Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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your "facts" and "proofs" have turned out to be nonsense

you keep making unsubstantiated statements and you have the bare faced cheek to claim others are lacking in "critical thinking abilities"

your head is so far up your own arse that you have no idea how hilarious your self-righteous bullshit sounds to the rest of us

"The rest of us"...really?
Firstly that seems a bit "self righteous" a statement.
Who appointed you to perceive and interpret the world for the rest of us?
In your world it seems folks aren't allowed to think?
Yet it seems the poll takers on this thread for the most part not only think, but they think the opposite of you?
Maybe it is you who has the orifice head affliction?
Yes, that is true, he is still allowed to sell them at his fruit stand, unless it's to tourist on their way out of state then it's illegal.

Now days not many, I'll see if I can find out.
The tourist is buying them for export, the seller is just selling them on the open domestic market.
"The rest of us"...really?
Firstly that seems a bit "self righteous" a statement.
Who appointed you to perceive and interpret the world for the rest of us?
In your world it seems folks aren't allowed to think?
Yet it seems the poll takers on this thread for the most part not only think, but they think the opposite of you?
Maybe it is you who has the orifice head affliction?
People like you don't think and shouldn't be allowed speak publicly.

Racists are entitled to their opinion too, but if they stood up in the ghetto and started insulting blacks and browns, would that be accepted? And does their entitlement to their opinion automatically make what they believe to be correct?

Keep posting, this is golden.
"The rest of us"...really?
Firstly that seems a bit "self righteous" a statement.
Who appointed you to perceive and interpret the world for the rest of us?
In your world it seems folks aren't allowed to think?

in my world i demand that people think, that they take great care when consuming information, that they have intellectual standards when presenting that information to others***

if they like yourself are incapable of that then by the powers given to me by the fact that its my world allows me to shamelessly ridicule the dribbling idiots like yourself

***that means dont lie thru your teeth about the links you post here
Yet it seems the poll takers on this thread for the most part not only think, but they think the opposite of you?
Maybe it is you who has the orifice head affliction?
check my post's i've never said americans arent stupid
is your grandpappy growing a non-standardized varietal?

bulk processing plants preferr a single vareity to ensure batch to batch consistency (romas for sauce and paste, pear/plum for whole canning, etc...) if he has a variety of particular note farmer's markets and boutique distributors are always an option.

only the GMO's can have a patent, and most varietals of tomato that are "patented" suck donkey balls. the standardized varietals are often demanded by processors for the consistency issue and for the advantages of "branding" in sales to "consumers" who think more words on the label makes a tinned tomatoe better.

"Organic Vine Ripened Sweet Roma Italiano" sells more tins than "stewed tomatoes" even if both tins share the exact same contents. most AG regulations are designed to prevent misleading labeling and marketing, not growing obscure varieties.

this particular regulation is designed to reduce the creases folds and funk concealing ridges in fresh produce (for hygiene reasons, not marketing or sinister desires to suppress non-conforming crops) since it's much harfder to wash an irregular fruit particularly one which is generally consumed raw and unpeeled. it does make sense from a certain perspective, and theres not issue of patent involved in the cited article.

theres a couple of distributors in the sacramento area who deal extensively in "heirloom tomatoes" for fancy restaurants and boutiques where such things are prized by the swells, but the farmer's market is where i sell most of my "non-conforming" varieties. the markup is almost criminal, and well worth the afternoon surrounded by hippies (some of them dont even smell, sometimes)

i dont get your issue bro, if you have enough land to sell to processors, grow what they buy, if you want a higher profit per tomatoe, grow the funky ones and sell em at local markets and to the swanky eat-em-up joints, if youre looking for a stable contract, or certain income, quit farming and sell medical insurance for Obamacare.

fuck that shit, keep farming but call it "hobby gardening" on your taxes since you can DEDUCT the costs of hobbies, and claim they produce no taxable income...

