Missouri SB 764: food stamps for those convicted...


New Member
I know many who have worked in construction. and they get up at dawn and work until the fucking sun sets.[/quote]

You can count me as one of those. I used to work the graveyard shift on one job, then go work for an asphalt paving company during the day. That would be a 16 hour day. Nothing like the feeling of hot asphalt burning through your shoes while you're spreading it around a parking lot with a shovel and rake.

And by the way, porchmonkey ... I don't know if you directed that "racist asshole" comment my way or not, but if so, you need to know that my wife was Hispanic, which means that my kids and grandkids are Hispanic too. :)



Well-Known Member
I know many who have worked in construction. and they get up at dawn and work until the fucking sun sets.
How does your knowing people who have worked construction apply to the scenario that ViRedd painted about why the industry has became all mexican workers ?

Have you ever worked side by side with a Mexican on a construction site ?.


Well-Known Member
Really....a Social Science major construction chick, er, chica? Habitat for Humanity?
Why not,after all it IS the internet.

Hell,i used to be an astronuat,a fireman,a rock star,a farmer,a factory worker,traveled the world & all by the time i was 25 years old.

Ya gotta love the internet :-P


New Member
Hey porchmonkey ...

Here's the statement I made:

"Is it really any wonder that Hispanic workers, legal and illegal, with their great work ethic, has replaced the American "worker" on these job sites?"

And here's your response:

"why are you such an overgeneralizing fucking racist asshole?"

So, I'm curious as to what you saw in my statement that was "racist." I've read it over about ten times now ... and all I see is a positive statement, made by me, about the work ethic of Hispanic workers. You see something else? If so, please tell me what it is. Thanks ... :)




New Member
I hardly agree with the right wingnuts about anything, but I'll certainly agree with the work ethic of mexicans. I drove a concrete truck for the last ten years of my working life, and those concrete workers worked their butts off. I'd assume most of them were illegal, and they had no choice about bitching about their jobs as there were 50 more ready to take their place. It's like when they had the great depression and men were waiting for someone to get fired, like when they built Boulder dam and 3,000 men were waiting in the shadows. When you import cheap labor, (Mexican cement finishers were paid an average of 10-12 bucks an hr., and no Benefits, as compared to union scale of about 35.00 with Benefits) with unlimited access to more, it's amazing how the work ethic stands out, basically slave labor. if you bitch it's goodbye Charley Or in this case Jose. The employers knew damn well these were undocumented and if they tell you different they are lying though their teeth. Exploitation of workers is not limited to any one race, it is international. The net gain of illegal immigrants on the Housing market has been huge profits for homebuilders and the lowering of wages for construction workers, seems pretty simple to me.


New Member
I hardly agree with the right wingnuts about anything, but I'll certainly agree with the work ethic of mexicans. I drove a concrete truck for the last ten years of my working life, and those concrete workers worked their butts off. I'd assume most of them were illegal, and they had no choice about bitching about their jobs as there were 50 more ready to take their place. It's like when they had the great depression and men were waiting for someone to get fired, like when they built Boulder dam and 3,000 men were waiting in the shadows. When you import cheap labor, (Mexican cement finishers were paid an average of 10-12 bucks an hr., and no Benefits, as compared to union scale of about 35.00 with Benefits) with unlimited access to more, it's amazing how the work ethic stands out, basically slave labor. if you bitch it's goodbye Charley Or in this case Jose. The employers knew damn well these were undocumented and if they tell you different they are lying though their teeth. Exploitation of workers is not limited to any one race, it is international. The net gain of illegal immigrants on the Housing market has been huge profits for homebuilders and the lowering of wages for construction workers, seems pretty simple to me.
Exploitation? Many illegals walked days through the desert to get work, and in the process undercut the system. Who is exploiting who? I do agree that employers who hire illegals knowingly are the most culpable, but the incentives the government has thrown in only serve as a reinforcement for this exploitation, by all, of the American worker........