Mineralz' Grow Cranny -- Ever-evolving DWC


Well-Known Member
your shit looks awesome man, how you likeing that ballast?
Ballast is nice so far. It's phuckin whisper quiet too! No humming or anything and it really makes your eyes adjust lulz. I'm not sure as to the heat or anything it produces. I havent touched it or anything, but I'll remember to do so tomorrow when I check on em and get back to ya on that ;) I noticed a huge difference in the size of the flowers indefinately after 48 hours. They just swelled up pretty heavily and she drank hardcore. When I did my rez change I only had to drain 2 gallons as she'd drank the other 2.5 gallons over the last 36 hours. My average air temp went up a few degrees at least. I had the tent pretty much sealed completely up for a few hours and temps were 85ish. Little hotter than I like, but I just crack my tent open like 20% and they average out around 77F most of the time. Overall I'm completely satisfied with it so far and it even came with a big ass 5 year warranty paper woot! I figure if I wanna save some $ i'll go out and get some cheaper 400w bulbs and just dim it down depending on the circumstances if I had to.


Well-Known Member
Supp minz damn dude phuckkin six pages since i last checkked in mayne its almost impossible to keep up with ur grows!
Lulz that's okay man. There's nobody tellin ya to ;) I try to post pics every few days at the least. For myself and others. Thanx for swingin by!
Awesome looking plants..great job...Question (im sure its been answered before) When you SCROG with a five gallon bucket (rez) how the hell do you change it out??? seems impossible to me (but pretty much dont know much) once the plant is larger and roots are long


Active Member
I have the same question but I will not be Scroging, just LSTing. Trying to figure that one out too.


Well-Known Member
How To Rez Change o.O 001.jpgHow To Rez Change o.O 002.jpg

On a better note....I have Purple Wreck and Cheese now!!!!! Fucking STOKED!!! My BL clone also perked right back up!! She was saggy as all hell and looked like death yesterday. Today I woke up and she's all nice and recovered! I used Rootech on her as well, which I've had AWFUL luck with btw. Cloning gel for me seems to make things more difficult than they should be. I'm really considering snatching a thing of Clonex instead. Opinions?

How To Rez Change o.O 003.jpgHow To Rez Change o.O 004.jpgHow To Rez Change o.O 005.jpgHow To Rez Change o.O 006.jpgHow To Rez Change o.O 007.jpgHow To Rez Change o.O 008.jpg

In response to Amax and Smartass ;) Here's how I rez change every sunday

1) Uncover my 3/4" fill hole located on the lid of the bucket
2) Place small funnel in the hole up top
3) Place small bucket under my drain valve just in case it drips a bit
4) I use a 5' section of a hose for a Shop Vac which runs to my drain for my washer
5) Drain old water from the bucket completely after unplugging my air pump
6) I always add at least 2 gallons of regular water with the drain OPEN in order to flush out salt buildup and stuff
7) After flushing with 2 gallons of water I CLOSE my valve and then proceed to fill up my bucket with the new batch of nute water. I have identical buckets so 4.5 gallons in this bucket would be the exact same amount as 4.5 gallons in another so it all works out

In short, it takes me about 20 mins from drain to fill, BUT these buckets are also pretty much set up for my vert setup as well. This horizontal scrog is basically keeping me busy until I have the means to go full vert. When I finish this run I'll be sure to make another post explaining how those buckets will work as well. Hope I got everything for you guys...if I didnt then just shout at me! Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
very nice set up minz. that looks really easy to change out.
Yea man it's really simple actually. Most people try to attack their screen to their bucket lid, which overall seems like a pain in the ass to me, but hey...to each their own right? I just let gravity do my bish work :D I don't mind standing there with my beauties for 20 mins pouring water down a funnel at all and if anyone else does then they dont need to be growing lulz ;)


Active Member
Awesome post bro. + rep on that one! I was told that the bucket needs to be cleaned with 1:10 bleach:water after every water change to remove any algae or slime. So thats what I have been doing. Is that a waste of time?


