mmma down???

Wow, thanks for giving me my own paragraph. The problem with your logic in this whole rant, is that basically you were only being challenged by me...most were agreeing with you, until your true colors came to light.

You change what you are saying as fast as the wind changes direction.

People may not like my opinions, but at least I'm consistant.

Yep I don't agree with all your views but you stayed on point and didn't lash out personal attacks and name calling.
Yep I don't agree with all your views but you stayed on point and didn't lash out personal attacks and name calling.

The whole point of discussion is to have different views, then work to find solutions and common ground. If every one agrees all the time it's not discussion, merely mutual back patting.
Timmah, you were caressing Joe Cains nuts not more than a week ago, and now he's a piece of shit?

How do you think that makes you look?

You can back peddle all you want, but people see you for what you are ... an opportunistic snake.
Timmah, you were caressing Joe Cains nuts not more than a week ago, and now he's a piece of shit?

How do you think that makes you look?

You can back peddle all you want, but people see you for what you are ... an opportunistic snake.

Yup. That's it. Snake in the grass. You, krusty, q-tipper, and more. Circle jerking with joe cain.
I agree man; people should be able to express themselves even if their view is something you don't want to hear.

As crazy as got on here the last few days I doubt anyone reported any poasts or anything.
That's why some shit get hashed out; people felt free to express themselves.

Folks should be able to use real fucking language.
It helps if you can write like you think.
I have a dirty mind I guess...

I admit that it is inane the one who went furthest over the line here was/is a mod at MMMessA.
The personal attacks don't help; I've learned that the hard way.

When we scream at each other we don't hear anything.
But we are human and passion can get the best of any who practices caring.

So maybe the best forum is one where you can be human while still respecting the others privacy?

I'm stupid.
I always tried to get banned when I couldn't hold my anger.:cuss:

But from what I seen at mmma is constant struggle for power and dominance of the message without any real Democratic method or order.

You are either in the 'in club', or you are expected to toe the Party line, or you are banned.
There must be hundreds of good people banned by now; there are thousands who just quit looking at the train wrecks in search of open debate.

So when folks talk about redoin mmma and coming together there - it sounds like the same old same old.

Korman is still the "owner" of our message and debate.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

CPU has bad blood and karma from what I see; so that doesn't make sense either.

No site left I am aware of can rid itself of the baggage.
Some people will never go to mmma again and some people will never go to cpu again.
Doesn't really matter what the 'new' admininstration might be promising.

Since our parents got divorced we have been wandering the desert looking for arrows.
The last arrow I saw pointed at former MI. AG Cox.
That opinion surely would get me banned at the new and improved mmma don't you think?

If I were in charge I would be sitting in his private practice asking how to deal with AG Schuette in relation to the Act.
But see I'm a fucking hothead.
Even if this is a brilliant idea having me present it is insane.
Because I'm fucking insane!
Don't touch me there!

Putting me in charge is akin to loosening all of the nuts on the bolts before starting the tractor.
But if someone(s) that people trusted could hear all of our inane ideas presented in an Open forum; they could filter out our idiocy and work with the rest.

Start with a mission statement that says what you mean and then work on getting non-profit status and web addresses when choosing a moniker.
Then follow your mission statement in everything that you do while being open to change.

In my opinion part of that mission is to bring together disparate voices in a safe, and secure, place.
In the beginning that is pretty much what was; it just got away from the founders as the crowds grew.
The paperwork was not in order to protect the org when the scene overwhelmed management the first time.
New management came in ad naseum afterwards and the mission statement was ignored in favor of power and greed.

How can any organization raise funds to further it's goals if no one trusts them to account for it?
It takes money to be represented in Lansing on a co-ordinated basis.
It takes money to sponsor events and benefits for the community State-wide.
So it takes trust to build an effective organization if it is to survive and prosper.

You can't build trust if the organization is operated in the shadows by a select few.
You can't build trust running people off for speaking their mind.

