Missouri SB 764: food stamps for those convicted...


Well-Known Member
With our socialistic, government monopolized school systems brainwashing our children, with politicians constantly offering something for nothing, we, as a people, have become a dependant class of citizen. We honestly believe we are entitled to government cheese, therefore where we were once fiercely independent, we have developed an entitlement mentality.

What ever happened to the idea of college students getting a part time job to buy food instead of relying on their fellow citizens to pay their way? Oh yeah, I forgot ... it all started with free breakfast, free lunch and free after-school snacks.

Rep for that post :hump:


Well-Known Member
Excuse me, but I happened to have TWO part-time jobs while in school, and I still didn't have enough left over after bills, books, and tuition were paid for to cover the basic expenses like food. selling green for the clothes on your back isn't easy, but I suppose you wouldn't know anything about that...have you ever had to get your hands dirty in your life?


New Member
Excuse me, but I happened to have TWO part-time jobs while in school, and I still didn't have enough left over after bills, books, and tuition were paid for to cover the basic expenses like food. selling green for the clothes on your back isn't easy, but I suppose you wouldn't know anything about that...have you ever had to get your hands dirty in your life?
If you were to see my hands, you wouldn't have to ask that question. I had my first full time job at the age of twelve (no shit). Never once in my life have I ever taken any kind of dole ... including unemployment handouts. Like I said, we are in the grip of an entitlement mentality in this country, so your attitude (not dissing you here) isn't suprizing to me at all. I see it all the time. I work with it. I deal with it. I make money because of it.

Why can't you find a job? What was your major in college? (just asking).



Well-Known Member
I can't find a job bc the social sciences is a tight field, and hard to get your foot in the door without getting it smashed or stepped on. not to mention the fact that I live in a bumfuck small college town. Oh, and I, too, worked since a young age. first job was at MickyD's, age 14.


New Member
With our socialistic, government monopolized school systems brainwashing our children, with politicians constantly offering something for nothing, we, as a people, have become a dependant class of citizen. We honestly believe we are entitled to government cheese, therefore where we were once fiercely independent, we have developed an entitlement mentality.

What ever happened to the idea of college students getting a part time job to buy food instead of relying on their fellow citizens to pay their way? Oh yeah, I forgot ... it all started with free breakfast, free lunch and free after-school snacks.

Man, you need to find another country. You are way too dissatistied with this one.


New Member
I can't find a job bc the social sciences is a tight field, and hard to get your foot in the door without getting it smashed or stepped on. not to mention the fact that I live in a bumfuck small college town. Oh, and I, too, worked since a young age. first job was at MickyD's, age 14.

Can't find a job? Social Science major????:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: I hope you got a 4.0, just like all the Communication majors out there. "Mommy, daddy, I want to go to college so I can be a social scientist when I grow up.".......... "All right little Johnny, but your 25, when are you going to grow up?"


Well-Known Member
My "mommy and daddy" died when I was 12, I spend the time after that as a ward of the state, and was given two choices when I turned 18: go to college, or try to survive on minimum wage. I chose the former. Psychology and Sociology have little to do with communications, that's why they are entirely different areas of study, dumbass. Did you even go to college? I doubt it.


New Member
My "mommy and daddy" died when I was 12, I spend the time after that as a ward of the state, and was given two choices when I turned 18: go to college, or try to survive on minimum wage. I chose the former. Psychology and Sociology have little to do with communications, that's why they are entirely different areas of study, dumbass. Did you even go to college? I doubt it.
Boo Hoo. So you went to college and now must survive on foodstamps? I'd go back to McyD's if I was you, just like all the other Social Science and Communication majors. Should have asked your counselor, "What do social scientists to for a living?" Maybe then you could tell us, or, oh wait, you already have. They complain about not having jobs. What did you expect?


