Senate reaches bipartisan agreement to axe banking regulations

People like you would be the biggest reason; you don't like any facts that don't square with your pet theories and reality doesn't work like that.

So you are going to offer an astute and exact refutation to what I said ?

What's wrong with society investing in its citizens?

Once again, you're programmed to ask the wrong questions.

It forcibly extinguishes peaceable free will of at least some people and is based in the idea that initiatory force as a means is a viable moral alternative. It isn't.

Also, you imply that "society" is synonymous with government. Using your implied definition, you are advocating for actions to be undertaken by groups of people using force which you would not do if it were you acting alone.

By virtue of the gang being the entity using force, you think it magically transforms the action itself from bad behavior to acceptable.

..."programmed to ask the wrong questions" That's pretty funny.
Don't sweat it, Rob. Consider the source. You're a dickhead to be sure, but you shouldn't take anything tty has to say seriously.

So you are going to offer an astute and exact refutation to what I said ?

It forcibly extinguishes peaceable free will of at least some people and is based in the idea that initiatory force as a means is a viable moral alternative. It isn't.

Also, you imply that "society" is synonymous with government. Using your implied definition, you are advocating for actions to be undertaken by groups of people using force which you would not do if it were you acting alone.

By virtue of the gang being the entity using force, you think it magically transforms the action itself from bad behavior to acceptable.

..."programmed to ask the wrong questions" That's pretty funny.
Projecting. You keep assuming my thought process but those aren't mine; they're yours.