Well-Known Member
Awesome post bro. + rep on that one! I was told that the bucket needs to be cleaned with 1:10 bleach:water after every water change to remove any algae or slime. So thats what I have been doing. Is that a waste of time?
Not sure man...I think bleach and I think death to plants? :/ I do agree you need to flush your buckets out for sure...with nutes you'll have a lot of stuff settle to the bottom of your bucket regardless of how many bubbles you have. When I flush her with the 2 gallons of water from the top it washes all that shit out mostly. I can see what it looks like when it comes out the drain at the bottom of the bucket. It'll have a brownish tint to it and that's your salt buildup and whatnot. As long as you're doing SOMETHING to flush at every rez change even if it's just a small amount you should be fine. Imo when adding bleach water to your bucket you'd have to wait for it to airdry and evaporate so the chemicals left behind from the bleach don't mess with your ph/ppm levels. For awhile I was having an issue with all my nutes settling to the bottom until I added another 4" air stone to the bucket. Basically what will happen---> Your bucket will have stronger ppms at the BOTTOM of the bucket and slightly weaker ppms towards the TOP. To cancel this effect out I simply dont top off everyday. I make sure she's ph'd out YES, but I dont fill her up everyday because I want her to eat as much of that 1000 shot of nutez I add as possible. Idk it's kinda hard to explain, but I tried lulz. I've been sticking with this less is more theory I've adapted to using and it seems to be working awesomely. If you use bleach water or w/e just MAKE SURE the bucket is dry and properly rinsed out before you throw your plant back in it man really....I dont use h2o2 either as I prefer to just stick with cold water temps and it's worked wonders for me flat out. Thanx for swingin by mane!!


Well-Known Member

I'm a music lover....sue me ;)


Active Member
Not sure man...I think bleach and I think death to plants? :/ I do agree you need to flush your buckets out for sure...with nutes you'll have a lot of stuff settle to the bottom of your bucket regardless of how many bubbles you have. When I flush her with the 2 gallons of water from the top it washes all that shit out mostly. I can see what it looks like when it comes out the drain at the bottom of the bucket. It'll have a brownish tint to it and that's your salt buildup and whatnot. As long as you're doing SOMETHING to flush at every rez change even if it's just a small amount you should be fine. Imo when adding bleach water to your bucket you'd have to wait for it to airdry and evaporate so the chemicals left behind from the bleach don't mess with your ph/ppm levels. For awhile I was having an issue with all my nutes settling to the bottom until I added another 4" air stone to the bucket. Basically what will happen---> Your bucket will have stronger ppms at the BOTTOM of the bucket and slightly weaker ppms towards the TOP. To cancel this effect out I simply dont top off everyday. I make sure she's ph'd out YES, but I dont fill her up everyday because I want her to eat as much of that 1000 shot of nutez I add as possible. Idk it's kinda hard to explain, but I tried lulz. I've been sticking with this less is more theory I've adapted to using and it seems to be working awesomely. If you use bleach water or w/e just MAKE SURE the bucket is dry and properly rinsed out before you throw your plant back in it man really....I dont use h2o2 either as I prefer to just stick with cold water temps and it's worked wonders for me flat out. Thanx for swingin by mane!!

Right on. Well guess its overkill then. Good to know (know that im almost done) Geez...


Well-Known Member
Right on. Well guess its overkill then. Good to know (know that im almost done) Geez...
This is just how I do it man. I'm not discouraging you in any way to try new things. If it works well then lemme know and I may try it ;)


Well-Known Member
your shit looks awesome man, how you likeing that ballast?
To answer your ? Mj I did make sure to spent a moment with the ballast today. It's definately warm to the touch, but it's still whisper quiet. Next round I'll be sure to run the lights at night to help out with keeping it cool. A friend of mine gave me a small pc fan today as well. Was thinking of making an intake ;)


Killer set up.. Was thinking about adding a drain to my buckets similiar to the way you have yours. After seeing the way you have your fill and drains I guess Im gonna be making a trip to lowes..


Well-Known Member
Killer set up.. Was thinking about adding a drain to my buckets similiar to the way you have yours. After seeing the way you have your fill and drains I guess Im gonna be making a trip to lowes..
Sweet deal Dalamar :D I'd definately be interested in seeing your setup once you get it done! I'm in love with DWC and this setup will be even easier to manage once this girl finishes flowering and I can revamp the tent. Thanks for swinging through!