Hope someone puts it together.
Right now the community at large is mostly unaware of others work and intent, etc.
Kind like the FBI before 9-11: we don't openly exchange information and ask for help.

It's awesome having RIU for the few who are following here; but RIU is not for everyone it seems.
Some people think they are above this; others are intimidated by the sheer magnitude of the posting here.
I never came here to talk medical in mich per se; I came here to share grow experiences with my peers.
But I have learned a lot about current events and the State of Affairs with regards to our common interests.

Love means never having to say you're sorry; so fuck off!

Good post Marty I agree we do need a defacto leadership who can keep thier head on straight. Not a dictator maybe a pair that are on opposite ends that can come to common ground. I'm willing to put my a$$ on the line and my money where my mouth I
s. But I'm only one and kinda have to keep a low profile. I also do not know how to set up web pages. But if we could get it nailed down and planned up. I'll do it.
Having a bunch of groups fight publicly is what makes us look bad, then each group run to the politicians and snitch on each other like they are our parents, what a fucking joke.

Yup it's a disturbing show to watch. Happened all the time in the 60s with Cointelpro, FBI plants finding ways to divide everyone and get them to fight, break apart, and come to the FBI to tell them everything about each other. Old game.

Keep calling Jesus Christ a child molester you demented fuck, than will be a nice campaign poster for you.

Yeah childish, true a lot of Christians are a real pain in the ass, conservative and closed minded... but that's everything Jesus stood up against. I'm an unrepentant atheist to the grave, but I can see he was a good guy with good intentions, socially liberal and economically a socialist... he would've been against all of the government oppression of today, he would be standing with us patients and defending us...

You're a lying sack of shit. Scum. So is purklize. Scum. The worst scum.

I'm scum because I assume people are good until proven otherwise? That's real mature. It's absolutely awful that you lost that money and you have every right to be outraged, but you gotta focus your anger. Right now you're the equivalent of the drunk angry father who had a bad day at work slapping his wife and punching holes in the wall. Channel that energy dude... anger is a good thing if you are its master and not vice versa...

Timmah, you were caressing Joe Cains nuts not more than a week ago, and now he's a piece of shit?
How do you think that makes you look?

You can back peddle all you want, but people see you for what you are ... an opportunistic snake.
Yup. That's it. Snake in the grass. You, krusty, q-tipper, and more. Circle jerking with joe cain.

Yep, I've lost respect for a lot of people at the 3MA forums because of this, the only honorable path is to speak your mind from day one. People that turn on others so quickly, unless under duress (gun to head, gun to kid's head, hostages), are not people I feel I can trust.
I started to question you when and only when Grow Goddess, Jesus of Cannabis, Malamute, Stumpjumper, the banned 7 times guy and SEVERAL other people all said the exact same thing about you, joe cain, and the 3MA. That is when I started to ask you direct questions about these people being banned, is Joe Cain really a fucking nut job, do the mods read and share PMs, that kinda shit.

Glad and Others, i do apologize. I was here for one reason, to drum up support for the hearings. the more of us Legislation seen, the more they understood how many of us are non to happy on their actions. It has been a brutal month leading up to the hearings and the vote, and last week, we Mods were put into a non warm and fuzzy position. It does not excuse some of my comments, but fuckin A, my ass was getting fucked here only because you all have a problem with Joe. Guess what, you wern't alone. I have spoken to probably more than 100 different people that have been banned by Joe over the last year or more. Banning anyone should be the LAST resort, not the order of the day. You'll always have spammers.

That is when you started double talking and turned lawyer/politician.
My position was in defense of the Website and the organization. Once I know longer needed to be concerned with the situation. I was able to just defend the 3MA org. without having to defend Joe. With him as CEO you say 3MA you may of well as said Joe Cain. I was flamed because of a loose association that was perceeved to be more that it was. But thats cool. I can give it as good as i get as you can see. lol

That is when you disrespected us by lying and bullshitting.

