Might actually vote repub

I did answer your question, like 3 times now...Im not going to answer again...just scroll up and read

My question:
How do you resolve the dichotomy of being a person who, I believe, values personal freedom and voting for a candidate who voted to curtail the freedoms of Americans?

Your answers:
notice my question mark...making it a question, as in do you want mccain to be president...because you are contributing to his victory if you vote for anyone other then obama plain and simple. Let me make it simple for you, I could name a whole laundry list of people Id rather have then obama, but I am not going to vote for them, BECAUSE IT IS A WASTE OF A VOTE. The primaries are over, ron paul lost by enourmous margins....he is not going to win, so a vote for him is a WASTED vote.

its very simple, I am voting for him because I dont want john mccain to win... quit bringing up obama signing the patriot act, I know, you told me 3 time now.

I fail to see how that answers my question on how you resolve the dichotomy of your beliefs and voting for a candidate that doesn't hold true to those beliefs.

Instead, you perpetuate this diatribe about my vote for Ron Paul and how I'm wasting my vote. Fine...It's my vote to waste but I will not compromise, nor will I prostitute my convictions. My question has nothing to do with Ron Paul; It is about your principles and voting for a candidate who will/will not align with said principles. Your answers appear more of a "dodge" than anything.

Perhaps I'll ask it another way? Do you support the Patriot Act? Can you at least answer that or will you continue to dance?
You have no argument, you are wasting youre vote and any reasonable logical person knows it.
No, I am not; and here's why...

As an American, I have the right vote. Along with that right comes the right to vote for the candidate I see best fit for POTUS. The right to vote says nothing about voting for the lesser of two evils, nor does that right mean that I must compromise myself and vote for a candidate that is less than ideal. My right to vote means that I can for whomever my ideals are aligned with. My right to vote does not state that I must vote for a Dem or a Rep or a Lib or a Green.

It is my opinion that those of us who believe that a vote for a 3rd party candidate. or a lesser candidate, is throwing away their vote are firmly entrenched into the political machine that has been constructed by the MSM and elitists who do not have the best interests of "The People".

I'm not attacking you in any way. I'm not arguing with you about your intention to vote for Obama. That's your right to do so. I'm merely asking you that if you believe in personal freedom and you vote for a candidate that has a record in Congress of voting for legislation that curtails personal freedom, how do you, in your mind, resolve that?
Perhaps I'll ask it another way? Do you support the Patriot Act? Can you at least answer that or will you continue to dance?
No I do not support the patriot act. But I will support obama if he is our only chance against mccain, which I believe he is.
Right from Obama's Playbook "Blueprint for Change"
The Problem
The excellence of our military is unmatched. But as a result of a misguided war in Iraq, our forces are under
pressure as never before. Obama will make the investments we need so that the finest military in the world
is best-prepared to meet 21st-century threats.
Rebuild Trust
Obama will rebuild trust with those who serve by ensuring that soldiers and Marines have sufficient training
time before they are sent into battle.
Expand the Military
We have learned from Iraq that our military needs more men and women in uniform to reduce the strain
on our active force. Obama will increase the size of ground forces, adding 65,000 soldiers to the Army and
27,000 Marines.
New Capabilities
Obama will give our troops new equipment, armor, training, and skills like language training. He will also
strengthen our civilian capacity, so that our civilian agencies have the critical skills and equipment they need
to integrate their efforts with our military.
Strengthen Guard and Reserve
Obama will restore the readiness of the National Guard and Reserves. He will permit them adequate time
to train and rest between deployments, and provide the National Guard with the equipment they need for
foreign and domestic emergencies. He will also give the Guard a seat at the table by making the Chief of the
National Guard a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Expand the Military
We have learned from Iraq that our military needs more men and women in uniform to reduce the strain
on our active force. Obama will increase the size of ground forces, adding 65,000 soldiers to the Army and
27,000 Marines.
Ummm...why would we need to do that if we intend on pulling our troops out of Iraq?