My grandfather died years ago......I was trying to set a stage. lol

I use to be a seamer mechanic for Nestles (Contadina) Truckloads of tomatoes would come in and bottleneck at the color-sorter, because of odd sizes, small animals snakes and such.

I look forward to getting some "one hit wonder" that can handle wild PH swings, high temps and will never mold, but I really don't want Washington to tell me when, where, how to grow, smoke, or sell it.

I'm really just trying to point out that the profits of the large are more important then your rights and they have no problem stomping on you and me.

It starts small, at the color-sorter......
...check my post's i've never said americans arent stupid
Where that comes apart for ya is that the status-quot in America (not represented by this threads poll) currently agree with your position as reflected in the current law or lack there it seems to me you are calling them and your own position 'stupid'.
in my world i demand that people think, that they take great care when consuming information, that they have intellectual standards when presenting that information to others***

if they like yourself are incapable of that then by the powers given to me by the fact that its my world allows me to shamelessly ridicule the dribbling idiots like yourself

***that means dont lie thru your teeth about the links you post here

check my post's i've never said americans arent stupid

Where that comes apart for ya is that the status-quot in America (not represented by this threads poll) currently agree with your position as reflected in the current law or lack there it seems to me you are calling them and your own position 'stupid'.

Of course I should have added the word 'majority' at the end of this bit (not represented by this threads poll).
Also, you haven't shown any 'proof' or conclusive 'evidence' whatsoever that disproves anything I'm presenting.
The only thing you and your shipmates (or cabin boys lol) offer are insults, innuendos, assumptions and so on in response to everything I post, and I don't have a problem with that so don't get me wrong, you go girl/boy!
The tourist is buying them for export, the seller is just selling them on the open domestic market.

perhaps the "tourist" is really the mule for a tomatoe kingpin, the bottom tier of a complex organizational pyramid which rises to dizzying heights with a singel criminal enterprise at the heart of the endeavour... SMUGGLING TOMATOES INTO MISSISSIPPI!

for decades the almost pathological need for tomatoes in the cajun diet has required massive influxes of black and grey market fruits to feed their growing demand. this results in tremendous profits for tomatoe kingpins and their subordinates. the Early Girl Cartel coveres western and gulf coast regions with their violent miasma, while the Betterboy Familia controls the inland areas and the north. these two cartels clash frequently resulting in needless injury and death to all caught in their crossfire. often the victims of their conflict are innocent children.

Ohh the Horror!



Monsanto is trying to patent the genes found in all good grades of pig in Europe. It's trying to claim these natural gene sequences which happened over hundreds of years of selective breeding are the work of their mad scientists. Their research is a trade secret, so if you test your pigs to prove your pig already had these natural genes, you're violating trademark and patent law. You've just done an illegal act, industrial espionage.

No more bacon for you Harrekin. Guess you'll have to go vegan if Monsanto patents too many animals so only the rich can afford large quantities of meat, like how Debeers limits a common mineral, diamonds. Oh wait, you'll have to be rich to afford Monsanto's plants too. See, they don't care if the people starve, just as long as they can make their sex tourism trips to Thailand. I hope you look like a cute Thai boy, Harrekin. You'll need to give up your meat to get meat.

Think of the animals!
Mr. Litman Owner of the largest tomato producing co. in the country says taste is the biggest problem in growing Fl. tomatoes and Mexico has a good product.

Now the US Government says we have to pay more so he wont go out of business. I say, you didn't protect the farmer he stepped on, so why should you protect him now that he's being stepped on?

It's just a tax on the US consumer.

Then consider this, Swap the word Tomato with Cannabis.

Colorado Cannabis Growers Association is not yet established, (at least not coming up on Google)

This could be the time when we don't have to settle for bland and tasteless meds. And just maybe, we wont have to pay more for an inferior product.
Monsanto is trying to patent the genes found in all good grades of pig in Europe. It's trying to claim these natural gene sequences which happened over hundreds of years of selective breeding are the work of their mad scientists. Their research is a trade secret, so if you test your pigs to prove your pig already had these natural genes, you're violating trademark and patent law. You've just done an illegal act, industrial espionage.