Respect is a 2 way street Glad, not a one way. One way respect is oligarchy. I will give it as I get it. Face the fact, I got no respect Strictly because of Joe. One of the things thats been aggravating me. When it was time, I was able to unload the facts on Mr Cain and walk away with my head held high. That is why I am here now to say, I had No intentions of making this a flamewar, but I had no choice. My hands were tied by a handful of you, and you felt I should have to pay for Joes fucking stupidity.
Hard to respect that on any level Glad. Wouldn't you agree?

THAT is when I acted like little kid and returned ignorance. Personally I don't fucking believe any GROUP yet. Me, trolling and being an asshole PMd Joe Cain ABOUT YOU!!! And THEN I got banned. Because bob grew dope before 2008, should you or i get buttfucked for it?

That is how Joe worked. He would purposely instigate issues. But you have to put yourself in my shoes. Once one person attacked me because of Joke, you all decided it was time for a gangbang. not 1 not 2, but multiple. Yes i realize how many people Joe pissed off but that is still not a reason to attack me or anyone else. I will defend my self as needed, with no regrets. Especially if Im getting hammer because of what that jackhole was doing. And the fact you are still trying to diddle my taint is the proof.

It was during the thread - Got banned from the 3MA 7 Times. You seriously don't remember this shit, many rollitup members do. Many of us followed along. You can through out some facts and make me look bad, but your order is all fucked up. This is a thread of people calling you a piece of shit and an asshole, not me. Get your temper on check and you will make a fine politician you snake tongued lying piece of shit.

My temper was from having to defend myself on every corner from attacks against joe cain, not me. When you guys attacked Joe thru me, what you think i was going to just say, "Dooooh. ok. I am NOT Joes lacky I never was.

And I asked about compassion clubs and I asked about the other site. Didnt see your ? about CC, and the other site? which one 3MA? what you want to know, If i can, or I can make a statement i will

Not many straight answers when questions are asked.

I cant answer what i dont know, or can not say for the moment.

Jesus of Cannabis said it right a few months ago. He has proven wise one, who been around this block before. So he deserves a cookie for making it around the block like most of us have. Nothing special there eitehr.

Jesus of cannabis' first post here in reply to me was about what? take a guess? Give you a hint had to do with my Mod status elsewhere. Another person pissed of at Joe. but i took the heat fo.

A hacker may have stole a month of posts, but that hacker hasn't erased the memory of the many people that followed this embarrassing soap opera.

Did i say lets forget it, no. I didnt say lets hold hand and make it. it is over. that is the point. you dont have to attack me for Defending Joke, because I no long have the need to. Now i can stick up for the 3MA and not have to get my taint rubbed raw because of Joe.
Now if as a community, If we want to fight, we can do it united, and bring the fight against Bill Schuette Rick Snyder, and Senate and Legislation. Now that Joe is out of the way. we can all rejoice in the fact we can actaully move forward and one voice for the people. I dont believe Joe has destroyed that, though it sure seems like he tried very hard.

And you fuckers think people getting arrested is what makes us look bad. Having a bunch of groups fight publicly is what makes us look bad, then each group run to the politicians and snitch on each other like they are our parents, what a fucking joke. :finger:

Again. your anger towards me Should of been directed to Joe, but you couldnt do that. so you tried to bitch me, And I wouldnt allow that. Im not Joe, and I do NOT have to take his fuckings. that is his assholes job not mine.when the proper thing for every fucking one of you Joe haters to do, would be perhaps go see him at the JFM

Fuck you and your poor memory. Keep calling Jesus Christ a child molester you demented fuck, than will be a nice campaign poster for you.

Im not a christian, that is your hang up not mine. I do however have a deep belief in God. But that hole pseudo flowers and daisies fairytales of Jesus being Superhuman is better left for the LSD Discussions. But being Gods Son isnt one of them.