New Capabilities
Obama will give our troops new equipment, armor, training, and skills like language training. He will also
strengthen our civilian capacity, so that our civilian agencies have the critical skills and equipment they need
to integrate their efforts with our military.
Oh...you mean like how the Bush Administration has used civilian contractors in Iraq? Blackwater? Halliburton?

Strengthen Guard and Reserve
Obama will restore the readiness of the National Guard and Reserves. He will permit them adequate time
to train and rest between deployments, and provide the National Guard with the equipment they need for
foreign and domestic emergencies. He will also give the Guard a seat at the table by making the Chief of the
National Guard a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Well so much for repealing HR 5122, eh? :lol:

Sounds like an expansion of the military coupled with maintaining the status quo of using civilian contractors to do the dirty work to me.

All in all, doesn't sound too much different than McCain if you ask me. Thoughts on this? Keep in mind, this is copied and pasted straight off his playbook on his website.
McCain is the best of what availiable.Anyone who bases thier choice for running our country on the sole thought of will they legalize marijuana is an idiot and shouldnt be allowed to vote.Much more important things right now then if they legalize weed. I have seen Obama work here for years and he;s not what you want as a president he has done some messed up things in Illionois and we definatly dont want another Clinton fucking us up in the white house. Mcain wasnt my first choice but I will vote for him this time and hope for a better republican in 4 years.and Ron Paul well thats a wasted vote if you right him in.He the new Ross Perot that smokes weed. I like weed but wouldnt want that guy in charge of my country lol
McCain is the best of what availiable.Anyone who bases thier choice for running our country on the sole thought of will they legalize marijuana is an idiot and shouldnt be allowed to vote.Much more important things right now then if they legalize weed. I have seen Obama work here for years and he;s not what you want as a president he has done some messed up things in Illionois and we definatly dont want another Clinton fucking us up in the white house. Mcain wasnt my first choice but I will vote for him this time and hope for a better republican in 4 years.and Ron Paul well thats a wasted vote if you right him in.He the new Ross Perot that smokes weed. I like weed but wouldnt want that guy in charge of my country lol
So when ya signing up for the military to begin your first tour of duty in Iraq?

Ron Paul doesn't smoke weed. Do your homework before you even attempt to grapple with the likes of me.
McCain is the best of what availiable.Anyone who bases thier choice for running our country on the sole thought of will they legalize marijuana is an idiot and shouldnt be allowed to vote.Much more important things right now then if they legalize weed. I have seen Obama work here for years and he;s not what you want as a president he has done some messed up things in Illionois and we definatly dont want another Clinton fucking us up in the white house. Mcain wasnt my first choice but I will vote for him this time and hope for a better republican in 4 years.and Ron Paul well thats a wasted vote if you right him in.He the new Ross Perot that smokes weed. I like weed but wouldnt want that guy in charge of my country lol
At that rate you will be hoping forever. Its on par with snipehunting.
So when ya signing up for the military to begin your first tour of duty in Iraq?

