Missouri SB 764: food stamps for those convicted...


New Member
Very well thought & true to life post,you are a wise man.

Im a perfect example of a non educated/self made man,no high school diploma & a prison record,i started from the bottom & went to school at night,after work & at my own expense,i took every blue print reading & light drafting course i could afford & paid for my wifes education & my own out of my own pocket at the same time as working,and with no help from family or government programs like food stamps or grants.

I also used my free time after work & on days off to learn how to run every peice of heavy machinery that my job entails,i was not paid for this either,i worked my way up the ladder from the bottom rung (construction grunt) to the position ive held for the last 20 years,which is being in charge of multi million dollar projects,not too bad for a guy with a 7th grade formal education.

My wife was/is no lazy slouch either,while going to school for a degree in education she worked 2 part time jobs & raised 3 children, all the while keeping her figure & looks intact,she also kept & still keeps an immaculate home & works her ass off plus donate's free time tutoring troubled children.

The "i cant find a job" speel is a cop out,people think there gonna open up a newspaper or get on monster.com & find a job with their name on it,life is not like that.

Achievers move foward while slackers stand still.
Well hooray for you. Aren't you just great? Trouble is, there aren't very many like you, or your wife. Now are they inferior beings? Well I'd say they are just average Americans that struggle every day to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. We all can't be superheros like you and your wife, it just aint possible. Someone has to do the work you supervise and there is only one of your positions out of what, 50-300 workers. So there goes the theory that anyone can do it.


New Member
1. If you can't find a job in your field, then develope another talent and become the best at it. There are tons of educated folks working at dead-end jobs at record stores, Border's Books, Starbucks ... etc. Rise above that. Conversely, there are plenty of folks who lack a formal education who are very successful. You can be anything you want to be. What ever the mind can conceive, can be attained. Set long range goals, short term goals and review them often.

2. If you were dying of thirst in the desert, the prudent thing to do would be to move out of the desert. :)


Aahhh, the witicism of the well off. I did it, hence anyone can do it. The playing field has changed since we were young. The opportunities are dwindling daily, job loss, corporate greed, government being owned by the powers of greed. It is much harder these days to become wealthy than when I was a young man. I will agree that if you come from wealth and get a start from papa, it can still be done, but the average Joe can't even afford to buy his first house. Th obstacles to wealth are far greater now than 40 years ago.

I don't believe you believe that for a second. Every day in this country, opportunities arise. Tomorrow will always be better than today. I hope....:mrgreen:


New Member
I don't believe you believe that for a second. Every day in this country, opportunities arise. Tomorrow will always be better than today. I hope....:mrgreen:
I totally believe that. Look around, things are not that rosy. Only the very wealthy are gaining ground at this time. The total amount of wealth is being funneled into the upper echelon at an alarming rate, while those on the bottom are getting poorer daily. The figures bear me out.

Wealth is when small efforts produce big results.
Poverty is when big efforts produce small results."
--quoted by Robert Allen
Well, that is maybe a lot more profound than it seems. OK, its a cool thing to quote when you're selling get-rich programs. But it is a lot more, and it applies to any kind of effort, not just to money making. Some people predominantly produce a lot of hard work and effort that doesn't accomplish much. Others do some relatively simple things that make much bigger things happen. That is leverage. Doing more with less.

Is it maybe a driver for human evolution? Is it what we're here to do - to accomplish more, more and more easily? Those who get the most done with the least effort are spearheading evolution?

Maybe. But we need to sort out some kinks. The easiest way of getting the biggest result with the least effort is to steal the result of somebody else's work. It is easier to pump oil out of the ground than to figure out how to make our own energy. It is easier to steal a car than to design and build one. Is it ethical to have people work hard for you, for little money, while you go on vacation in the corporate jet? Where's the line between intelligent doing-more-with-less leverage and the buy-low-sell-high exploitation of others?



New Member
I totally believe that. Look around, things are not that rosy. Only the very wealthy are gaining ground at this time. The total amount of wealth is being funneled into the upper echelon at an alarming rate, while those on the bottom are getting poorer daily. The figures bear me out.