Dont get me wrong its a great fairy tale. but the Christian bible is not based on Jesus, Jerusalam, or a list of spoke stories from 2500 some odd years ago. The fictional bible was created from the earier Mesopotamia Stories. Many many many years long before the supposed story of

In fact, more blood has been spilled in the last 3000 years in the name of Jesus than over the last 2000 years of muslims killing Muslims in the middle east, all in the name of spreading the oligarchy of christianity.
Again, your anger was directed through me towards Joe. I didnt Direct my anger at bob toward you, nor wood I. I didnt direct my anger from you trying to fuck joes asshole via mine, onto anyone esle.

I dont have a poor mammory really. it quite good. My recall isnt what it used to be, but the actual memory is still quite sharp.

Ask yourself something Glad, what was your first or 2nd post to me here about? Wasnt me, it was Joes treatment of you. I cant and WONT apologize for that person. That apology he owes you, not I.

Timmahh, please stop bringing me up in your posts. Whether or not I or anyone else grew cannabis before 2008 is really irrelevant. No one looks to bust someone for what they did years ago..Our President has admitted not only that he smoked pot, but that he inhaled, as "that was the point"...I don't see the feds running him down for that confession.
Dude you need sin real smoke that crap in the ditch has got you confused. You were put on blast here cause anyone whom had a differing opinion from yours was a Target of meaningless personal attacks. Most of them were way over the top and you would not get off of them.

I stated opinions. Because i was a 3MA mod, they then became Joes opinions, thus Joes intentions. Look I ll own my mouth and opinion, but i Wont own Joes, because you want me to. infact when Bob or others were not on an attack, We all had good debates that brang up good info.

So why should I take your shit because Joe didnt let you give it to him? you want to be fucking pissed of fine, but be mad at Joe for Joes mistakes, Not me. I understand he may be at the JFM on the weekend of the 17th. Go tell him how you feel there, but he cant ban any of you on the 3MA anymore.
I stated opinions. Because i was a 3MA mod, they them became Joes opinions, thus Joes intentions. Look I ll own my mouth and opinion, but i Wont own Joes, because you want me to. infact when Bob or others were not on an attack, We all had good debates that brang up good info.

So why should I take your shit because Joe didnt let you give it to him? you want to be fucking pissed of fine, but be mad at Joe for Joes mistakes, Not me.

Timmahh, please stop trying to make me the reason for your loss of allies. I never attacked you as you state. I simply expressed a different opinion on a topic, and you did the attacking. You've proven over and over again, at least to me, that anyone that disagrees with you is a piece of shit....Your mind allows for no opinion, other than your own....kinda like the MMMA..

Don't say that when I, or someone else where on the attack, that you had good discussions, when you mean "as long as every one agreed with me" we had good discussions. They only way to communicate with you without fighting, is to praise every word you say....hence the comparisons to Joe...
Timaah, the jig is up. You are a liar. You pm-ed me and told me you have access t the 3ma's books. If you do then tell us how much they take in. If you don't then stop lying.

You're a lying sack of shit. Scum. So is purklize. Scum. The worst scum.

As for joe cain he is lying still. I haven't yet met with the FBI so there is no way he met with them to deal with my issues. My appt was pushed back. He is a liar. He is scraping to come up with anything to stay afloat. SCUM.

Joe is scum and so are most of his mods. Timmah you're a major scumball. Coming at me to get personal info in pm's and acting like you want to investigate. Scum. mmma=thieves I think they all had their hand in the till.

I would have to make an appointment and the drive to detroit to the office where they are at to take a look at them.

Ofcourse Joe is Real. That is what he has been doing for almost 2 yrs it would seem. You have every right to be pissed at him, and trust me when I say, you are NOT alone.

He has been saying for almost 2 weeks he has a copy of the new dispensary bill, yet Rep Calltons office has given no copies out because it is not ready yet.