No more bacon for you Harrekin. Guess you'll have to go vegan if Monsanto patents too many animals so only the rich can afford large quantities of meat, like how Debeers limits a common mineral, diamonds. Oh wait, you'll have to be rich to afford Monsanto's plants too. See, they don't care if the people starve, just as long as they can make their sex tourism trips to Thailand. I hope you look like a cute Thai boy, Harrekin. You'll need to give up your meat to get meat.

Think of the animals!

But don't forget Monsanto care's...

“As an agricultural and technology company committed to human rights, we have a unique opportunity to protect and advance human rights. We have a responsibility to consider not only how our business can benefit consumers, farmers, and food processors, but how it can protect the human rights of both Monsanto’s employees and our business partners’ employees.”
— Hugh Grant, Monsanto, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Our human rights policy is an important manifestation of the company’s values as described in the Monsanto Pledge.
Learn more about our dedication to human rights
Mr. Litman Owner of the largest tomato producing co. in the country says taste is the biggest problem in growing Fl. tomatoes and Mexico has a good product.

Now the US Government says we have to pay more so he wont go out of business. I say, you didn't protect the farmer he stepped on, so why should you protect him now that he's being stepped on?

It's just a tax on the US consumer.

Then consider this, Swap the word Tomato with Cannabis.

Colorado Cannabis Growers Association is not yet established, (at least not coming up on Google)

This could be the time when we don't have to settle for bland and tasteless meds. And just maybe, we wont have to pay more for an inferior product.

Do these bland and tasteless meds get me high?
Monsanto is trying to patent the genes found in all good grades of pig in Europe. It's trying to claim these natural gene sequences which happened over hundreds of years of selective breeding are the work of their mad scientists. Their research is a trade secret, so if you test your pigs to prove your pig already had these natural genes, you're violating trademark and patent law. You've just done an illegal act, industrial espionage.

No more bacon for you Harrekin. Guess you'll have to go vegan if Monsanto patents too many animals so only the rich can afford large quantities of meat, like how Debeers limits a common mineral, diamonds. Oh wait, you'll have to be rich to afford Monsanto's plants too. See, they don't care if the people starve, just as long as they can make their sex tourism trips to Thailand. I hope you look like a cute Thai boy, Harrekin. You'll need to give up your meat to get meat.

Think of the animals!
Lol, patent law doesn't really apply to Irish people, you honestly think we give a fuck about your fancy laws?

And the EU told Monsanto to go suck themselves, so try they may have, but failed they also did.
Ironically we don't get Lucky Charms here, we have the International version, it's called Fat Dumb Yanks.

I watched a show a couple weeks ago that had me thinking of you. It might even be your clan. It was called 'Knuckle'. You should check it out, you might be in it.

Every time you post, I now think of that documentary. LOL!
I watched a show a couple weeks ago that had me thinking of you. It might even be your clan. It was called 'Knuckle'. You should check it out, you might be in it.

Every time you post, I now think of that documentary. LOL!
Everytime the rest of the world hears/reads/thinks the word "Americans" this is what we visualise.


Then I read things from the likes of Cn and get reminded "it's not all of them...only most".
Lol, patent law doesn't really apply to Irish people, you honestly think we give a fuck about your fancy laws?

And the EU told Monsanto to go suck themselves, so try they may have, but failed they also did.

Ireland is part of Berne and UCC. So Monsanto can suck you. I really hope you look like a "cute" Thai boy, as much as an ugly ginger can.
Ireland is part of Berne and UCC. So Monsanto can suck you. I really hope you look like a "cute" Thai boy, as much as an ugly ginger can.
You keep getting me and ChesusRice's "wife" confused man, do try to focus.

And you think Thai boys are cute, you fucking perv.