Wealth is when small efforts produce big results.
Poverty is when big efforts produce small results."
--quoted by Robert Allen
Well, that is maybe a lot more profound than it seems. OK, its a cool thing to quote when you're selling get-rich programs. But it is a lot more, and it applies to any kind of effort, not just to money making. Some people predominantly produce a lot of hard work and effort that doesn't accomplish much. Others do some relatively simple things that make much bigger things happen. That is leverage. Doing more with less.

Is it maybe a driver for human evolution? Is it what we're here to do - to accomplish more, more and more easily? Those who get the most done with the least effort are spearheading evolution?

Maybe. But we need to sort out some kinks. The easiest way of getting the biggest result with the least effort is to steal the result of somebody else's work. It is easier to pump oil out of the ground than to figure out how to make our own energy. It is easier to steal a car than to design and build one. Is it ethical to have people work hard for you, for little money, while you go on vacation in the corporate jet? Where's the line between intelligent doing-more-with-less leverage and the buy-low-sell-high exploitation of others?



New Member
I was just thinking; If I were a kid, whom would I like for a Dad ... Panhead or Med?

With parents instilling attitudes into their children, under who's leadership would I most likely be successful?


PS: Wayne Dyer probably would have the answer to the above question. :)



New Member
I was just thinking; If I were a kid, whom would I like for a Dad ... Panhead or Med?

With parents instilling attitudes into their children, under who's leadership would I most likely be successful?


PS: Wayne Dyer probably would have the answer to the above question. :)
I haven't called you a name directly yet, but it is on the tip of my tongue. I can admit you are good at throwing barbs, subtle ones no doubt. Wayne Dyer wouldn't know what to make of your kind. You say one thing and do another, there is a word for that, I think it starts with an H.


Well-Known Member
Well hooray for you. Aren't you just great? Trouble is, there aren't very many like you, or your wife. Now are they inferior beings? Well I'd say they are just average Americans that struggle every day to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. We all can't be superheros like you and your wife, it just aint possible. Someone has to do the work you supervise and there is only one of your positions out of what, 50-300 workers. So there goes the theory that anyone can do it.
Well fine then,you be happy just sitting there saying i cant & feeling sorry for yourself, while the driven few pass you & others like you by,you act as if people who are driven to succeed are something special & your stupid ass superhero comment shows that,am i supposed to be ashamed or feel privelaged that my family has money & lives well because of mine & my wife's hard work,i dont think so,we earned every last dollar.

Yes,if one man or woman can rise above the 50-300 workers you quoted anybody can do it,without being privelaged or having connections.EDIT,out of the 50-300 workers you quoted gaurenteed there are atleast 10 lazy bums who need to be replaced with driven employees who deserve a promotion,no opportunity,make yourself desireable & replace a looser,its easy.

People with little or no ambition always blame others for their lack of success or their failures,people having dreams of making it big time is not the same as people with real ambition & the drive to make it happen...

Case in point,how much time was spent on this forum today,not the best place for a young person who is trying to break into a feild to be spending their day talking about weed,if it were me with my superhero self i'd be pounding the pavement,making connections & talking to people but i'd be finding a job,not sittin here talkin shit & wasting time.

Nobody should say they cant find work when they have time to sit & chit chat on a group forum that has no bearing on finding a job.


New Member
I haven't called you a name directly yet, but it is on the tip of my tongue. I can admit you are good at throwing barbs, subtle ones no doubt. Wayne Dyer wouldn't know what to make of your kind. You say one thing and do another, there is a word for that, I think it starts with an H.
There's no need to call names, Med. And I'm not "throwing barbs." All I'm doing, as I said before, is holding a mirror up for you to look into. I understand why you feel uncomfortable with that. If it makes you angry ... oh well.

And I'm not saying one thing and doing another. What I AM doing is projecting a positive attitude toward good work ethics, toward setting goals and maintaining a positive mental attitude.

If you were to really listen carefully to Wayne Dyer, I think you would find that he would agree with me that those things are paramount to attaining success. He would also agree that a formal education is not as important as those things either.



