MILLER: Obama’s 100th golf round

you still havent shown that oabma's vacation hours are A excessive and B. beyond the norm of other presidents

First of all, I have said excessive by my standards, and everyone I know trying to build something good. Second, were back to the defense it OK to kill a few Jews because Hitler was worse? Trying to defend how poorly our current president is by how bad our past president was is ridiculous argument, and not worth it weight in bullshit. All I can tell you is he has held more re-election fundraisers than previous five Presidents combined. As for vacation the numbers are everywhere on all different new agency's but yes excess by most American standards.
oh wow^^
thats incredibly fake

i dont care if obama has been wasting his time golfing or not.
hes an extremely terrible president either way.
First of all, I have said excessive by my standards, and everyone I know trying to build something good. Second, were back to the defense it OK to kill a few Jews because Hitler was worse? Trying to defend how poorly our current president is by how bad our past president was is ridiculous argument, and not worth it weight in bullshit. All I can tell you is he has held more re-election fundraisers than previous five Presidents combined. As for vacation the numbers are everywhere on all different new agency's but yes excess by most American standards.

yeah i dont think this post deserves much more than a
You Unclebuck are what give liberals a bad name! The people like you that can turn vacation hours in to a race issue is one of the huge problems in society. I am torn, I really dislike you but I want you to keep spouting your shit so I can use you as an example. By all means keep it up liberals is already a bad word, lets keep on until democrat=a punch in the face.

my taxpayer dollars should not be used for black people to have sex. white people either. that you took it as a race issue clearly shows you are racist, as well as a shitty business owner.
should the president work more than all small business owners? more than some? more than most?

lets put it another way...

how many hours off per week should your president have?
168hrs= 1 week
48hrs=2 days
He should have to work for as many hours needed to do his job successfully just like any salaried employee.
:eyesmoke: Wait, is someone bitching Obama is taking too much golf time after W's work schedule? :wall:

I can't wrap my head around that but to throw water all over this fire with the fact most businessmen do business over Golf. They claim most deals are done on the course. This is just a fact so how is his golf time in any way keeping him from doing his job?
He should have to work for as many hours needed to do his job successfully just like any salaried employee.

while i have seen your next quote but im still going to ask this (for you or anyone else that wants to answer)

do you think that it is reasonable for the POTUS to have R&R so that he can do his job better?

imo no one can work 24/7 for 4 years and still be on the ball
while i have seen your next quote but im still going to ask this (for you or anyone else that wants to answer)

do you think that it is reasonable for the POTUS to have R&R so that he can do his job better?

imo no one can work 24/7 for 4 years and still be on the ball
Giving that the person has no disabilities, yes you can work 365 days a year with 7 hours a sleep each night. Can you be proficient at your job? Yes....When your conditioned its really hard not to, it's like exercise its hard at first but once its your routine you can't stop....This would be a non issue if he was burning the midnight oil and throwing policies our way that would make a difference. People don't like excuses it shows weakness and a poor character, if he was doing *anything* to really helped this discussion wouldn't be happening.
Giving that the person has no disabilities, yes you can work 365 days a year with 7 hours a sleep each night. Can you be proficient at your job? Yes....When your conditioned its really hard not to, it's like exercise its hard at first but once its your routine you can't stop....This would be a non issue if he was burning the midnight oil and throwing policies our way that would make a difference. People don't like excuses it shows weakness and a poor character, if he was doing *anything* to really helped this discussion wouldn't be happening.

the presidency isnt a normal job







rather than you just saying you think he's having too much time off how abouts you quantify it by saying how many days off he's actually had in last 4 years
That's Just golf, add this to the list
-- Spring Break 2012, Malia Obama in Mexico with 25 Secret Service agents.- added as update
-- President’s Day 2012, Michelle and the first daughters in Aspen, Colorado to ski.
-- Christmas 2011, the first family in Hawaii for an extended vacation.
-- Summer 2011, in Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., for the annual beach break.
-- June 2011, the first lady, her mother and daughters traveled to South Africa and Botswana.
-- President’s Day 2011, the first lady and first daughters travel to Vail to ski.
-- Christmas 2010, in Hawaii.
-- August 2010, the first family traveled to Panama City Beach, Fla., for some sun and fun at the beach.
-- August 2010, Obama spent the weekend alone in Chicago for his 49th birthday bash.
-- August 2010, the first lady and daughter Sasha traveled to Spain for a mother-daughter vacation.
-- August 2010, summer vacation again at Martha’s Vineyard.
-- July 2010, the first family went to Mount Desert Island, Maine.
-- May 2010, the first family had a four-day trip to Chicago.
-- March 2010, first lady and daughter spend Spring Break in New York City.
-- Christmas 2009, Hawaii again for the annual break.
-- August 2009, at Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon for a short vacation.
-- August 2009, their first summer vacation as first family at Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.

You obviously are to retarded to realize that Bush took 3X the vacation time as Obama at this point in his presidency and Reagan twice as much.
oh wow^^
thats incredibly fake

i dont care if obama has been wasting his time golfing or not.
hes an extremely terrible president either way.

You're a complete and utter fucking idiot if you think it's fake. I don't even like Obama but the "birther" movement is the biggest group of retards in the country. Thousands of other Hawaiians have the exact same birth certificate....are they not US citizens either?? Seriously are they US citizens or not? If you question this birth certificate then you are questioning every other Hawaiian ever born...
And another twatwaffle speaks....Yes, what you failed to mention is Clinton took less than Obama and Bush. Now riddle me this, which ones better of the three? I am tired of the defense Obama sucks slightly less than Bush, it old.
And another twatwaffle speaks....Yes, what you failed to mention is Clinton took less than Obama and Bush. Now riddle me this, which ones better of the three? I am tired of the defense Obama sucks slightly less than Bush, it old.
stop with the riddles and start with the proof
how many days off has obama had?

before you can moan about him doing something wrong first you actually have to show the wrong doing
while i have seen your next quote but im still going to ask this (for you or anyone else that wants to answer)

do you think that it is reasonable for the POTUS to have R&R so that he can do his job better?

imo no one can work 24/7 for 4 years and still be on the ball

To do a job sucessfully one must have adequate sleep. I do not think most people realize just how important adequate sleep is to cognitive function.
stop with the riddles and start with the proof
how many days off has obama had?

before you can moan about him doing something wrong first you actually have to show the wrong doing

28 days of vacation + 11 trips - 27 days days in Camp David his first year? I assume your employer gave you two months paid vacation your first year when the business was failing right? I know you don't want to see common since and accountability, just how bad he sucks compared to Bush right?
28 days of vacation + 11 trips - 27 days days in Camp David his first year? I assume your employer gave you two months paid vacation your first year when the business was failing right? I know you don't want to see common since and accountability, just how bad he sucks compared to Bush right?

And another twatwaffle speaks....Yes, what you failed to mention is Clinton took less than Obama and Bush. Now riddle me this, which ones better of the three? I am tired of the defense Obama sucks slightly less than Bush, it old.

Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Obama. I count 4. Another product of that fine Texas educational system I see.