I was only offering to help out as I cant stand a thief. I understand your pissed about your situation and you have every right to be. I would be too. If I gave money to Joe, or to someone else then that is who I would be looking to speak with Real.
I have NO information other that what was levied over the last few days like all of you.
Timmah, you were caressing Joe Cains nuts not more than a week ago, and now he's a piece of shit?

How do you think that makes you look?

You can back peddle all you want, but people see you for what you are ... an opportunistic snake.

just as it does, not overly pleased about it but im ok with that. Joe was destroying the movement from with in. It was past time for him to go be with his wife and daughter.

Stow just keep in mind, I started posting in mid Feb on the new amended Bills. all was good until those with issues with Joe, found out I was a 3MA Mod, thus i MUST be Joes bitch.
You can see for weeks if not a little more i have said multiple times, Joe is a big boy, he can handle himself. Attempting to put some distance between he and I here as I know how many people feel about him. but so long as those that hated Joe, used me for their outlet...

I was defending the 3MA as an org. not Joe. but when he was CEO it just went hand in hand. But when you force someone to defend themselves from a group of Joe Cain haters. you would have to defend yourself too.
I agree man; people should be able to express themselves even if their view is something you don't want to hear.

As crazy as got on here the last few days I doubt anyone reported any poasts or anything.
That's why some shit get hashed out; people felt free to express themselves.

Folks should be able to use real fucking language.
It helps if you can write like you think.
I have a dirty mind I guess...

I admit that it is inane the one who went furthest over the line here was/is a mod at MMMessA.
The personal attacks don't help; I've learned that the hard way.

When we scream at each other we don't hear anything.
But we are human and passion can get the best of any who practices caring.

So maybe the best forum is one where you can be human while still respecting the others privacy?

I'm stupid.
I always tried to get banned when I couldn't hold my anger.:cuss:

But from what I seen at mmma is constant struggle for power and dominance of the message without any real Democratic method or order.

You are either in the 'in club', or you are expected to toe the Party line, or you are banned.
There must be hundreds of good people banned by now; there are thousands who just quit looking at the train wrecks in search of open debate.

So when folks talk about redoin mmma and coming together there - it sounds like the same old same old.

Korman is still the "owner" of our message and debate.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

CPU has bad blood and karma from what I see; so that doesn't make sense either.

No site left I am aware of can rid itself of the baggage.
Some people will never go to mmma again and some people will never go to cpu again.
Doesn't really matter what the 'new' admininstration might be promising.

Since our parents got divorced we have been wandering the desert looking for arrows.
The last arrow I saw pointed at former MI. AG Cox.
That opinion surely would get me banned at the new and improved mmma don't you think?

If I were in charge I would be sitting in his private practice asking how to deal with AG Schuette in relation to the Act.
But see I'm a fucking hothead.
Even if this is a brilliant idea having me present it is insane.
Because I'm fucking insane!
Don't touch me there!

Putting me in charge is akin to loosening all of the nuts on the bolts before starting the tractor.
But if someone(s) that people trusted could hear all of our inane ideas presented in an Open forum; they could filter out our idiocy and work with the rest.

Start with a mission statement that says what you mean and then work on getting non-profit status and web addresses when choosing a moniker.
Then follow your mission statement in everything that you do while being open to change.

In my opinion part of that mission is to bring together disparate voices in a safe, and secure, place.
In the beginning that is pretty much what was; it just got away from the founders as the crowds grew.
The paperwork was not in order to protect the org when the scene overwhelmed management the first time.
New management came in ad naseum afterwards and the mission statement was ignored in favor of power and greed.

How can any organization raise funds to further it's goals if no one trusts them to account for it?
It takes money to be represented in Lansing on a co-ordinated basis.
It takes money to sponsor events and benefits for the community State-wide.
So it takes trust to build an effective organization if it is to survive and prosper.

You can't build trust if the organization is operated in the shadows by a select few.
You can't build trust running people off for speaking their mind.