Well-Known Member
1. If you can't find a job in your field, then develope another talent and become the best at it. There are tons of educated folks working at dead-end jobs at record stores, Border's Books, Starbucks ... etc. Rise above that. Conversely, there are plenty of folks who lack a formal education who are very successful. You can be anything you want to be. What ever the mind can conceive, can be attained. Set long range goals, short term goals and review them often.

2. If you were dying of thirst in the desert, the prudent thing to do would be to move out of the desert. :)


Right. Easier said than done. I'm busy cramming for the GRE so I can get into grad school. I'll move out of the desert when I get accepted somewhere. As for rising above food services and the like, that's exactly what I'm trying to do. that's why the fuck I went to college.


New Member
Yes,if one man or woman can rise above the 50-300 workers you quoted anybody can do it,without being privelaged or having connections.EDIT,out of the 50-300 workers you quoted gaurenteed there are atleast 10 lazy bums who need to be replaced with driven employees who deserve a promotion,no opportunity,make yourself desireable & replace a looser,its easy.

I guess you didn't get good grades in math. My stupid ass can count and there is only one supervisors job that you hold out of that crowd. Do you get it, one. In my stupid ass brain that means that 50-300 assholes will never have the opportunmity to have that job, maybe one or two mr. superman. I get it that maybe anyone that aspired to that level could get there, but again mr. genious, there are only one out of 50-300 job positions that are available in your area of expertise, do you understand? There are only so many of those jobs and the rest of the jobs are for lessor paid employees. Not everyone can be the boss even if they are equally qualified, so using my logic and deductive reasoning, I'd have to say you've kissed a lot of ass.


New Member
Oppression. Lack of awareness of their status quo (aka class consciousness)-Marx
I must agree that there is a class consciousness. One foisted upon us by the elites. There is that thing, never marry beneath your station that holds fairly well in the society at large and especially in the elite ranks. Granted there are a very few Cinderella stories but mostly for women. very few men get to marry up in class. Under the realm, there is definently a class struggle going on. It is definently much easier to succeed if your parents were rich, this is not conjecture, this is fact. Don't get me into this pissing contest about woe is me, I'm so jealous of the rich. I'll just say this: life is much easier if you have sufficient funds to enjoy it. Most people don't.


New Member
Oppression. Lack of awareness of their status quo (aka class consciousness)-Marx
I'd say an unrealistic fear of losing their security. That's why its the "risk" takers who become successful and wealthy. In other words, give up the "security" you have now and you will find true security. And that's what I meant when I said remove yourself from the employee mentality. :)

And Med ... in order for me to buy into your "class" theory, you'll have to show me the caste system breakdown and rules/laws that stiffle individual success in this country. Show me, other than the man in the mirror, who, or what, would be holding porchmonkey back from attaining success ... other than porchmonkey.



New Member
Well said.
Thank you porchmonkey. :)

Remember, what ever the mind can concieve, can be attained. The greatness of Man's mind is infinite.

We can also be our own worst enemy.

And ... no matter how positive one's mindset, there are those who will try to destroy that mindset. Negative people/minds feed off of positive people/minds. Learn to recognize those people and safeguard yourself against them for they are the enemy.



New Member
Thank you porchmonkey. :)

Remember, what ever the mind can concieve, can be attained. The greatness of Man's mind is infinite.

We can also be our own worst enemy.

And ... no matter how positive one's mindset, there are those who will try to destroy that mindset. Negative people/minds feed off of positive people/minds. Learn to recognize those people and safeguard yourself against them for they are the enemy.

A whole lot of enemies out there redd, and maybe you haven't heard my contention, well here it is big guy: There are only so many top dog jobs, can you comprehend that, only so many. everyone cannot be the boss. That leaves 99.9% for the rest of the workers to contend with. Remove the worker mentality and you'd have a shitpot full of unemployed people. Just get over youself and all that you did. Not everyone can do it and many people are happy being workers, if they don't have a shithead boss. Being a worker is not a bad thing, they just need to get paid liveable wages. If we were all bosses, and I've been one many times, there would be no work going on.