not sterilized by sunlight! Together with the long viability, damn.
from sitting on a toilet seat with no paper protection?Public bathrooms will be a big source of infections.
Good points. I don’t know why captain Morgan thinks your a moron.Monkey Pox has been around for decades. Now all of sudden it's a world health crisis? Seems more like the profits were so good from the covid vaccines that the drug companies and their cronies at the WHO and CDC are looking at round two. Scare the public, get the government to pay for and then give the vaccines away for free.
I understand that covid was and still is a real world health threat. This isn't covid. It didn't show up out of nowhere. We've known about it since the 50's. Looks like they want to take another bite out of the apple. People are getting rich of these diseases. I'm not going to give monkey pox another thought.
Good points. I don’t know why captain Morgan thinks your a moron.
If you’re in a lab, Monkeypox requires BSL3-level safety measures and PPE.
If you’re in a lab, Monkeypox requires BSL3-level safety measures and PPE.
Because the moron doesn't know what he's talking about, by the way Leprosy is caused by a bacteria not a virus moron. And in some cases Leprosy can take many years to show symptoms because it's a very slow growing bacteria. The new MP virus is mutating at 12 times the rate of the old variant and is highly infectious by simple touch or contaminated surfaces.