Hope someone puts it together.
Right now the community at large is mostly unaware of others work and intent, etc.
Kind like the FBI before 9-11: we don't openly exchange information and ask for help.

It's awesome having RIU for the few who are following here; but RIU is not for everyone it seems.
Some people think they are above this; others are intimidated by the sheer magnitude of the posting here.
I never came here to talk medical in mich per se; I came here to share grow experiences with my peers.
But I have learned a lot about current events and the State of Affairs with regards to our common interests.

Love means never having to say you're sorry; so fuck off!


Believe it or Not Marty, that is Exactly what is starting to happen already now that Joe is Out. ALL Bans have been lifted! We have CPU members posting already. Many of the Joe fan club is coming back. some mildly tense discussions obviously. We expected as much. We (Staff at the 3MA) are working diligently to rectify the last few yrs of hurdles.
Unity amont the masses is the key. Look im not trying to kiss and make up. Much went down over the last few weeks that was regretable. I am not very proud of some of it, but it is what it is now.

The Quietone is back and an Admin. Joe caused massive severances. I didnt like feeling i was defending him, while I was defending the 3MA, but so long as Joe was CEO, its just what it was..
With that Said, I will state, Joe Did, and Does make good points on the law and how the State has handled it, especially since BS and RS took office. They just always drowned in his own rhetoric.
When it came to helping out folks at the JFM, he was very compassionate it would seem. So I cant fault him on his caring for those that needed help the most. but a Compassionate man does not necessarily make a good leader.

fwiw, Mal and I have had more than a few well debated threads. We Always have walked away with a mutual respect for each other, even when we deeply disagreed on more than a few points.... we both kept to our points and he didnt get personal, and neither did I. That how you debate.

bottom line in all of this Joe is not the CEO, The forum is up, all are welcomed back. We just ask to use the site wisely. 3MA is NOT RIU. it is Not anything goes over there. ALot of people, myself included, are still unsure of the extent of what has come to pass. but So far, for the last 48 hrs, I have seen 100s of people that have not been around for quite a while. And I did let all the staff know of my dealings here over the last few weeks. So you wont be sending any surprises if you think you may want to LET THEM IN on me. They already know about here, and they have been here and read through the threads. I told them it wasnt pretty and they may need goloshes. heh.
Timmahh, please stop trying to make me the reason for your loss of allies. I never attacked you as you state. I simply expressed a different opinion on a topic, and you did the attacking. You've proven over and over again, at least to me, that anyone that disagrees with you is a piece of shit....Your mind allows for no opinion, other than your own....kinda like the MMMA..

Don't say that when I, or someone else where on the attack, that you had good discussions, when you mean "as long as every one agreed with me" we had good discussions. They only way to communicate with you without fighting, is to praise every word you say....hence the comparisons to Joe...

bob you do make some great points. I have stated as much. But when your points seemingly ends up with so MANY going to jail because your opinion was the only one that mattered to you, that they were just criminals making you look like a criminal is the pot calling the kettle black isn't?

And yes i will debate that all day. The issue as i see it isnt grey areas in the Act as you contend, but grey areas created by the States utter Failure to fully implement the act as we the Citizens passed it. I dont think any of us can say, oh yes, the state has done a superb Job with this act. And then realize those that implemented it, is the same agency that wants to change it before they fully put it into play... I do honestly believe if the state at the begining just did their entire job and implemented this act, im willing to bet we would have a very short list of court cases to see.
So If I came over here and blasted Joe you all would of loved me. but then i would of been banned. not sure if it would of made a difference or not. but I like to think i did help forward the time frame a little bit anyways.

As these next few days pass, much more info will trickle out Im sure...once all this shit is exposed, maybe i can put in a bit more detail.

you cant get info if your not in the meeting right? if i were not a mod, i would not of learned as much as i did. Joe thrashed himself. But as a Mod. it was Joes way or the ban.

Im not backtracking. Just finially getting a chance to own up to My mistakes in what has transpired here.