New Member
I can't find a job bc the social sciences is a tight field, and hard to get your foot in the door without getting it smashed or stepped on.not to mention the fact that I live in a bumfuck small college town. Oh, and I, too, worked since a young age. first job was at MickyD's, age 14.
1. If you can't find a job in your field, then develope another talent and become the best at it. There are tons of educated folks working at dead-end jobs at record stores, Border's Books, Starbucks ... etc. Rise above that. Conversely, there are plenty of folks who lack a formal education who are very successful. You can be anything you want to be. What ever the mind can conceive, can be attained. Set long range goals, short term goals and review them often.

2. If you were dying of thirst in the desert, the prudent thing to do would be to move out of the desert. :)



New Member
1. If you can't find a job in your field, then develope another talent and become the best at it. There are tons of educated folks working at dead-end jobs at record stores, Border's Books, Starbucks ... etc. Rise above that. Conversely, there are plenty of folks who lack a formal education who are very successful. You can be anything you want to be. What ever the mind can conceive, can be attained. Set long range goals, short term goals and review them often.

2. If you were dying of thirst in the desert, the prudent thing to do would be to move out of the desert. :)


Aahhh, the witicism of the well off. I did it, hence anyone can do it. The playing field has changed since we were young. The opportunities are dwindling daily, job loss, corporate greed, government being owned by the powers of greed. It is much harder these days to become wealthy than when I was a young man. I will agree that if you come from wealth and get a start from papa, it can still be done, but the average Joe can't even afford to buy his first house. Th obstacles to wealth are far greater now than 40 years ago.


Well-Known Member
1. If you can't find a job in your field, then develope another talent and become the best at it. There are tons of educated folks working at dead-end jobs at record stores, Border's Books, Starbucks ... etc. Rise above that. Conversely, there are plenty of folks who lack a formal education who are very successful. You can be anything you want to be. What ever the mind can conceive, can be attained. Set long range goals, short term goals and review them often.

2. If you were dying of thirst in the desert, the prudent thing to do would be to move out of the desert. :)

Very well thought & true to life post,you are a wise man.

Im a perfect example of a non educated/self made man,no high school diploma & a prison record,i started from the bottom & went to school at night,after work & at my own expense,i took every blue print reading & light drafting course i could afford & paid for my wifes education & my own out of my own pocket at the same time as working,and with no help from family or government programs like food stamps or grants.

I also used my free time after work & on days off to learn how to run every peice of heavy machinery that my job entails,i was not paid for this either,i worked my way up the ladder from the bottom rung (construction grunt) to the position ive held for the last 20 years,which is being in charge of multi million dollar projects,not too bad for a guy with a 7th grade formal education.

My wife was/is no lazy slouch either,while going to school for a degree in education she worked 2 part time jobs & raised 3 children, all the while keeping her figure & looks intact,she also kept & still keeps an immaculate home & works her ass off plus donate's free time tutoring troubled children.

The "i cant find a job" speel is a cop out,people think there gonna open up a newspaper or get on monster.com & find a job with their name on it,life is not like that.

Achievers move foward while slackers stand still.


Well-Known Member
Aahhh, the witicism of the well off. I did it, hence anyone can do it. The playing field has changed since we were young. The opportunities are dwindling daily, job loss, corporate greed, government being owned by the powers of greed. It is much harder these days to become wealthy than when I was a young man. I will agree that if you come from wealth and get a start from papa, it can still be done, but the average Joe can't even afford to buy his first house. Th obstacles to wealth are far greater now than 40 years ago.
Not entirely true,yes its harder nowdays but not impossible nor unattainable.

I have 2 assistants with one being just 24 years old & the other being in his late 40's,the younger masn just bought his first home,has a new truck & a new car, plus within the next 6 months will be advancing to be my equal in job description, which will mean a $40,000 a year raise for him right off the bat,he is not educated nor is his family connected or wealthy,he busts his & is driven to succeed,for that & no other reason i am ok'ing his promotion over my other assistant.

Just saying its harder nowdays then doing absolutely nothing about it is a serious cop out.