MILLER: Obama’s 100th golf round


Active Member
President putters while economy sputters By Emily Miller - The Washington Times

The next time President Obama hits the links, it will be his 100th round of golf since coming to the White House. That’s quite a milestone in just 3 1/2 years. As it takes him about six hours to drive to the greens and complete 18 holes, Mr. Obama has spent the equivalent of four months’ worth of work time golfing. Meanwhile, the U.S. economy has been stuck in a sand trap.
Before Mr. Obama teed off for the first time as president, he delivered a State of the Union address that promised his new stimulus bill would “save or create 3.5 million jobs.” At that time, February 2009, unemployment was 8.3 percent and the debt was $10.8 trillion. He kicked off the golf streak on April 26, 2009, and he played a total of 27 rounds in his first year.
When he returned to the Capitol the following year, he stood in front of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with unemployment at 9.7 percent. He asked the Democratic Congress for a second stimulus and an overhaul of the health care system, and Congress obliged. Mr. Obama also said he would freeze government spending for three years, starting in 2011, but that idea got lost in the woods during the 31 golf games he played in 2010, using his personalized “44” Titleist balls, which remind haughty caddies he’s the 44th president.
By the time Mr. Obama gave his annual address to Congress in 2011, he was standing in front of new House Speaker John A. Boehner, brought in during the Republicans’ midterm wave. Unemployment was still at a high 9.1 percent. Mr. Obama announced, “This is our generation’s Sputnik moment” and demanded more money be spent. The debt hit $14 trillion.
Last year, the number of Mr. Obama’s golf outings rose to 33, and many turned out to be memorable. He was on the green on May 1, 2011, when the Navy SEALs were en route to Pakistan, cutting his game to nine holes to hear of their successful mission against Osama bin Laden. Mr. Obama’s golf partners included Mr. Boehner, former President Bill Clinton and Vice President Joseph R. Biden, who got asked to tag along with the boss four times in 2011.
By the time Mr. Obama gave this year’s State of the Union address, he had 93 golf games on his scorecard. Unemployment was 8.3 percent, having never gone below 8 percent in his presidency. He took no responsibility for the $15.2 trillion debt or the nation’s credit-rating downgrade. Instead, he called for higher taxes and the “Buffett rule” while hosting the billionaire’s secretary in his guest box for the speech.
Mr. Obama had no sense of the inappropriateness of playing 99 rounds of golf while 99 percent of the country couldn’t even afford the cost or time to go once. Now he wants a second term to finish what he started. After the 100th round, voters may want to think twice about giving him a mulligan.
Hey man, golf may not seem like an efficient way to take care of business but a. i am an avid golfer and you have no idea the amount of business that is done while hitting a couple of balls and b. do you remember sitting in school slamming your head against your desk because you were at a dead lock with trying to produce jackshit, only to get it done swiftly after fucking around for a bit. A lil' r&r never hurt anyone. Not saying who i'm voting for but some of the most successful businesses in the world have a mandatory nap time so . . . w/e
witness that sharp texas intellect. ctrl + c followed by ctrl + v. epic.

How about some useful post intellect? Copy and paste are the bread and butter of political forums, hell it's is the whole damn reason were here in the first place. Sure he could spend the time to reword it and say the same shit but whats the point?

Now getting back to the OP, that's a shit ton of golf, I know it's a hard job but why in the hell do presidents get about 20x what the public get as a reasonable vacation?
Reminds of a quote from an Author I really like..... "Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie."
How about some useful post intellect? Copy and paste are the bread and butter of political forums, hell it's is the whole damn reason were here in the first place. Sure he could spend the time to reword it and say the same shit but whats the point?

Now getting back to the OP, that's a shit ton of golf, I know it's a hard job but why in the hell do presidents get about 20x what the public get as a reasonable vacation?
Reminds of a quote from an Author I really like..... "Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie."

100 x 6hr = 600hrs /days = 25 days
"That’s quite a milestone in just 3 1/2 years."
now 3 1/2 years = 1277days

so theres 25days/1277days
you honestly think this article about obama's golf is showing him to be unreasonable?
100 x 6hr = 600hrs /days = 25 days
"That’s quite a milestone in just 3 1/2 years."
now 3 1/2 years = 1277days

so theres 25days/1277days
you honestly think this article about obama's golf is showing him to be unreasonable?