Ron Paul doesn't smoke weed. Do your homework before you even attempt to grapple with the likes of me.
Dear Dave, I like talking with your wife much better. She has a much more mellow way of arguing. Good luck with your "non-vote to appease your conscience. I'd have to say that's a bit egocentric, but who am I to judge. A stubborn man is not always right, but they think they are. Are you in this category? I was wrong once myself, that was one time I thought I was wrong ~LOL~.
Dear Dave, I like talking with your wife much better. She has a much more mellow way of arguing. Good luck with your "non-vote to appease your conscience. I'd have to say that's a bit egocentric, but who am I to judge. A stubborn man is not always right, but they think they are. Are you in this category? I was wrong once myself, that was one time I thought I was wrong ~LOL~.
Don't change the subject Med:mrgreen: I see your liberal form of changing the subject to off topic.
I'm waiting for the "Dickhead" "Asswhole" comments any moment now. Apparently his style is to spew vitriol, venom, and name calling to anyone opposed to his ideology. I am not a nice person, but I will not stoop to name calling that he exercises quite frequently.
I'm waiting for the "Dickhead" "Asswhole" comments any moment now. Apparently his style is to spew vitriol, venom, and name calling to anyone opposed to his ideology. I am not a nice person, but I will not stoop to name calling that he exercises quite frequently.
Is that a picture of you in your avatar or are you really a spineless little bald "asshole"? Hey I'll talk to you on any level you choose, nice begets nice and visa-versa. By saying your wife was more mellow, that set you off? you must be a very agravated individual. Facts is facts, eh. Give me some facts why republicans are better than liberals, oh and all Democrats aren't that liberal. As I've stated many times, I'm an independent. That means I evaluate the choices and make the one I feel to be the best at the time, regardless of party affiliation. It just so happens I like my vote to count. So you are right. it is your vote to throw away, so go ahead. I'll try and influence the election with my one little vote. If you are really the little bald guy, my apologies. If you are the angry looking asshole type in the picture, I'm not afraid.
Give me some facts why republicans are better than liberals, oh and all Democrats aren't that liberal.
Please provide me a quote where I even imply that Reps are better than libs. And you're mixing up your semantics; It should be Conservative vs. Liberal and Dem vs. Rep, not Rep vs. Lib.

I'd rather take a bullet than vote for that asshat McCain. What are your thoughts on what I posted out of Obama's playbook regarding expansion of the military and expanding civilian contractors in the military. Thoughts on his intent to broaden and strengthen the powers of the Nat'l Guard? Couple that w/ HR5122 and the power giving the POTUS authority to deploy the Nat'l Guard WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNOR and you've got a dangerous political construct.

Doesn't sound too "liberal" to me. Sounds like the machinations of a political man/body intent on Empire and Obama has bought into it.
LMAO! :lol: MM, you just haven't seen me pissed off yet, is all. :lol:

Seriously, take a look at him, then.. oh, that's right, you can't take a look at me, can you? I'll have to decide whether or not I'm gonna put my pic up here, but in any event neither one of us is bald. D'oh! However, that's rather prejudiced against bald guys. Are bald guys somehow less than "real" men because they're lacking in the pate? :?
By saying your wife was more mellow, that set you off?
Not at all. And your opinion of Seamaiden may change once you've pissed her off and she rips you to shreds with her intellectual prowess. She has teeth and I've witnessed her go "toe to toe" with the best of'em. ;)
Please provide me a quote where I even imply that Reps are better than libs. And you're mixing up your semantics; It should be Conservative vs. Liberal and Dem vs. Rep, not Rep vs. Lib.

I'd rather take a bullet than vote for that asshat McCain. What are your thoughts on what I posted out of Obama's playbook regarding expansion of the military and expanding civilian contractors in the military. Thoughts on his intent to broaden and strengthen the powers of the Nat'l Guard? Couple that w/ HR5122 and the power giving the POTUS authority to deploy the Nat'l Guard WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNOR and you've got a dangerous political construct.

Doesn't sound too "liberal" to me. Sounds like the machinations of a political body intent on Empire and Obama has bought into it.
That could be, I can't prove otherwise. I just think of the choices we are left with, Obama is the best. If he even does 10% of what he says he'll do, It would be 1000 times better than the Bush regime. If all he does is stop the war, he will have fullfilled my greatest hopes. As you can see, People with Ron Pauls sensible agenda have no place in the US government. I liked some of Pauls agenda, but disliked his privatization of all social programs. We have seen what privatization does in quite a few categories. Take the prison system: they cut food expenses, guards, any rehabilitation, they are just there for the profit, fuck everything else. That philosophy pervades the private sector. Look at health care Profit rules. we need government to "provide for the common good", not the corporations, and Paul was all about the corporations. If I am mistaken, please enlighten me.