MMAR question.


Well-Known Member
"Well if everyone who had ppl or had a dg played by the rules we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now and everyone would still be allowed to grow."

>>i disagree!

HC hates cannabis, hates the people they were supposed to be protecting and helping..did less than nothing so it would fail in government, Law and life..there are people who will not play fair..yeh bad dg's suck but thats not the reason HC wanted

to nuke the system.

it is/was our present government
You disagree, but it doesn't mean you have a clue. Without people abusing the system, they would have had no reason to close it, regardless of their feelings about it.


Well-Known Member
You disagree, but it doesn't mean you have a clue. Without people abusing the system, they would have had no reason to close it, regardless of their feelings about it.
Do u really think that if the gov or hc had proof of one dg diverting meds to the bm they wouldnt have brought it up during the allard trial?
I know for a fact that many dgs sell their "extra" to ccs and bm. And good for them for doing it while not getting caught.
If they were caught everyone would have heard about it.
The reason the mmar was overhauled was financial.
Take the total number of grams that dgs were legally allowed to grow times $5 plus a gram and the total is more than enough to give even the biggest anti mj jackass a hard on.
Hc didnt expect the coalition to be as strong as it is.
Im one of those left outs and im not happy about not getting my paperwork done in time but blaming each other is taking away energy from the true enemy of mj.


Well-Known Member
I disagree too. As I stated before, the mmpr was implemented solely as way to create an for profit industry for their wealthy friends and a fresh stream of taxes. Even as stupid as Harper is, he is not blind to the billion$ flowing into legal states. It would not matter if every mmar grower played by the rules...HC had orders to ensure maximum profits for LP's. Blaming mmar growers for causing the ban on home grows is like blaming mmpr patients for supporting and legitimizing the LP's. We are all in this together, so turning on each other is incredibly counter-productive.


Well-Known Member
You disagree, but it doesn't mean you have a clue. Without people abusing the system, they would have had no reason to close it, regardless of their feelings about it.
This is really not a difficult concept to grasp....

The number of patients within the MMAR program was exploding. The patients weren't buying the $5g crap from HC. Time to fuck the patients with the MMPR.

Ask yourself this....If the MMAR patients were buying the HC crap weed do you think the program would have been canned?


Well-Known Member
I know a patient that used to order it. It was the loosest larfiest mess ive ever seen. He would order an oz at a time and not get one single nug.
It was all smashed up and smelled like hay. Even when smoking it and i only tried it once, you would be like wtf is this even weed.
The flat brown mexican patties full of seeds were better than that shit.
And the kicker is the same pps stuff is still being sold
By one of the lps


Well-Known Member
on one TV news interview, a lady who was on welfare was crying. they showed what she got and it was all shake/trim. no buds and looked bad...she didn't have the $800 she had to pay for it AND it did nothing for her. they don't take returns so she was stuck with the bill...


Well-Known Member
I know a patient that used to order it. It was the loosest larfiest mess ive ever seen. He would order an oz at a time and not get one single nug.
It was all smashed up and smelled like hay. Even when smoking it and i only tried it once, you would be like wtf is this even weed.
The flat brown mexican patties full of seeds were better than that shit.
And the kicker is the same pps stuff is still being sold
By one of the lps
I bought some from PPS when I first got my atp...I just wanted the packaging for a souvenir! Absolute garbage, I'm not sure it was even weed...


Well-Known Member
I met a guy years ago through a mutual friend that said he went to the mine as a consultant after their first crop and said it was such a mess he didnt know how to fix it.
He said it looked like giant hemp fields and the whole grow had next to zero smell.
When i first signed mmpr papers the dr used canamed papers and the pharmacist said dont use them they are still using that mine shaft crap as their loose leaf stuff.
I dont know if its true but i would imagine they have tonnes of that hay baled up somewhere lol


Well-Known Member
I dont know i thought it was funny too but i totally believe the guy was there.
He has been growing some of the best meds ive ever had for over twenty years and its all he does.
For him to say i cant fix it i know it must have been pretty bad.
Its the same as when i think about what could be possible out of the bigger lp grows and the stuff they could be producing versus what they actually harvest.