That's Just golf, add this to the list
-- Spring Break 2012, Malia Obama in Mexico with 25 Secret Service agents.- added as update
-- President’s Day 2012, Michelle and the first daughters in Aspen, Colorado to ski.
-- Christmas 2011, the first family in Hawaii for an extended vacation.
-- Summer 2011, in Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., for the annual beach break.
-- June 2011, the first lady, her mother and daughters traveled to South Africa and Botswana.
-- President’s Day 2011, the first lady and first daughters travel to Vail to ski.
-- Christmas 2010, in Hawaii.
-- August 2010, the first family traveled to Panama City Beach, Fla., for some sun and fun at the beach.
-- August 2010, Obama spent the weekend alone in Chicago for his 49th birthday bash.
-- August 2010, the first lady and daughter Sasha traveled to Spain for a mother-daughter vacation.
-- August 2010, summer vacation again at Martha’s Vineyard.
-- July 2010, the first family went to Mount Desert Island, Maine.
-- May 2010, the first family had a four-day trip to Chicago.
-- March 2010, first lady and daughter spend Spring Break in New York City.
-- Christmas 2009, Hawaii again for the annual break.
-- August 2009, at Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon for a short vacation.
-- August 2009, their first summer vacation as first family at Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.
so theres 25days/1277days
you honestly think this article about obama's golf is showing him to be unreasonable?[/QUOTE]

Oh and to answer your question, keeping my small business running I am lucky to get a few days a year away, and when I do I am on the phone a majority of that time. So yeah he has damn mess than could keep a man busy for about two decades.
did you know obama has spent a third of his presidency sleeping?

he has even been eating meals with his family and fucking his wife in the lincoln bedroom!

i don't want my taxpayer dollars to pay for black people to have sex.

so disgusting.
Oh and to answer your question, keeping my small business running I am lucky to get a few days a year away, and when I do I am on the phone a majority of that time. So yeah he has damn mess than could keep a man busy for about two decades.

you suck at your business then. my pa in law makes near half a million each year and is quite the jetsetter.
so theres 25days/1277days
you honestly think this article about obama's golf is showing him to be unreasonable?

Oh and to answer your question, keeping my small business running I am lucky to get a few days a year away, and when I do I am on the phone a majority of that time. So yeah he has damn mess than could keep a man busy for about two decades.
as stressfull as your job maybe i invite you to look at the before and after photo's of all the previous presidents and see the ageing they suffer

your small business might be stressful but it has nothing compared to run a country
you suck at your business then. my pa in law makes near half a million each year and is quite the jetsetter.
That's your retort? Small business owners are some of the hardest worker around. The point is when most small business owners put in more hours than a president, then well what can you say? Anyway guys, phone rang business is calling I will be back in a bit.
okay seriously, why don't you like texans? lol I was born there and visit every now and again. where is the hate stemmed from?
I have met a number of Texans and every single one is truly unique. I have also found that to be a source of pride among them which in itself is not bad. What I believe most folks take issue with is when people refuse to change something out of pride. I find a common theme of that if it's Texan it's good period.

Also, it seems and may be fact that most of your population consists of fundamentalist christians. Or Jesus Freaks as we call them.
Not to mention your leaders i.e. W and who's the jackass that wanted to secede? are class A morons and you execute way too many way way to many people. Especially for self proclaimed christians. Nonviolence, turn the other cheek etc are not something a christian can just ignore and not follow.
That's your retort? Small business owners are some of the hardest worker around. The point is when most small business owners put in more hours than a president, then well what can you say? Anyway guys, phone rang business is calling I will be back in a bit.

should the president work more than all small business owners? more than some? more than most?

lets put it another way...

how many hours off per week should your president have?
168hrs= 1 week
48hrs=2 days
did you know obama has spent a third of his presidency sleeping?

he has even been eating meals with his family and fucking his wife in the lincoln bedroom!

i don't want my taxpayer dollars to pay for black people to have sex.

so disgusting.

You Unclebuck are what give liberals a bad name! The people like you that can turn vacation hours in to a race issue is one of the huge problems in society. I am torn, I really dislike you but I want you to keep spouting your shit so I can use you as an example. By all means keep it up liberals is already a bad word, lets keep on until democrat=a punch in the face.
You Unclebuck are what give liberals a bad name! The people like you that can turn vacation hours in to a race issue is one of the huge problems in society. I am torn, I really dislike you but I want you to keep spouting your shit so I can use you as an example. By all means keep it up liberals is already a bad word, lets keep on until democrat=a punch in the face.

you still havent shown that oabma's vacation hours are A excessive and B. beyond the norm of other presidents