MILLER: Obama’s 100th golf round

I'm jealous of the Koch bros for the myriad successes and for getting more welfare than me. Do you have a problem with me collecting VA disability?

Yes. If you're not too disabled to sit around and post stupid shit all day you should earn your own keep. You lazy free-loader. Maybe you can find a $10/hr job posting stupid images?
Almost every president has given amnesty to a bunch of illegal aliens while in office. Dubya did it too.

Been going on for decades and idiots like you always chime in and think it is out of the ordinary or a political tactic, the only thing political about it is the timing of it.

Dude, look what Lincoln did with all those undocumented workers!
I'm jealous of the Koch bros for the myriad successes and for getting more welfare than me. Do you have a problem with me collecting VA disability?

No,But i bet you dont deserve it though.
Just because you served does not mean you need to collect !(get a fucking job)
Work ya fucking bum and get fucking over it.Hell i have 5 slipped discs and 2 herniated and i still work.