Mmma is a joke!


Well-Known Member
That's weird man.

I jealous that your PC runs so fast.. DAMN! Mine used to run smooth like that, maybe I should reformat. I've tried adaware, virus scan etc and can't fix the damn thing.
those are the problems. simply reboot your computer fresh from factory and then delete everything that comes loaded on it so all you have is what you use.
i8f they were tracking you your popup blocker would grab it, or some kind of anti virus would alert you to the problem...hopefully. I cant imagine the mmma tracking anyone


Well-Known Member
SIMS? Are you a girl?
i dont think i understand LOL is it a girly game? i wouldnt know i havent played it but my buddy told me about it and i checked it out. i did the virtual tours or whatever. it actually seems kinda cool. i never made an account though.


Well-Known Member
i hate video games. i mean, i hate playing them. not enough reward involved. i like getting something out of my "goings on". my hobbies are growing and poker. both have great rewards =)


Active Member
Stars account was empty but had money on Tilt. Also had a large bet on the Durrrr challenge that was escrowed in someones Tilt account. Their is talk of a deal to sell FTP to someone in France, this was as recent as last week but the ponzi scheme press release probably put an end to that. I would give up the money owed just to be able to play Stars and Tilt again because Merge Network just isn't cutting it.


Well-Known Member
i kill the european sites. well i did for a while. im running so fuckin bad right now its sick. i cant keep a roll for the life of me. its been about 6 months now.fml