its very simple, I am voting for him because I dont want john mccain to win...and like I said, and like you even quoted me, you are contributing to his victroy if you vote for anyone other that obama. This is why we have primaries, I can understand maybe if ron paul barely missed getting the republic nomination writing him in, but he got what...1% of the vote, and we all no he isnt going to to get any superdelegates(because they dont waste their votes). I already said obama wasnt my first choice, but this is how elections work in america, the primaries narrow it down to two, and then you vote on the two choices. So if you want to vote for paul so you can bitch and moan about whoever becomes president and claim, "well, it isn't my fault, I voted for ron paul" then go ahead and do that, but I rather contribute to mccains defeat...if you wanna throw youre vote away...go ahead, quit bringing up obama signing the patriot act, I know, you told me 3 time has nothing to do with throwing your vote away. The president is either going to be McCain or Obama(deal with it), I like Obama better of the two, so thats who I am going to vote for...does that explain it...I want my vote to count for something, and the plain and simple fact is your vote is going to achieve absolutely NOTHING, which is why it is a waste of a vote. I dont like the 2 party system or how elections work here either, but nevertheless, thats how it is.