Monkey Pox

The spread of MP may have started spreading in the gay community but only a moron would believe it would stay there. On a side note, the MP test gives many false negatives so the percentage of women and children with MP may be higher.

MP is now being detected in wastewater testing which means it's here to stay and is now endemic to the US. Rats inhabit the sewer systems and rats are one of the carriers of MP in Africa.
The spread of MP may have started spreading in the gay community but only a moron would believe it would stay there. On a side note, the MP test gives many false negatives so the percentage of women and children with MP may be higher.

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not only morons. Religion teaches us that a functioning and intelligent mind can be suborned to an external, codified and quite inflexible system of values that govern the entire set of human behaviors via internal (doctrinal, meditative and at labor) and external (collective norms) controls. It does not require deep thought to realize that this override of internal reason, and the fragile internal compromises needed (and we are very good at such self-hoodwinking) works to our individual and collective detriment.

I suspect many Ph. D.s are gonna come out of exploring this moral breaking into the herd. Gaining individual control of these behaviors could be groundbreaking. It just needs to be understood at all stages that anything with benefits can be weaponized. There are always unintended consequences.
I think my husband has it. He has this big welt on his cheek for like weeks now and it won’t go away. I say MP he says a brown recluse bit him.
I got bit by a BR when I was a teen. It did alot more than leave a welt. Required medical and i still have the scar from the hole it left in my forearm.
I think my husband has it. He has this big welt on his cheek for like weeks now and it won’t go away. I say MP he says a brown recluse bit him.

He wouldn't have a welt for weeks if it's chicken pox it spreads when a pox breaks with fluid spreading via anything. You can get chicken pox if someone had pox fluid on their hands touches a handle then you touch same handle.

Your husband idea that sounds more like a spider bite but why don't you check it out? Brown welt to me means death of don't want a huge whole in his face. Don't take chances.

I had a great uncle that had a welt on his cheek and it turned out to be cancer. This was back in the 70s he waited on it; they had to take half of his face off..jaw and all..then he died not too long after.
Here's some fun facts about MP. Incubation can last 21 days then take 2 to 4 weeks to run it's course so usualy 5 to 8 weeks total. Most healthy adults are fine but may end up with scaring but immune compromised people can die from it. MP can range from asymptomatic to severe with about 10% requiring hospitalization, most of the 10% are for pain management, can require morphine for pain. Pregnant women and young children are at much greater risk, MP attacks the placenta and infects the fetus, young children can have more severe cases. The lesions can range from a rash appearance to the size of a pimple or much larger and leave scars. The lesions can be located anywhere externally or internally,they can form on a eye and cause blindness or form in the digestive tract and cause bleeding and severe pain. MP is airborne and can spread by surface contamination. If you were vaccinated for smallpox they believe you have at least some protection.