MILLER: Obama’s 100th golf round

Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Obama. I count 4. Another product of that fine Texas educational system I see.
And another twatwaffle speaks....Yes, what you failed to mention is Clinton took less than Obama and Bush. Now riddle me this, which ones better of the three? I am tired of the defense Obama sucks slightly less than Bush, it old.

Why don't you learn to read before you insult someone. In the sentence I listed three names, I didn't mention Reagan, do you listen to yourself speak or just fade in and out? Also I am not from Texas, I am not sure why you jumped in here to make a baseless accusation, are you an Obama fanboi?
Why don't you learn to read before you insult someone. In the sentence I listed three names, I didn't mention Reagan, do you listen to yourself speak or just fade in and out? Also I am not from Texas, I am not sure why you jumped in here to make a baseless accusation, are you an Obama fanboi?

You were responding to my post where Reagan was mentioned, I didnt mention Clinton though, why did you? Deflecting?

You may not be from Texas but I'll put money that you're from the south.
You were responding to my post where Reagan was mentioned, I didnt mention Clinton though, why did you? Deflecting?

You may not be from Texas but I'll put money that you're from the south.
Deflecting from what exactly? I just didn't include Reagan in an already lame attempt to prove how Obama sucks a little less than the last president. You overreacted to a post you didn't fully read proving my twatwaffle theory.

Oh and yes I am from the south, I make my living on the banjo. Any other stereotypes you want to make? Please hurry my wife's arms are getting tired from cranking the power wheel for the internet and she still has to trek to the creek to fill our water bowls so we can bathe...... How the hell can someone as ignorant as you, have the nerve to insult someone for their regional location? You never answer my question are you a fanboi or something?
You're a complete and utter fucking idiot if you think it's fake. I don't even like Obama but the "birther" movement is the biggest group of retards in the country. Thousands of other Hawaiians have the exact same birth certificate....are they not US citizens either?? Seriously are they US citizens or not? If you question this birth certificate then you are questioning every other Hawaiian ever born...

look at what im responding to please..

I'm responding to a picture of a birth certificate for Obama stating he was born in Kenya, that is the fake sir.
He was obviously born in Hawaii.

god ive experienced some of the most inconsiderate ass holes on this forum more than anywhere else on the internet.
scrolled through here real quick looking for a scorecard, I was very disappointed, why is obama to embarrassed to show his score?
That's your retort? Small business owners are some of the hardest worker around. The point is when most small business owners put in more hours than a president, then well what can you say? Anyway guys, phone rang business is calling I will be back in a bit.

You gotta be Fn kidding me?! The fucking president of the US is never on vacation! Sure, he physically takes his body to places other than the West wing...But, the most powerful man in the world is never off duty. Even Superman took "vacation". Take a ECO2013 class at your local community college and you will understand how to tackle a recession. You run a deficit economy that means C + Ig+ G + Xn. If you are self employed you must study Macroeconomics in a 3-credit hour course. When we tackle inflation in a decade, we will have to raise taxes and shrink the money supply.

Articles like these are fun to read but is nothing more than political noise
stop with the riddles and start with the proof
how many days off has obama had?

before you can moan about him doing something wrong first you actually have to show the wrong doing

I wish he would do something right.
Granting 800,000 mexican illegals amnesty isn't "right".
But hey, more votes to win the election.
What a pig!
I wish he would do something right.
Granting 800,000 mexican illegals amnesty isn't "right".
But hey, more votes to win the election.
What a pig!

I wish he would do something right.
Granting 800,000 mexican illegals amnesty isn't "right".
But hey, more votes to win the election.
What a pig!

they didn't even choose to come here. them being here is no fault of their own.

and it isn't amnesty, you've got to work for your citizenship in any number of ways.

people like you disgust me. this should NOT be a partisan issue. this action is exactly what the GOP prescribed until obama got into office.
Ask the Native Americans how uncontrolled immigration worked out for them!

Its only a partisan issue because 0bama has made it one.
Ask the Native Americans how uncontrolled immigration worked out for them!

Its only a partisan issue because 0bama has made it one.

how so? by using executive order to put into action a GOP idea?

that's as bipartisan as it gets, you unoriginal texas right wing moron.

obama derangement syndrome identified.
Ask the Native Americans how uncontrolled immigration worked out for them!

Its only a partisan issue because 0bama has made it one.

Almost every president has given amnesty to a bunch of illegal aliens while in office. Dubya did it too.

Been going on for decades and idiots like you always chime in and think it is out of the ordinary or a political tactic, the only thing political about it is the timing of it.
Almost every president has given amnesty to a bunch of illegal aliens while in office. Dubya did it too.

Been going on for decades and idiots like you always chime in and think it is out of the ordinary or a political tactic, the only thing political about it is the timing of it.

the timing is not even political.

obama has been trying to pass the dream act for years. it was one of the top priorities during the 2010 lame duck session that got so much done.
the timing is not even political.

obama has been trying to pass the dream act for years. it was one of the top priorities during the 2010 lame duck session that got so much done.

I think the GOP let it happen recently just so that FAUX NOOZ could have a "look how Obama panders to beaners" talking point.
Ask the Native Americans how uncontrolled immigration worked out for them!

Its only a partisan issue because 0bama has made it one.
Ask the Native Americans on how well White Men keep promises is more like it. We have failed in upholding every single treaty that's a lot different.
How come Obama doesn't just totally bypass congress and just issue his own laws from now on? We can have a Monarchy again!!! Obama should issue a EO making presidents rulers for life.
so theres 25days/1277days
you honestly think this article about obama's golf is showing him to be unreasonable?

Oh and to answer your question, keeping my small business running I am lucky to get a few days a year away, and when I do I am on the phone a majority of that time. So yeah he has damn mess than could keep a man busy for about two decades.[/QUOTE]

And you don't even have assassin drones to deploy!
You do know your welfare check isn't going to get any bigger if Mr 57 states is re-elected right? You'll still be poor and jealous of successful people.

I'm jealous of the Koch bros for the myriad successes and for getting more welfare than me. Do you have a problem with me collecting VA disability?