just the way it's handled, it forces the small farmer into a unnecessary hardship. Still a free market though.

is your grandpappy growing a non-standardized varietal?

bulk processing plants preferr a single vareity to ensure batch to batch consistency (romas for sauce and paste, pear/plum for whole canning, etc...) if he has a variety of particular note farmer's markets and boutique distributors are always an option.

only the GMO's can have a patent, and most varietals of tomato that are "patented" suck donkey balls. the standardized varietals are often demanded by processors for the consistency issue and for the advantages of "branding" in sales to "consumers" who think more words on the label makes a tinned tomatoe better.

"Organic Vine Ripened Sweet Roma Italiano" sells more tins than "stewed tomatoes" even if both tins share the exact same contents. most AG regulations are designed to prevent misleading labeling and marketing, not growing obscure varieties.

this particular regulation is designed to reduce the creases folds and funk concealing ridges in fresh produce (for hygiene reasons, not marketing or sinister desires to suppress non-conforming crops) since it's much harfder to wash an irregular fruit particularly one which is generally consumed raw and unpeeled. it does make sense from a certain perspective, and theres not issue of patent involved in the cited article.

theres a couple of distributors in the sacramento area who deal extensively in "heirloom tomatoes" for fancy restaurants and boutiques where such things are prized by the swells, but the farmer's market is where i sell most of my "non-conforming" varieties. the markup is almost criminal, and well worth the afternoon surrounded by hippies (some of them dont even smell, sometimes)

i dont get your issue bro, if you have enough land to sell to processors, grow what they buy, if you want a higher profit per tomatoe, grow the funky ones and sell em at local markets and to the swanky eat-em-up joints, if youre looking for a stable contract, or certain income, quit farming and sell medical insurance for Obamacare.

fuck that shit, keep farming but call it "hobby gardening" on your taxes since you can DEDUCT the costs of hobbies, and claim they produce no taxable income...
Yes, that is true, he is still allowed to sell them at his fruit stand, unless it's to tourist on their way out of state then it's illegal.

Now days not many, I'll see if I can find out.