You want suggestions.... I suggest Dutch Master nutes. I love love love em. And you've seen the results I've got with them. I didn't know what I was doing when I started so I bought 5 L bottles of the Veg A & B and Flower A & B. I think I harvested about 4 pounds before my Flower nutes ran out. I still have probably 60% of the veg nutes left, and it's been 3 years now I've been growing.
Even if you don't run Dutch Master nutes, I would absolutely suggest you use DM Zone. It's for the tank/ rez... I've never dealt with algae or root rot or any of that stuff. Plus I swear the Zone makes the surface tension in the water less... so the bubbles are smaller, and I would imagine that would lead to more Dissolved Oxygen in the water. Also it's cheap. Costs me $27 for a Liter at the hydro store... and at 1 ml/ gal... that's 1,000 gallons worth.
Lastly, I think silica is a great great additive to use. DM makes one, but it don't matter what brand you use, it's great stuff (IMO). It makes the plants stronger. Bolsters the cell walls, making the plants less susceptible to disease and pests.
So yea, I like DM... but whatever you choose, you should check out DM Zone, and any brand silica.
EDIT: I think we all know... but just in case someone don't... if you are using RO water, you need to use some brand of Cal-Mag.